Taoist world

Chapter 961 A greeting

You must know that those who set foot on the five peaks of the Great Desolation before Jiang Yun, no matter how high their cultivation level is, whether they are members of the Desolate tribe or not, must walk through all the steps one by one.

No one can climb two steps at once!

But now, Jiang Yun jumped directly across seven steps in one step.

And as we all know, nine steps are a level, and the force of the shock coming from the steps will increase several times, so everyone will stay for a while before entering the next level.

But with this step, Jiang Yun not only crossed seven steps, but also passed the number of forty-nine.

This scene was so shocking that everyone stood up suddenly, stretched their necks, and stared at the steps at Jiang Yun's feet, wondering if they were dazzled.

Naturally, the face of the sacrifice also changed drastically, and the cold light in his eyes skyrocketed!

As a priest, he has a special status, so he knows better than others that there are indeed people in the history of the Desolate tribe who can cross multiple steps at a time on the holy objects, and there is more than one!

It is those three members of the Desolate tribe who have successfully completed the ninety-nine steps since the birth of the Desolate tribe!

One of them even climbed thirty steps in one step.

But except for the three of them, no one in the Desolate tribe can do this.

However, Jiang Yun, a foreigner, actually did it!

The first thought that came to the mind of the desolate tribe's priest was whether Jiang Yun could also complete the ninety-nine steps!

If that was the case, then the bet between himself and Jiang Yun just now was not as simple as just fighting for a breath.

Because at that time, Jiang Yun would not only be regarded as a guest of honor by the Huang clan, but could even easily take his place as a sacrifice.

It may sound impossible for a foreigner to serve as a sacrifice for one's own clan, but there is a motto in the Desolate clan's clan.

As long as someone can successfully walk through the ninety-nine steps of the sacred object, even if he is an enemy of the Desolate Clan, all his requirements must be met and he will stay in the Desolate Clan.

Because only people like that can truly unleash the greatest power of the Desolate Clan’s sacred objects!

Therefore, if Jiang Yun has really walked all the steps, then if he wants to die by himself, he must die!

Recalling that when Jiang Yun stepped onto the third step just now, in order to stop him, I had almost activated all my control over the holy objects, but Jiang Yun's desolate pattern was easily eliminated...

At this moment, for the first time in his life, a trace of fear appeared in the heart of the Desolate Clan priest, and the object of his fear turned out to be a foreign cultivator who had never been in his eyes.

"It's impossible. I must be overthinking it. None of the three ancestors who climbed to the top were from other races, and their cultivation levels were at least at the level of the Nine Desolations."

"No matter how strong Jiang Yun is, he will never be higher than me!"

Although the priest kept looking for reasons to comfort himself, the fear in his heart could not go away no matter what.

In addition to the sacrifice, Huang Junyan and Huang Lao also looked shocked.


Even Mr. Huang, who had never spoken, finally said: "How did he do it!"

Huang Junyan glanced at Mr. Huang, suppressed the shock on his face and said: "It's a pity that the sacred objects of our clan are inactive. Otherwise, maybe we would know."

Yes, the sacred objects of the Desolate Clan are ineffective, which is a great regret for the Desolate Clan.

If the holy objects have spirits, then the power of the holy objects will be exerted even greater, and then they will not issue a recruitment order, and will seek help from foreign cultivators when facing the Temple of Slaughter.

At this moment, Jiang Yun was standing on the thirty-seventh floor of the stairs, his face expressionless, his figure as steady as a mountain, motionless, as if there was no counter-shock force in the steps.

However, his crazy flying long hair let everyone know that there was still a counter-shock force coming from the steps!

However, this counterattack force could no longer shake Jiang Yun's figure.

"It's not that it can't be shaken, but that Jiang Yun has come into contact with the secret of this sacred object of the Desolate Clan!"

Lu Lun's voice sounded in Lu Piaomiao's mind again.

But this time, there was a hint of envy and even a hint of jealousy in his voice.

As the sacred artifact spirit of the Samsara clan, he naturally knows all the secrets of the Tree of Samsara, so only he can judge the general situation of Jiang Yun.

And if he could be like Jiang Yun when he first entered this illusion, then he would not be reduced to the point of becoming a weapon spirit, so he was really a little envious and jealous of Jiang Yun.

Although Lu Piaomiao wanted to ask what secrets were hidden in the sacred objects of the Desolate tribe, he did not speak.

Because he knew very well that Lu Lun would not tell him even if he asked, so he just remained silent and stared at Jiang Yun silently.

In fact, Jiang Yun was able to climb seven steps in one step, and even he himself couldn't explain the specific reason.

Just because, after he realized three more desolate patterns, another breath came out from the five peaks of the wilderness and enveloped his body.

This breath was completely different from the breath that made him feel something before.

It didn't contain any power, but it made him feel a kind of kindness!

This breath is like a greeting!

It was as if he had climbed the five peaks of this wilderness before, and now he set foot on this peak again, but this peak did not recognize him immediately.

It wasn't until he realized the three desolate patterns that it recognized him, so it sent a long-lost greeting to him and welcomed his return.

Driven by this feeling, Jiang Yun vaguely felt that in the distant past, he seemed to have really set foot on the five peaks of the Great Wilderness.

He even climbed several steps in one step.

Therefore, he had the confidence to make a bet with the priest, and after the bet was reached, he also tried to make his step as many steps as possible.

As it turns out, he did it!

Now, standing on the steps, that breath of greeting has disappeared, replaced by waves of counter-shock.

Although this counterattack was powerful, it was within the range that Jiang Yun could bear.

Because the counter-shock force and storm he experienced before were all due to the secret troubles of the priests, but the counter-shock force he felt now was the normal state of the five peaks of the wilderness.

It was just like the intensity of the counter-shock that Lieye felt when he reached this position before.

This kind of intense power, when Jiang Yun had already revealed his Vajra Demonic Body, was unable to shake his body at all, and was completely resolved by him.

Looking at the five peaks of the Great Desolation at his feet, Jiang Yun said thoughtfully: "After greetings are over, this Desolate Clan's sacred object has returned to its original state."

"It seems that even if we are old friends, if we want to reach the top of the mountain again, we still have to follow the rules."

"However, I seem to have understood the rules of sacred objects."

"The real purpose of the great power contained in the sacred objects of the Desolate Tribe is not to prevent others from climbing to the peak, but to help others and stimulate various powers in the body!"

"The power it emits is like a flood. When it pours into the body, if you just try to resist it and block it, it is not a long-term solution at all."

"The real approach should be to dredge and guide, to disperse the flood and integrate it into various parts of your body, constantly stimulating the body's strength."

"The more power in the body is stimulated, the more recognition it will receive from the Desolate Clan's sacred objects, and thus we can go higher on them, and even reach the top of the mountain!"

"This is the Desolate Clan's way of taking oneself as one's own body!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun raised his head and looked at the peak not far away.

"If you want to know whether my guess is correct, just try it."

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