Taoist world

Chapter 932 Diamond Demon Pattern


Jiang Yun suddenly turned around and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

At the same time, the colorful mist covering his body also dissipated, and a figure appeared in front of him.

Seeing this person, Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light, and his breath surged all over his body. He was about to speak, but he closed his mouth, with a look of doubt on his face.

He even took a few steps back quietly, widening the distance between him and the other party.

At this moment, the person standing in front of Jiang Yun is naturally the Taoist demon, Man Shang.

However, Jiang Yun noticed that although the other party's eyes were staring at him, there was no sparkle in them, and they were extremely empty, as if they had no consciousness.

And the old voice just now was obviously not Man Shang's voice.

Jiang Yun was no stranger to such a situation. He should have been taken away by others.

However, Jiang Yun couldn't believe that Man Shang would be taken away from him, so he remained vigilant.

Jiang Yun's reaction fell into Man Shang's eyes, and Man Shang immediately grinned and let out a satisfied laugh: "Yes, your observation is very keen!"


As he said these words, his body suddenly fell backwards, and from his body, an illusory old man with gray beard and hair suddenly emerged.

Looking at the old man, Jiang Yun's eyes showed surprise.

In any case, have you ever thought that there are really other people in Man Shang's body? In other words, Man Shang was really taken away by others.

The old man Xu Huan obviously knew what Jiang Yun was thinking, and smiled slightly and said: "I am not seizing the body, I am Man Shang!"

Before Jiang Yun could ask, the old man had already continued: "In other words, the role I play in this illusion is Man Shang!"

Fantasy, characters!

These two words made Jiang Yun's heart suddenly move, and he vaguely thought of something, but for a moment it was difficult to grasp the key points, so he still watched the old man with vigilance.

"You don't have to think about it. I also entered the Nine Lands of Nirvana after it was opened, and I have always been trapped in it. I have not left until now."

"And there are many, many people like me in this illusion!"

"Every creature you come into contact with here is probably played by someone like me."

Under the explanation of the old man's words, the vague thoughts in Jiang Yun's mind gradually became clear, and this also made a look of surprise appear on his face.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun slowly said: "Senior, what you are saying is that everyone in this illusion, such as Man Tuntian, Huang Qinglan and others, are actually the ones who entered the Nirvana Nine because of you. Place, but has never been able to leave the monastery...played by?"

Seeing that Jiang Yun understood so quickly, the old man said with joy on his face: "Yes, your understanding is also very good!"

"Except for the characters, everything you see, whether it's the world or the vegetation, is actually real."

"It's just that a little time law is added to it to restore these things to their original appearance."

After receiving the old man's personal recognition, Jiang Yun fell into a daze.

Now, he finally understands.

This place is indeed still an illusion, but the reason why everything seems so real and without the slightest flaw is because everything here is essentially real.

In other words, they are all covered with a layer of reality.

Lu Lun said that the last time the Nine Lands of Nirvana were opened, more than ten thousand people entered the Land of Fallen Realm, but in the end only Lu Lun left.

Lu Lun also suspected that the monks who stayed inside were not dead, but were still in an illusion.

Now, the old man's words proved that Lu Lun's suspicion was right!

The old man's voice also sounded: "Every time the Nine Lands of Nirvana are opened, it is actually the opening of an illusion."

"We will all incarnate into various characters and enter the fantasy. When the fantasy ends, we will fall into a state of sleep, waiting for the next time the fantasy opens to play another different role."

"The cycle continues like this, never ending, unable to survive, unable to survive!"

"Except for us, some of the many creatures who enter the Nine Lands of Nirvana each time may be selected to become a certain role."

"Of course, you are very lucky to still be able to maintain your true state."

In the old man's narration, Jiang Yun finally understood the true situation of the Nine Lands of Nirvana!

In fact, every time the Nine Lands of Annihilation is opened, the sacred objects of the nine races inside will use powerful power to create a certain illusion, allowing all creatures who enter the Nine Lands of Annihilation to complete different tasks in the illusion. , thereby obtaining corresponding rewards.

The illusion is not an illusion, because the things that make up the illusion really exist in the Nine Lands of Nirvana.

It's just that because time has passed so long, these things may have become rotten and old, so the holy objects of the nine tribes will add the power of the law of time to these things.

As for the creatures existing in the illusion, most of them are also real.

They are played by the monks who entered the Nine Lands of Nirvana, and the monks who stayed in the Nine Lands of Nirvana.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun looked at the old man and said: "This kind of acting, logically speaking, it should be impossible for the person acting to know it, right?"


The look of relief on the old man's face became even stronger as he said: "If it is the first time someone enters, it is still possible to wake up, but monks like us who have existed here in the past cannot be sober. They are completely in a state of ignorance. .”

"Of course, if you fail to successfully leave the Nine Lands of Nirvana this time, then you will become just like us and completely lose your mind from then on."

Jiang Yun stared at the old man and asked, "What's going on, senior?"

The old man in front of him was obviously someone who had entered the Nine Realms of Nirvana before, but the way he looked now, he clearly maintained his sanity and knew that he was playing the role of Barbarian Sadness!

"I am able to be sober because of my special identity and body."

"In addition, in the last illusion, the character I played accidentally entered the sacred object of our clan. Although it did not make me a sacred object spirit, it made me wake up!"

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly shrank and he said: "Then the senior is also one of the nine tribes?"

"Yes, I am a descendant of the demon clan!"


These two words made Jiang Yun immediately lift up the clothes on his arms, revealing the black lines on his skin and said: "Then these magic lines were left on my body by the seniors?"

"Yes, this pattern is called the Diamond Demonic Pattern. It is the second-ranked magic pattern among my demon body. And I was born with the Diamond Demonic Body!"

Although the Demon Clan is one of the Nine Nirvana Clan, they did not disappear into the long river of history like the Desolate Clan, but survived.

Even Jiang Yun has encountered several demon cultivators.

Naturally, Jiang Yun also knew that the power of the demons lay in their physical bodies, especially since there were ten famous demon bodies among the demons.

For example, the Heavenly Demon Body ranked third, and the Earth Demon Body ranked sixth!

But Jiang Yun never expected that he would encounter the second-ranked Vajra Demonic Body in this illusion.

Moreover, this descendant of the demon clan also drew the diamond demon pattern on his body.

"Then what is the function of this magic pattern?"

"I give you my Vajra Demonic Body!"

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