Taoist world

Chapter 917: Repeated Provocation

In this way, a group of four people, each with different thoughts, continued to move forward in this wild world.

Along the way, the four of them encountered several attacks from monsters.

Although Jiang Yun was certain that these monsters should be attracted by the desert every time, but the strange thing was that no matter how he observed him or locked him with his spiritual consciousness, he did not see any abnormal behavior on his part.

It felt to Jiang Yun that this desert was one of these monster beasts, and could even directly control these monster beasts through telepathy.

The weirdness displayed by the desert made Jiang Yun confused, so he never really killed him.

Naturally, Jiang Yun survived these several attacks by monsters without any danger.

This also made Huang Mo unpredictable about Jiang Yun's strength, so he did not dare to kill easily.

In this subtle atmosphere, after running for nearly a month, the four finally arrived at an extremely unusual valley.

And the desert also stopped and said: "We are here!"


Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng both looked around in surprise.

Because this valley is empty, except for its huge area, there is really nothing special about it.

Even the underground is empty, it doesn't look like a secret stronghold at all.

Only Jiang Yun's powerful spiritual consciousness vaguely felt that there should be another independent space hidden in this valley.

And opening up space is what the Desolate tribe is good at.

Sure enough, Desert ignored the three of them. A palm-sized stone appeared in his hand and he threw it forcefully toward the top of the valley.

The stone exploded in the air and turned into countless barren lines, falling down like raindrops.

Wherever the desolate pattern passed, a palace that occupied almost the entire valley gradually emerged in the originally empty valley.

From a distance, the entire palace seems to be built with water, constantly emitting ripples, and each ripple is a barren pattern.

Seeing this palace and the way it appeared, Jiang Yun couldn't help but nodded secretly.

This palace is indeed extremely hidden.

Moreover, it is obvious that the palace must be revealed through the desolate pattern.

Desolate's eyes were fixed on those ripples, and after a moment he nodded and said: "Fortunately, this secret stronghold has not been exposed yet!"

After saying that, Huang Mo's body swayed and he rushed directly to the palace. Naturally, Jiang Yun and the others did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed him.

At this moment, Jiang Yun couldn't help but secretly rejoice that he had done a wise thing by not killing the desert.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to know these secrets even through soul searching.

In an instant, Desolate came to the palace's closed door and stopped. After looking around, his desolate pattern appeared above his eyebrows.

This was also the first time Jiang Yun saw the desolate patterns in the desert.

Because Desolate is not like other Desolate tribe members who will show a desolate pattern between their eyebrows.

From the beginning to the end, there was nothing between his eyebrows, so that Jiang Yun couldn't help but wonder whether he was also a desert slave several times.

However, the desert lines seemed to have no fixed shape. They were constantly changing, extending out and touching the door directly.

Strangely enough, the desolate pattern was like a key. The moment it touched the door, the door opened.

Standing outside the door, Huang De didn't hesitate at all and walked in directly.

Jiang Yun originally wanted to observe it, but since there is no fear in the desert, it means that he is fully confident that this palace has not been discovered by the demon clan, so Jiang Yun simply stopped thinking about it and followed him in the same way. Entered the door.

However, the moment Jiang Yun's body just stepped into the door, his strong life fire suddenly trembled uncontrollably!

Although the trembling was extremely slight, it made Jiang Yun suddenly stop.

At this moment, his expression suddenly changed.

Because the door that had just been opened behind him suddenly closed.

In this secret palace belonging to the Desolate Clan, in an instant, a storm surged, and countless demonic energies swarmed out, covering the entire palace.

The demonic aura was so strong that Jiang Yun couldn't even see the figure who entered the desert before him.

However, this sudden change naturally made Jiang Yun immediately realize that this palace had obviously been occupied by the demon clan in the wild world and had been set up as a trap, waiting for the people of the wild clan to fall into the trap.

Although he fell into the trap by mistake, Jiang Yun didn't care about his own safety.

Relying on his own strength and many trump cards, he at least has the power to protect himself when facing monsters, even if they are Dao Xing or even Wen Dao monsters.

The only thing he is worried about now is Yi Zheng and Mo Fancheng who did not have time to enter the palace!

The two of them are not at the level of the Cave Heaven Realm. If they really encounter the demon clan, they really have no chance of winning. .

Jiang Yun only hoped that they could leave here quickly and far away, instead of trying to enter here rashly to save himself.

However, he also knew very well that these two people were loyal to him, and they would probably not escape first, but would definitely find a way to save him.

This also caused a sudden cold light in Jiang Yun's eyes. He also forgot about the inexplicable trembling of his life fire just now, and his powerful spiritual consciousness immediately spread in all directions.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the calm voice of Desolate: "Be brave, we are from the Desolate tribe. If you dare to attack us, are you really going to rebel?"

"You know, we, the Desolate Clan, will never be lenient to those who dare to rebel!"

As the sound of the desert fell, another voice immediately sounded in the palace.

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"Desolate tribe, you are the real bold ones. Don't think that just because you are the nine founding tribes, you can do whatever you want."

"Let me tell you, not only are we going to attack you, the Desolate Clan, but not a single one of your nine tribes can escape!"

This unfamiliar voice made Jiang Yun's heart move.

Because I originally thought that the monsters in this wild world were really uncivilized monsters, but that was obviously not the case.

Some of the monsters here can also speak human words, and can even cultivate human forms.

After a moment of silence, the voice of the desert sounded again: "I don't know where you got such courage. You actually want to challenge our desert tribe. Today, we will kill you as a warning to others!"

Then, Desolate's voice suddenly raised his voice: "Brother Jiang, what are you waiting for! Don't forget, you are here to destroy them on behalf of my army of the Desolate tribe!"

These words made Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly flash with a cold light, and his body rolled with evil energy!

This desert actually pushed him out at this time, obviously to make the demon clan here think that he is the one in charge of coming to the wild world this time.

Just when Jiang Yun was about to retort, the strange voice sounded again: "I don't care who you are, you, and the two people outside the palace, will all die!"

Hearing the other party mentioning Yi Zheng and the two, Jiang Yun's eyes became colder and he finally said coldly: "There is some misunderstanding about this matter. We are not here to destroy you..."

However, before Jiang Yun could finish his words, Huang Mo said again: "Brother Jiang, what are you talking about with them? With Brother Jiang's strength, it's not easy to kill them!"

Faced with De Huang's repeated provocations, Jiang Yun laughed angrily and said, "I'll kill you first!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his mouth and sucked in the evil spirits around him!

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