Taoist world

Chapter 935: Resign yourself to fate

Huang Yongfeng's appearance was expected by Huang Qinglan.

Even Huang Qinglan knew full well that the real reason why people like Huang Kun and Kou Qing dared to be so unscrupulous, ignore military regulations, provoke and humiliate Yi Zheng and others, was that Huang Yongfeng was supporting them behind the scenes!

As for what happened between Huang Yongfeng and Jiang Yun, Huang Qinglan already knew about it after returning to the clan.

To be honest, from beginning to end, it was all Aranaga Feng's instigation.

Although she knew this, when she saw Huang Yongfeng, Huang Qinglan chose to remain silent.

Because among the Huang tribe, military and political power are separated.

Although the clan leader is the supreme leader, Huang Lao, who controls an army of millions, also has a high say.

In particular, there are rumors that Huang Lao and the clan leader are at odds with each other, and both want to replace the other. Therefore, Huang Qinglan knows very well that Huang Yongfeng, as the number one Huang general under Huang Lao, is deeply liked by Huang Lao. .

His appearance represents Huang Lao, and he represents the clan leader.

If I really quarrel with Huang Yongfeng regardless of this at this moment, it will most likely develop into a showdown between the clan leader and Huang Lao.

Such a result is not something I can bear.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Huang Qinglan said calmly: "It turns out that Mr. Huang Jiang has arrived. I am just telling the truth. If Mr. Huang Jiang is dissatisfied, then he might as well go and personally investigate what Jiang Yun is doing in the wild world. Why, let’s see if what I said is true!”

"Now is the time of the competition. We'd better control our own subordinates to avoid being laughed at by outsiders."

"If you have any questions, let's wait until the competition is over!"

"Haha! Okay, I will investigate Jiang Yun's matter."

Huang Yongfeng suddenly laughed loudly, but there was a trace of murderous intent in his smile. He glanced at Yi Zheng and others coldly and said: "As for you, I hope you can survive until after the competition. Let's go back and rest." , I’ll take care of this waste later!”


After Huang Kun, Kou Qing and others coldly said these words to Yi Zheng and others, they followed Huang Yongfeng who laughed loudly, turned around and left in a swaggering manner, leaving behind Although full of anger, Yi Zheng and others were helpless.

Huang Qinglan sighed again, glanced at Yi Zheng sympathetically, and said softly: "This is an extraordinary period. You all should try your best to be patient and don't give Huang Yongfeng any excuses. Otherwise, we will not even be able to hold it together when the time comes." Even Huang Yu can’t save you!”

After saying that, Huang Qinglan also turned and left.

Even though she is a disciple of the clan leader, she cannot do anything to Huang Yongfeng in this Huang army.

Being able to stand up and say a few words for Yi Zheng and others is the best she can do.

Although Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng were full of gratitude to Huang Qinglan, the entire team of tens of thousands of Huang soldiers were trembling with anger.

They have always shared life and death. When Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng were humiliated and beaten, they felt the same way, so naturally they couldn't swallow this sigh of relief.

At this moment, they also missed Jiang Yun even more.

In particular, Yi Zheng and the two knew clearly that in the wild world, other wilderness guards would have long ago ignored their lives, but Jiang Yun was willing to risk his life to save his own life.

So if Jiang Yun were here now, he would never let himself and others suffer this humiliation in vain!

Unfortunately, Jiang Yun had no idea where he was.

This small storm passed so easily without attracting too many people's attention.

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Next, with the completion of the lottery, the hundreds of teams also went to the rest area in accordance with the order of the lottery, waiting for their playing time to arrive.

The competition finally begins!

It has to be said that this kind of offensive and defensive battle involving a team of ten thousand people is still very entertaining.

Not to mention people from other races, even many members of the Desolate Tribe’s own tribe, there are very few opportunities to see them on weekdays.

After all, the training of the Desolate Clan army is completely closed.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone is paying close attention to the battle of the 20,000 horses below!

This kind of competition is somewhat similar to the game played by Jiang Yun and Mo Fancheng back then. It tests the formation of the soldiers and the adaptability and cooperation ability of the soldiers under their command.

Just as Yi Zheng told Jiang Yun back then, in such a competition, personal strength is no longer too important, what matters is the collective strength.

In the stands, voices of surprise and admiration could be heard from time to time, and even some young people from foreign races could not help but burst into cheers.

Due to the importance of this competition, although the leader of the Huang clan, Huang Junyan, did not show up, the real commander of the million-strong army, Huang Lao, as well as the sacrifices of the Huang clan, and the young clan leader, Huang Tu, all came.

Naturally, everyone in the Desolate clan was very happy to see the reaction of the foreigners.

They even knew very well that among the audience, there were people who killed the temple, and this was one of the reasons why they decided to make the process of this competition public.

Let the God of Slaughter and all those who have ambitions towards the Desolate Clan see how powerful the Desolate Clan is, so that they will not dare to provoke the Desolate Clan again.

On the platform, hundreds of desert troops were also paying close attention to the competition between other teams on the stage.

In particular, some of the wild guard captains with unique eyesight and rich experience quickly analyzed their team's formation and other countermeasures when they went on the field.

As for Yi Zheng and others, they were all listless and dejected. No one was interested in watching the competition on the stage.

They now hope that their team can quickly go on stage to compete. Once the elimination is over, they and others can leave here to avoid being humiliated.

However, they also don’t want their squad competition to come.

Because Huang Yongfeng said very clearly just now, during the competition, Huang Kun would definitely kill himself and others!

As a member of the Huang tribe, Huang Ning naturally doesn't have to worry, but all of them are just Huang slaves.

Even though it was impossible for Huang Kun to kill everyone, it was still extremely easy to kill a few people during the competition.

For example, Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng must be his targets!

Huang Kun, with his 10,000 Huang soldiers, deliberately sat close to Yi Zheng and the others, as if to prevent them from escaping. His eyes would glance here from time to time, and the murderous look on his face was no longer concealed. !

"what to do?"

Mo Fancheng quietly asked Yi Zheng through voice transmission.

After what happened in the wild world, the relationship between the two of them was irreversible, and now they were naturally advancing and retreating together.

Yi Zheng's eyes showed a hint of cruelty and said: "If it doesn't work, just tell the brothers that during the competition, we will use the formation taught by Mr. Jiang and not listen to Huang Ning's orders!"

Following the formation taught by Jiang Yun was the only way Yi Zheng could think of to save his life.

And he also believed that the power of the Nine Blood Chain Formation was several times stronger than the formations that Huang Ning asked them to practice on weekdays. It might even be able to defeat Huang Kun and others!

Mo Fancheng frowned slightly and said: "Disobeying Captain Huang's orders is a real violation of military regulations. I don't care, but it would be bad if it affects other brothers."

Yi Zheng smiled bitterly and said: "That's what I'm worried about, so unless I abstain from playing, there's no other way!"

Mo Fancheng shook his head and said: "Abstaining from the right requires Captain Huang Wei to give the order, but from the look of Huang Ning, even though he knows he is defeated, he will definitely not give up right after he comes up."

"After all, this is the only chance he has to perform now!"

Yi Zheng sighed heavily and said, "Then we can only resign ourselves to fate!"

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