Technological Empire of the City

Chapter 909: One-piece shop

In the Xingyue Institution’s headquarters laboratory, the arrival of Zhang Yue made Shi Xi and others a nanny, taking care of her, and had no time to do other things. Zhang Yu, who was given free time, just wanted to do business. , Was interrupted by Zhinao Xiaowen again.

"Brother Yu, Ma Tianxing reported that the diplomats of various agencies want us to build portals on the territories of various agencies on Earth, and they can pay any price."

"Reject all". After hearing this, Zhang Yu said after a moment of thought.

"Yes". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

"Teacher, why do you want to refuse? This is a good thing. If portals are built in the territories of various agencies on Earth, the tourism industry will flourish in the future." Shi Xi, who overheard Zhang Yu's conversation with Zhi Nao, was born and persuaded.

I also found Zhang Yu who Shi Xi was eavesdropping, and said in a bad mood: "Do you want people who come to travel to squeeze our city, and put the portal on the territory of various institutions, not for others to study? Our portal.

When we don’t have a deep understanding of space technology, we still need to maintain a certain degree of confidentiality. At least we can’t let other people use equipment to detect our portals, so it’s not suitable to build on other people’s territories now.”

"Oh, I see". Shi Xi said suddenly.


Zhang Yue staggered her little feet and ran to Zhang Yu and shouted.

Zhang Yu squatted down to save the daughter who ran over and asked, "What's wrong, baby".

"Baba, I'm hungry." Zhang Yue said with her fingers in her mouth.

"Then Dad will take you to eat, go away." Zhang Yu put his daughter on his neck, turned around and walked towards the portal on the wall, and disappeared in front of Shi Xi and others. At this time, the hands of the clock were pointing at ten thirty in the morning.

Xu Bo said speechlessly: "Since the junior sister came, the teacher has become more and more lazy, and he ran away before the time was up."

"You will be like this in the future." Shi Xi molested.

"How can it be". Xu Bo didn't believe it.

"Walk and see". Shi Xi said firmly.

"Then what shall we do now". Shu Qiaoqiao asked.

"reading". Lu Hong suggested.

"Off work". Meng Li Jiandao.

"Let's do something business. The teacher was very dissatisfied with you last time on Magic Continent vacation. Don't mess with the teacher anymore, otherwise you will have a hard time in the future." Wang Hailing persuaded.

"Right". Shi Xi and others suddenly said.

"Then what is good?" Wang Hailing asked expectantly.

"do not know". Shi Xi tangled.

"No idea". Xu Bo said in distress.

"---". Lu Hong and Meng Lijian thought hard and were silent.

Shu Qiaoqiao cautiously said: "Or, let's study a new product."

"What product". Everyone asked.

"My dream is to have a tree house. When I became an apprentice as a teacher, I said that I wanted to build a tree house that combines all functions, but it involves too much knowledge, so I need your help." Shu Qiaoqiao looked at everyone expectantly and said.

"Anyway, it's okay, just help you." Shi Xi said in solidarity.

"As your brother, how could I not help you, just say it if you need it." Xu Bo smiled.

"There is still us". Wang Hailing, Lu Hong, Meng Lijian, etc. were very interested and eager to try.

"thank you all". Shu Qiaoqiao gratefully said.

"What are you polite? Everyone is a friend. Let's talk about where to start first. I can't wait. I'm going to plant a tree house on my yard." Shi Xi couldn't wait to say.

"Yes, it will be fun then." Everyone wanted to be wrong.

"I have already planned. The first step is to choose a tree species. Choose a tree that has hollowed out most of its trunk and will not die, and the tree body must be hard, able to withstand heavy weight, and will not collapse. of". Shu Qiaoqiao said.

"Is there such a tree species?" Shi Xi asked blankly.

"Tiemu what do you think". Lu Hong suggested.

"Tiemu can't do it. It's not big enough to live with many people." Meng Lijian vetoed it.

"How about the Australian Almond Eucalyptus, it can grow to more than 100 meters high, and the trunk is straight". Wang Hailing suggested.

"Nor, the almond eucalyptus can grow up to about ten meters thick. Even if it is planted on Mars, it can only grow to about twenty meters at most with the catalysis of magic. The area that can be hollowed out is only more than ten meters. ". Shi Xi vetoed.

"What to do then". Xu Bo and others looked at each other.

"Don't worry, I have found a solution." Shu Qiaoqiao smiled.

"What is it". Everyone curiously said.

Shu Qiaoqiao, with a mysterious smile on his face, said: "It's the elven sacred tree in the magic continent. It has a hard texture and high bearing capacity. As long as there is plenty of magic, it can grow up, and the sacred tree itself can absorb magic. .

As long as a magic power converter is created, the magic power absorbed by the sacred tree can be turned into energy for use, isn't it great."

"Coincident, aren't you afraid that the elves will come to chase us and kill us". Shi Xi asked speechlessly.

"I don't want their sacred tree body. I just want to break a few branches of the sacred tree and plant it on Mars. You can use as many sacred trees as you want. Maybe the elves will be grateful to us. Shu Qiaoqiao explained.

"You can give it a try." Shi Xi and others nodded and said.

