In the forest of the Star-Moon Organization, a huge number of animals and plants live. Under the nourishment of energy, all the animals and plants have evolved powerful abilities, and various superpowers have evolved earlier than human beings.

The dispersing mechanical life encountered an unexpected attack. A tall lion exuded a golden luster, strong muscles, hidden by hair, and thick teeth on the arms exuded a cold light.

The giant lion’s eyes flickered with curiosity, staring at the mechanical life that broke into his territory. The two sides faced each other. The time-critical mechanical life took the lead to take out the laser. The laser was fired out within a few tenths of a second and hit the giant. lion.

"Zizzi". The beam cut through the long hair of the giant lion, exposing the strong muscles of the giant lion, and the golden shiny muscles. Under the cutting of the laser beam, it only started to become hot, and did not penetrate the giant lion's body smoothly.

The mechanical life not only failed to kill the giant lion, but also angered the giant lion. The angry giant lion rushed forward, leaped forcefully on its hind limbs, and pounced on the mechanical life. The giant forelimbs stretched out sharp claws and pushed the machinery. Clamped after the life fell.

"Squeaky". The claws slashed across the body of the mechanical life, making a sharp and piercing sound, and leaving a line of claw marks on the alloy body.

"Roar". The furious giant lion used the giant teeth in the mouth of the blood basin to bite the body of the mechanical life, making a "crunching" cracking sound.

"Dididi". The body of the mechanical life was penetrated by the giant teeth, the energy core was destroyed, and an alarm sounded.

"Damn, how come the animals here are so powerful". The mechanical life who was fatally hit was horrified.

"Kacha Kacha". During the bite, the body of the mechanical life was bitten into a thousand-hole-like shape, and then it was broken into two parts. The red light of the mechanical life separated from the upper and lower body was extinguished and was killed by the giant lion.

In the territory of the buffalo herd, the mechanical life passing by here does not know that the male bison has a very grumpy temper. Even if the giant lion invades their territory, they will be besieged by the male giant bull, not to mention the mechanical life.

"Hum Hum". The buffalo herd with red eyes, staring at the passing mechanical life, flicking its right hoof back and forth.

"amount". The mechanical life was unknown, so it looked at the giant cow and analyzed that these animals were eating grass and did no harm to it. It didn't care to move on. It didn't realize that it was wrong until it got close to the giant cow.

"Boom boom boom boom". The male bison in the giant herd rushed to the mechanical life violently, and the sturdy feet of the bull in the water tank caused the ground to vibrate violently when running.

The mechanical life was full of horror, turned and ran, and the laser gun was fired behind him. The bison that was shot had a bone wound on his body, and blood spewed out. It was a pity that the wound was too small. The giant cow was not dead, but was shot. Irritated.

"Hum Hum". The giant cow roared, and rushed forward.

"Boom boom boom boom."

The mechanical life that was overtaken was trampled by tens of thousands of bison and could not die anymore.

In the territory of the giant snake, the mechanical life passing by, because of the existence of heat energy in the body, was mistaken for food by the giant snake, and was instantly entangled. The giant snake's huge entanglement force shattered the body of the mechanical life.

"Kaka Kaka". Parts are scattered all over the floor.

Next to the ant pile, the mechanical life of a few fist-sized ants was accidentally trampled to death, and the ant army swarming from the ant nest was immediately wrapped up. The formic acid that flowed out during the bite dissolved the metal body of the mechanical life.

"Sisisi". Soon, the mechanical life was dissolved into a solution.

In the territory of the giant wolf, the mechanical beings passing by were so human-like that they were mistaken for humans by the giant wolves and were attacked. They took out the mechanical beings of the laser gun and fired lasers at the giant wolves that were swarming.

"Zizi". The laser shot instantly hit the heads of several giant wolves, but was blocked by the giant wolf’s hard skull.

The treacherous wolf found that the food was dangerous, and the wind energy was surging on his body. A huge number of wind blades were ejected from his mouth. The wind blades "swish" hit the mechanical life and made a "dangdang" loud noise. , The impact force made the mechanical life fly away.


The fallen mechanical life was bitten by the giant wolves that swarmed up.

"Kacha Kacha".

When the mechanical life came out of the forest, the number was reduced by more than half. The missing mechanical life all lost their lives to the forest. The head of the mechanical life, Phoebe, also went out of the forest after going through risks, and his body was already scarred.

Phoebe, who was caught off guard by the animals in the forest, said bitterly, "I hope the other people are okay."

Looking around, Phoebe, the leader of mechanical life, found that he had reached the iron fence in the outer circle of the Star-Moon Organization City. As long as he entered inside, he could carry out sabotage actions. Thinking of this, Phoebe slowly approached the iron pillar.

Suddenly, Tie Zhu sent out a driving electric shock.


The mechanical life paralyzed by the electric power fell on its back. After the earth sucked the electricity from the metal body, the mechanical life leader Phoebe was able to recover, and the fearful Phoebe began to think.

