Taoist world

Chapter 994: Life is better than mine

"Go to war!"

"Go to war!"

Feeling the strong murderous aura emanating from Huang Junyan's body, the morale and fighting spirit of everyone in the sky and on the ground were ignited in an instant.

Everyone yelled these two words at the top of their lungs. It was truly earth-shattering, and it continued to echo throughout the entire Desolate Clan world, and even continued to spread outside the world.

Twenty-three Sky-Bearing Ships were launched together, carrying two million of the Desolate Clan army, and finally slowly sailed out of the Desolate Clan world.

Inside the ship, everyone stood on the deck, staring at the deserted city below that was gradually receding, and the relatives who were getting smaller and smaller. Sadness gradually appeared on everyone's face.

In the gap between the boundaries, a total of twenty-two sky-reaching ships from the Samsara Clan and the Hun Chaos Clan have also appeared. Everyone gathered together and headed towards the wild world.

Although there are more than five million people here, no one speaks, and everyone keeps their mouths tightly shut.

Because they are afraid that once they speak, tears will fall uncontrollably.

Among the three worlds, it is almost empty now. Those who stay here are also gritting their teeth and still have a smile on their face.

Although they could no longer see the Babel Ship or the figures of their relatives, they all still stood quietly in place, as if they had turned into sculptures, motionless.

They worry that their cries will be heard by their relatives, which will affect the morale of their relatives on the expedition and increase their reluctance.

Until a long time passed, I didn't know who it was, and accidentally let out a slight sob.

And then, like a pebble falling into a calm lake, the sobs began to set off endless ripples, spreading rapidly in all directions.

The cries merged into one in an instant, and were equally earth-shattering!

Above the main palace of the Desolate Clan, a figure stood quietly. He is Huang Tu, and he is also the current leader of the Desolate Clan!

Last night, Huang Junyan passed on the position of clan leader to him in front of Huang Lao and other clan elders.

Obviously, Huang Junyan was also prepared to die in this battle.

At this moment, Huang Tu was staring at the end of the sky where he could see nothing, but his face was calm.

After a long while, he slowly closed his eyes and said softly: "Father, people, we are waiting for your return!"

In the sound, two lines of tears finally slipped out from his closed eyes!

On the Tongtian ship, although everyone could no longer see the three worlds behind them or their own homes, they still stood there, looking at the darkness behind them, unwilling to look away or move their bodies.

Everyone exudes a sense of sadness, and when gathered together, it is endless, making this huge gap completely filled with sadness.

While immersed in such sadness, a string was quietly touched in Jiang Yun's mind, causing him to slowly close his eyes.

Silently, two lines of tears slowly fell from his eyes.

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These tears were not shed for himself, but for these five million lives, but for the people of these three major clans.

Jiang Yun never expected that under such sadness, he would realize another Taoist technique in "The Way of the World" - the sadness of the seven emotions!

At this moment, a strong aroma of wine came to his nose, and a rare sigh: "Oh, to be honest, I am a little reluctant to let it go!"

Lieye held his big gourd and sat next to Jiang Yun. He kept pouring wine into his mouth, as if he wanted to get himself drunk.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yun opened his eyes and said softly: "If we can win this battle, then we can go back!"

Lieye naturally understood what Jiang Yun was talking about, hesitated for a moment, and said in the same low voice: "How sure are you?"

"have no idea!"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "We have reached this point now, and it is completely meaningless to talk about how sure we are. All you and I can do is do our best."

"By the way, during the war, you don't have to worry about me, just take care of yourself!"

Jiang Yun knew that the reason why Lie Ye appeared here in the Desolate Clan was entirely because of himself, and he had bet all his treasures on himself.

With the strength of the Lieye Daotai realm, coupled with a powerful body that is not weaker than the Desolate Demon Clan, as long as you are careful during the battle, the possibility of falling is unlikely.

However, if Lieye wants to protect himself, he will inevitably be a little constrained, and may encounter accidents instead.

Lieye grinned and said: "You don't have to tell me! If others don't know, I can't know. You are a lucky boy and you won't die."

"And until now, I can't see through your true strength. You must have a way to save your life!"

Hearing Lieye's evaluation of himself, Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said nothing.

But at this moment, the eyes of both of them blurred at the same time, and another figure appeared beside them.

Looking at this person, both of them couldn't help but be a little surprised. Lieye said directly: "Old Huang, why are you here!"

It’s Old Man Huang who’s coming!

The true commander of the Desolate Clan army was looking at Jiang Yun and Lie Ye with an expressionless face at this moment.

After a moment of silence, Huang Lao suddenly showed a sneer on his face and said: "Jiang Yun, Lie Ye, your two lives are really much better than mine!"

Jiang Yun and Lieye were both stunned by these words, and Lieye frowned and said, "Old Huang, what do you mean?"

However, the sneer on Mr. Huang's face became even thicker and he said, "What the hell, Mr. Huang, you haven't recognized who I am yet, have you?"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light, and he blurted out: "Tianluo!"

"What!" Lie Ye was stunned, with a look of disbelief on his face as he said, "You are Tianluo!"

"You still have some eyesight!" Huang Lao looked at Jiang Yun and Lie Ye coldly and said, "It's really weird. You entered here and were able to maintain your consciousness and identity, but I became Huang Lao!"

Lieye ignored Mr. Huang at all, but still looked at Jiang Yun and said, "He is really Mr. Huang, how did you tell?"

Jiang Yun couldn't tell, but he knew from the demon old man that some people who entered the illusion for the first time would be selected to play a certain role.

Although the old man said that the person playing the role did not have his own consciousness, something happened to Tianluo.

In other words, maybe people who enter the illusion for the first time can wake up on their own.

But these are not important now. Jiang Yun looked deeply at Old Huang and said: "Tianluo, since you are awake, just say what you have to say!"

Jiang Yun knew very well that since Tianluo was awake and chose to come to him at this time, there must be a purpose.

"Happy!" Huang Lao smiled coldly and said: "Then I will tell the truth. My purpose is very simple. I want you to become my slave and always obey my orders."

The cold light in Jiang Yun's eyes became stronger and he said: "Your real purpose should be to hope that I can gain the recognition of the nine tribes' sacred objects, and then you, as my master, will steal this sacred object, right?"

Huang Lao nodded and said: "Smart, let me tell you the truth, my life span is running out."

"This illusion is my last chance. Only by getting a sacred object can I continue to live. So if you don't help me, then I won't help you. At worst, we will die together!"

"Don't doubt my words. I think you should also know that as the commander-in-chief of the three tribes' armies this time, what will happen if I defect before the battle, right?"

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