"Then let's go, go to the magic continent and talk to the elves." Shu Qiaoqiao couldn't wait to say.

"go". Everyone responded.

When Zhang Yu finished eating and returned to the laboratory with his daughter in his arms, he found that there was no one in the laboratory, thinking that he was not there. Shi Xi and the others began to be lazy again, Zhang Yu asked with a gloomy face: " Xiaowen, where did they go".

"They went to the Magic Continent." Zhi Nao Xiaowen replied.

"What? Going to play again." Hearing this, Zhang Yu said angrily.

"Don't worry, they are not going to play, they are going to borrow some branches of the sacred tree from the elves and come here to plant them." Zhi Nao Xiaowen explained.

"why". Zhang Yu said in surprise.

"In order to develop an integrated tree house." Wisdom Xiaowen said.

"One tree house, I see." Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu's cloudy face instantly cleared up.

Zhang Yu, who has never forgotten, thinks back, the One Tree House is the dream Shu Qiaoqiao once said. Since it is a dream, how can it be blocked? Zhang Yu told Xiaowen: "If they have any problems that can't be solved. , Just notify me".

"understand". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

In the Magic Continent, in the realm of the elves, Shu Qiaoqiao and others asked the elves for the branches of the sacred tree. Unexpectedly, the elves readily agreed. Shi Xi and the others could not believe it. Shi Xi asked incomprehensibly: "You are not Saying that the sacred tree is your most important, it’s so easy to give it to us.”

"Because we are friends, and Zhang Yu is kind to our elves. He also built a city to protect us. Daeen dare not forget, you can take the branches as you like." The elf queen explained.

"Thank you". Shi Xi and the others said in a waxy voice.

As teacher Zhang Yu’s apprentice, Shi Xi and others knew that Zhang Yu’s purpose of building the city was only to collect resources and rescue the elves, just to get news of the Fountain of Life. They did not expect the elves to misunderstand, but this is a good thing.

After getting the branches of the sacred tree, Shi Xi and the others returned to the Xingyue Institution laboratory. From the portal in the laboratory, they came to the farm in the north of the city and asked the robot to clear out an experimental field. The branches were cut into the fertile ground.

The plant oxytocin brought by Shi Xi fell on the branches and the soil. Everyone stared at the branches of the sacred tree, but found that the branches did not respond. There were no roots growing on the branches of the branches, so they couldn’t. Survived.

Shu Qiaoqiao was disappointed and said: "How can it not be long?"

"Don't be disappointed, there must be a way." Wang Hailing said with comfort.

"Let's wait and see, maybe it just takes some time." Xu Bo also comforted.

In the laboratory of the headquarters building, Zhang Yu, who was observing Shi Xi and others through satellite monitoring, also discovered the difficulties of the students and them. After thinking about it, Zhang Yu understood that the sacred tree needed something to germinate.

"Xiaowen, let the young saplings go to the farm to help them." Zhang Yu ordered.

"Ok". Wisdom Xiaowen responded.

In a hidden cave in the suburbs, the plant guardian-small sapling who took care of the strange vines, led by the robot, came to the farm, pretending to be careless, came to Shi Xi and the others, deliberately let them see themselves .

Seeing the young sapling, Shi Xi immediately shouted with excitement: "Little sapling, come here."

"Swipe." The young sapling stepped on its roots and came to Shi Xi and the others, making a noise.

"Sapling, can you let these values ​​germinate". Shi Xi asked, pointing to the branches of the sacred tree that was planted on the ground.

The young sapling, who sensed Shi Xi's eager emotions, waved its leaves, and the green light of life swayed onto the cutting branches, and then the branches of the sacred tree grew roots from the knots under everyone's gaze.

Upon seeing this, Shi Xi and others shouted happily.

"Roots have grown, great."

"We succeeded."

"The sapling is good."


"Swipe." The young sapling sensed the compliments of the crowd and waved the branches in excitement.

In the laboratory of the headquarters building, Zhang Yu saw the cheerful students cheering and laughed and said: "It's not bad, the first step finally succeeded, but the next transformation will be more troublesome. Come on, my students. They".

On the farm, Shi Xi and others didn’t know that Zhang Yu had helped them secretly. They thought it was their good fortune. They started the second step and dug out a sapling of the **** tree. Everyone came to Shu Qiaoqiao’s house. courtyard.

After planting the sacred tree in the empty yard, Shi Xi and others got busy, constantly watering the nutrient solution and plant oxytocin on the sapling of the sacred tree, the sapling of the sacred tree grew inch by inch.

But compared with ordinary plants, the saplings of the sacred tree grow too slowly. Shi Xi quickly discovered this and was surprised: "How come it grows so slowly? There must be something wrong."

"Yes, if ordinary trees have been watered with so much oxytocin, they should be mature now." Xu Bo said suddenly. The latest chapter address of the city’s technological empire: full text of the technology empire in the city can be read: city’s technology empire txt download address: technology empire mobile phone reading: the convenience of reading next time, you can click \"Favorites\" below to record this (Chapter 909 One Tree House) reading record, next time you open the bookshelf see! If you like "Technology Empire in the City", please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.), Thank you for your support! ! (

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