Taoist world

Chapter 957: Growth

Seeing the bloody rune revealed between Jiang Yun's eyebrows, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

Even Huang Junyan, Huang Lao and the Huang clan priest, including Lu Piaomiao and Lu Ze, suddenly widened their eyes.

Everyone's face showed disbelief!

Although the bloody rune was just a simple horizontal stroke and incomplete, how could they not recognize it? It was——Desolate Pattern!

A unique pattern of desolateness belonging to the desolate tribe!

In this dreamlike illusion, Jiang Yun finally showed his desolate pattern for the first time.

At this moment, Huang Tu, Huang Yu and Ji Si were not only shocked, but also suddenly understood why they felt an inexplicable intimacy with Jiang Yun when they first met him.

This kindness naturally comes from Jiang Yun’s desolate pattern!

For people who don't know the Desolate Clan, they naturally think that the desolate pattern on Jiang Yun's eyebrows was planted by the Desolate Clan members.

And this also means that Jiang Yun's true identity is Huang Nu.

But in the eyes of the people of the Desolate tribe, they can clearly distinguish that they are the desolate patterns that Jiang Yun himself perceived.

Although this desolate mark is only one stroke, there is a huge difference between realizing it yourself and being planted by the desolate tribe.

With the appearance of Jiang Yun's desolate pattern, the violent storm released from the five peaks of the wilderness dissipated in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Yun's body, which was almost blown out of the Great Wilderness Five Peaks, stood firmly on the steps again.

And the counter-shock force in his body gradually calmed down.

Just like this sacred object of the Desolate Clan, the appearance of the desolate pattern between Jiang Yun's eyebrows recognized his equal identity with the Desolate Clan, so he withdrew the power of the storm and counterattack.

At this moment, more than a million people were silent. Everyone was staring at Jiang Yun's straight back again, and their minds went blank.

As for Jiang Yun himself, although he did not have the double power attack, he could take another step quickly and win the bet.

However, he still just stood quietly on the steps, motionless.

In fact, Jiang Yun had never thought about exposing his desolate pattern on such an occasion.

Because that will definitely bring you considerable trouble.

But just when he was about to be unable to withstand the attack of the double power and had to leave the Five Peaks of the Great Wilderness, an idea flashed in his mind.

He had long realized that the power contained in the storm was the power of desolation.

And his own desolate pattern came from his perception of the power of desolation, so Jiang Yun made up his mind and took a gamble to see if showing his desolate pattern could save him from danger.

Facts have proved that Jiang Yun was right in his bet.

The fact that he was still at this moment was not because he was excited, nor was he seriously injured.

It was because, when his desolate pattern emerged, he clearly felt that in addition to the five peaks of the Great Desolation no longer attacking him, there was actually another breath coming out from the inside of the mountain peak and pouring into the center of his eyebrows. The desolate pattern that enveloped him.

Although it was just a breath and no longer any power, Jiang Yun felt a bit familiar in this breath.

It was just like the despair that surged in his heart when he first saw the sword Tianhuang left by Dao Yuanzhi, and when he saw the blue sky turning into patches of endless darkness in front of him. a feeling of.

Jiang Yun knew that this aura was the aura of "Desolation".

Naturally, the power that he calls "the power of desolation" comes from this aura.

There is no doubt about the power of Huang Zhi.

If anyone can control this kind of power, who can possess such a breath, then I dare not say that I will become an invincible existence, but I will at least become the top strong person.

Although Jiang Yun was afraid of this aura because of the despair that surged in his heart, he was extremely eager to control it.

In such a contradictory mental state, his still body finally slowly moved.

Instead of continuing to step up, or turning around and leaving the five peaks of the wilderness, he sat cross-legged on the twenty-ninth step!

This scene made everyone who was already in shock, dumbfounded and dumbfounded again.

Naturally, they can also understand that the current Jiang Yun, just like Lieye just now, must have also obtained the rare opportunity among the desolate tribe's sacred objects, so they want to seize the time to understand it now.

However, Lie Ye finally began to realize it after he left the Five Peaks of the Wilderness.

No matter how anxious Jiang Yun is, he won't start to realize it now, right?

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However, they couldn't stop it and could only watch from a distance.

Just a few breaths passed after Jiang Yun sat down. In the eyes of everyone, his cross-legged body suddenly became erratic.

It's like it has become an illusion, giving people an unreal feeling.

And in this erratic state, beside his body, on the twenty-ninth step, green grass gradually grew out.

Seeing this, everyone was confused, but the expressions of Huang Junyan, Huang Lao and Jiji suddenly changed.

Because only they knew that the change that appeared on Jiang Yun at this moment was a strange phenomenon that would only appear when he realized the secrets contained in his family's sacred objects.

Not to mention the current Desolate Clan, even since the birth of the Desolate Clan, few people have been able to achieve such a vision.

But Jiang Yun, a cultivator from a foreign race, actually did it.

And this is just the beginning.

When grass grew around Jiang Yun, grass gradually began to grow on the twenty-eight steps he had walked.

"What's going on? Am I dazzled?"

"Jiang Yun has the desolate pattern. Now he is sitting on the sacred object belonging to the desolate tribe and comprehending it, and he actually made the sacred object grow green grass..."

"Is it possible that this Jiang Yun is actually a desolate slave of the desolate tribe from beginning to end?"

"This is unlikely. If the Desolate tribe really has an outstanding Desolate slave like him, then why has no one ever heard of it before?"

Everyone couldn't suppress the doubts in their hearts, and everyone couldn't help but started talking among themselves.

And amidst their discussion, the grass on the steps grew more and more, faster and faster, until it completely covered all twenty-eight steps, lush and swaying gently.

Not to mention that others were puzzled, even Huang Junyan, the leader of the Huang tribe, also frowned and said to himself: "Could it be that his Huang patterns are consistent with the secrets in our clan's sacred objects? "

Although everyone recognized that the rune between Jiang Yun's eyebrows was the desolate pattern, it was incomplete, so even if he was as powerful as Huang Junyan, there was no way to deduce the complete desolate pattern that Jiang Yun had perceived. What exactly is it.

Even if Jiang Yun is now enlightened and has a vision, it only makes Huang Junyan have such a guess, and he cannot know more.

"Also, where did his desolate pattern come from?"

When he said this, Huang Junyan's eyes turned to Huang Tu.

He suspected that Jiang Yun's wild pattern was secretly taught to him by his son.

Otherwise, why would his son treat him differently?

It's a pity that at this moment, Huang Tu's face was also staring at Jiang Yun with a look of surprise and confusion.

Apparently, he didn't know that Jiang Yun also had wild patterns before.

"It's not the desolate picture, then his desolate pattern..."

Before Huang Junyan could finish his thoughts, he heard an angry shout: "Jiang Yun, what are you doing!"

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