Violence can allow yourself to enter, but it will inspire alarm hope. When he is discovered, Phoebe looks around to see if there is something suitable that can allow him to enter the fence. When he scans the trees, he is inspired.


The mechanical leader Phoebe turned the alloy arm into a saw, saw a big tree down, and controlled the fallen tree. It happened to fall diagonally on top of the iron fence, forming a ladder. Phoebe walked up the trunk and relaxed. Entered the fence.

Inside the fence is a wide grassland. After a long time, there is a danger of being discovered. Phoebe lay in the grass and crawled into the Star-Moon Institution City, and came to the garden villas on the outskirts of the city, the home of the giant Gilagu.

The huge building made Mecha Life Phoebe think that it was the Xingyue Institution's factory. When it sneaked in, it met the giant Gilagu in the courtyard head-on. Both sides were confused with big eyes and small eyes.

Unprepared, Phoebe, the leader of mechanical life, attacked the giant. The laser beam fired from the laser gun instantly hit the giant's forehead. If it was an ordinary person, his head would be pierced instantly.

It is a pity that the giant Giragu has not only been baptized by the virus, but also has been transformed by energy. The laser beam of the laser gun can't penetrate the skin of the giant Giragu, and the giant Giragu just felt a warmth.

Touching his forehead, the giant Gilagu furiously said: "You attack me, I will kill you."

"Damn, how come there are giants here". Hearing the words, Phoebe, the leader of mechanical life, turned around and ran, cursing secretly.

"Don't run." After chasing the giant Gilagu, he roared that every step he ran would make the ground shake. With his feet spanning a few meters away, the giant Gilagu grabbed the fleeing Phoebe with one hand and pinched it.

Phoebe struggling violently, his face was horrified and said: "It's over."

The giant Gilagu, who was about to squeeze Phoebe, suddenly remembered that he was a little bored during this time. He rolled his eyes and grinned. He took Phoebe back to his home and bound Phoebe with a chain. .

"From now on you will be my pet." The giant Gilago announced, and then led Phoebe to start walking in a circle.

Phoebe, the leader of the mechanical life who was regarded as a pet, couldn't accept this insult, and furiously said: "Damn giant, I must kill you if I have a chance, kill you."

At the same time, the captain of the official expedition, Yass, led the team members to the forest. Yass and others wearing steel suits were not attacked by the animals, because the steel suits sealed the damage of Yass and others. Breath of life.

In the eyes of the animals, Yas and the others in steel suits are moving stones, and they have absolutely no value in attack.

When he came to the place where the enemy fell, Yas checked it and found that all the enemies inside had disappeared, and there were many footprints around. Don't analyze it, you will know that the enemy must have not died and was hidden.

Captain Yas quickly called Zhinao Xiaowen and said: "Xiaowen, there is a situation, hurry up to Unicom's number."

"Ok". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

In the laboratory of the headquarters building, Zhang Yu, who was puzzled, connected the communication and said: "What's wrong?"

"Your Majesty, the enemy is hidden in the forest before they die. Judging from the direction of their footprints, their direction is the city." Yas hurriedly reported.

"What, I got it". Zhang Yu's expression changed. After hanging up the communication, he instructed Shi Xi and others: "Hurry up and search the surveillance inside and outside the city to see if there is anything weird."

"Yes". Shi Xi and others responded, and immediately began the search.

A large number of videos were projected. Suddenly, a tree was pressed against the iron fence outside the city. Shi Xi, who found these strange places, reported it to Zhang Yu. After watching the video, Zhang Yu analyzed that the enemy had entered. city.

Because animals don’t know how to use skills to enter iron fences, only intelligent beings can use tools to dodge the electric shock system of iron fences.

Zhang Yu with a solemn face said: "The enemy has entered the city. Let the magic dragons and elves find and destroy the enemy."

"Yes". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

In the iron room in the suburbs, the dragons who were taking a nap were awakened by Zhinao Xiaowen. When they heard that an enemy had invaded in, the dragons who had already regarded this place as their home, flew out one after another and started searching.

"Huhuhu". The dragon clan flapping its wings, with red eyes, stared at the ground carefully.

In the roofs of the trees in the city, the moon elves and the natural elves came out, searching for strange places. They searched for a long time, but found nothing. At this moment, the mechanical life on the edge of the forest revealed their whereabouts.

In the laboratory, Shi Xi, who was staring at the video surveillance, suddenly shouted: "Teacher, a strange robot has appeared on the edge of the forest."

"Let me see". Zhang Yu immediately looked at the past and found that the robot in the video is obviously different from the robot of the Xingyue Organization. The other party is more agile, obviously more intelligent, and may be about the same as intelligent life. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: the full text of the city’s technological empire: city’s technology empire txt download address: city’s technological empire mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click "Favorites" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 958 Unexpected Situation), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), thank you support! (

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