Taoist world

Chapter 955: The sudden change

Apart from the two of them, no third person knew about the transaction that took place between Huang Yongfeng and the priest.

The priest's face was calm from beginning to end, showing no abnormality. It seemed that he didn't say or do anything.

Huang Yongfeng only glanced at the priest, and then turned his gaze back to Jiang Yun, who was waiting for his answer.

Now that he has made the promise of offering sacrifices, he now has the confidence, his expression returned to normal, and he smiled coldly and said: "Jiang Yun, our bet was for thirty steps, and now you are still three short. Wait. After you finish everything, it won’t be too late to tell me that I lost!”

Huang Yongfeng's answer sounded to everyone like he was struggling to his death and unwilling to admit that he had lost.

Because everyone can see now that although Jiang Yun is indeed still three steps away, he has walked twenty-seven steps without even the slightest change in his body.

Even if he climbed the next step, he would have to step into a more difficult level again, but in his current condition, even if he was seriously injured, he would definitely be able to complete the last three steps.

"Haha, Master Huang is right. It is indeed Jiang who is a little impatient!"

Jiang Yun laughed loudly, turned around, and continued walking towards the twenty-eight steps.


Jiang Yun's feet landed on the twenty-eighth step, making a dull landing sound.

And as this voice sounded, it was as if a certain mechanism had been touched.

The sudden change!

Suddenly, within the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, a huge storm rushed out again, with an earth-shattering howling sound, and swept crazily towards the surrounding areas.

At the same time, a counterattack force far more powerful than before also poured directly into Jiang Yun's body from the steps.

"Boom boom boom!"

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When Huang Xun first set foot on the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, there was a storm, and no one else encountered it again.

But I didn't expect that there would be another storm now, and this time the storm was far more powerful than the last time.

Wherever the storm passed, the platform seemed to turn into water, causing ripples.

Each ripple is a huge crack, with countless pieces of gravel flying in all directions.

This sudden change took everyone by surprise, and they were all busy using their skills to resist.

As for Huang Junyan, Huang Lao and others, although they were not afraid of the storm, they still had doubts on their faces.

Obviously, even they did not expect that there would be such a change in the Great Wilderness Five Peaks.

"Hmph, someone secretly manipulated and deliberately triggered the power contained in the five peaks of the wilderness. It was clearly to prevent Jiang Yun from winning this bet."

Lu Lun's voice suddenly sounded in Lu Piaomiao's mind.

Among all the people, only he, the weapon spirit of the Samsara Clan's sacred object, reacted the fastest and knew it best.

Lu Piaomiao was suddenly shocked and asked, "Could it be the weapon spirit of the Desolate Clan's sacred object?"

With so many people watching, the only person who could secretly tamper with the sacred objects, they thought, was the Weapon Spirit.

However, Lu Lun shook his head and said: "It's not a weapon spirit. There is no weapon spirit within the five peaks of the Great Wilderness!"

Lu Ze on the side said coldly: "Then it can only be a sacrifice!"

The priests of all ethnic groups are responsible for presiding over everything that takes care of the sacred objects, so after Lu Lun said these words, Lu Ze made a judgment.

However, even though the three of them knew the facts, as foreigners, they could not help Jiang Yun at this time, so they could only wait and see how Jiang Yun would respond.

Regardless of other people's reactions, Jiang Yun was also startled by the sudden appearance of the storm.

Especially the powerful power contained in the storm made his body almost shaken out of the five peaks of the wilderness.

This caused his complexion to change, and he didn't have time to think. In a flash of thought, he reacted very quickly, and pointed like a knife, slashing towards the connection between his body and the steps.

Taoism, love and separation are painful!

With this finger, Jiang Yun cut the connection between the storm and himself. Although he didn't know if it would be useful, it was the only way he could think of now.

Fortunately, Taoism works!

As the connection was severed with one finger, Jiang Yun's violently trembling body instantly returned to calm.

And within his body, the diamond demonic patterns that had been preparing for a long time soon spread all over his body!

As Huang Junyan and others speculated, for the first nine steps, Jiang Yun relied on the power of the physical body, for the next nine steps, he relied on the fusion of the physical body and the Dao body, and for the twenty-seven steps, he used The golden thunder defused the counterattack.

Now that he has reached the number of forty-nine, Jiang Yun uses the Vajra Demonic Body!

Jiang Yun's habit has always been to throw out his trump cards one by one, so he had already thought of a countermeasure by observing the state of others climbing the five peaks of the wilderness.

What's more, Jiang Yun felt a familiar feeling during the climb!

This familiarity is not because the five peaks of the Great Wilderness are the five peaks of Dao Dao, but because the process of climbing the sacred object is roughly the same as the process of walking on the Demon-Destroying Bridge in the Luo family.

Every hundred feet on the Ni-Yao Bridge, the amount of monster energy attacks will increase sharply.

Precisely because of the experience of successfully crossing the Demon-Destroying Bridge, Jiang Yun was more confident about climbing the five peaks of the Wilderness.

In addition, his current strength is no longer what it used to be, and he can truly be regarded as one of the strong, so climbing up is much easier than others.

As soon as the Vajra Demonic Body came out, although there was still a constant storm around him, and even Jiang Yun's hair was flying wildly in the wind, his body remained upright.

It was like a sharp blade inserted deeply into the five peaks of the Great Wilderness, motionless!

However, Jiang Yun's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the steps under his feet with a thoughtful look in his eyes. Under this kind of thinking, he raised his feet again and took another step.


The twenty-ninth step!


Just as Jiang Yun stepped onto the step with one foot, the entire five peaks of the Great Wilderness made a loud noise.

Another indescribably powerful aura suddenly rushed out from inside the mountain, turning into a storm so powerful that it filled this huge space.

"Bang bang bang!"

The huge platform, which could carry tens of thousands of people, began to shatter under the influence of this storm, and huge cracks spread crazily in all directions.

So much so that everyone on the platform had to quickly rise into the air, but as soon as they rose into the air, they immediately fell to the ground again.

It wasn't that they wanted to fall, but there was a coercion like the power of heaven that forced their bodies down.

Even if the spectators in the surrounding stands were weaker in cultivation, just the sound of the vibrations of the five peaks of the wilderness caused blood to flow from their ears, and fear appeared on their faces.

Fortunately, at this time, after Huang Junyan and Huang Lao looked at each other, they let out a cold snort at the same time, and a powerful aura rose up from their bodies.

Their aura did not compete with the aura in the five peaks of the wilderness, but stabilized the entire space and protected those who were watching.

After all, these people are here to watch the military competition of the Desolate Clan, and they are guests from afar. If they all die here, the Desolate Clan will immediately become the target of public criticism.

Although they no longer have to worry about their own safety for the time being, everyone can't help but look at each other, and the fear on their faces turns into deep confusion.

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