Taoist world

Chapter 900: A turtle with a shrunken head

After the Desolate tribe member sent Jiang Yun out of the battle hall, he gave him another formation stone and turned around to leave.

Obviously, entering and exiting the five major palaces of the Desolate Clan requires passing through the Formation Stone.

When Jiang Yun returned to the inn, he unexpectedly found that the inn was already overcrowded.

Even in the deserted city, there are many foreign cultivators.

This made him immediately realize that the Desolate Clan's recruitment order had had an effect!

Although the forces of Killing the Temple can compete with the Nine Clans and control many worlds, there are still many foreign monks who are optimistic about the Nine Clans.

Therefore, they are more willing to come and serve the Nine Clans in exchange for attractive rewards.

Of course, not all of these foreign monks came to help the Desolate Clan sincerely, and some of them were probably spies sent by the God of Slaughter Temple.

However, Jiang Yun was not in the mood to pay attention to all this for the time being, nor did he want to find those monks who came from the land of Jie Yun like himself.

Now he finally successfully entered the Desolate Clan army, approached the Desolate Clan, and completed the first step of his plan, so he had to think carefully about what he should do next!

For three days, Jiang Yun did not wander around the streets as usual. Instead, he stayed in the inn room and meditated with his eyes closed.

Just like that, in the evening of the third day, he suddenly opened his eyes. The door of the room was pushed open directly from the outside, and a member of the Desolate tribe walked in.

This man looked middle-aged, with a barren line between his eyebrows. After looking Jiang Yun up and down, he said arrogantly: "Are you Jiang Yun?"

Jiang Yun stared at the other party with an expressionless face. The other party barged into his room without even knocking on the door. And with his current attitude, it was clear that he didn't take him seriously at all.

However, Jiang Yun has seen a lot of such people, so naturally he will not argue with him, and nodded and said: "I am!"

The middle-aged man said loudly: "I am taking you to the military camp to report on your duties under the order of General Huang!"

After finishing speaking, the man ignored Jiang Yun at all and took out a formation stone. After crushing it, a ball of light about ten feet in diameter appeared around him.

"Step into the formation!"

Jiang Yun smiled faintly, stood up, and stepped into the light.

As the light disappeared, he appeared on a wide plain.

The area of ​​this plain is so huge that you can't see the end at a glance, and on the plain, there are military tents neatly arranged.

Outside the military tent, there were ten thousand desert soldiers wearing armor and standing with their heads held high!

These desert soldiers were divided into ten groups in total, with thousands of people in groups.

Everyone's body exudes a strong evil spirit, which condenses together to form a cloud of evil spirit on the plain.

It is not difficult to see that, just like Huang Yu, they have gone through life and death and experienced a lot of killing.

At this moment, everyone was looking at Jiang Yun who appeared out of thin air, but there was undisguised provocation and contempt on everyone's face and eyes.

Obviously, as Huang Yu said, even though these ten thousand Huang soldiers are all Huang slaves, they can still be regarded as members of the Huang tribe.

Therefore, one can imagine their surprise after hearing that a foreign monk would serve as their wilderness guard commander and be responsible for leading them.

In fact, they didn't take Jiang Yun seriously at all.

Although I am waiting for Jiang Yun to appear here, it is not to pay homage to Jiang Yun, but just to give Jiang Yun a show of strength!

"Captain Huang, these are the 10,000 Huang soldiers that belong to you. In addition, there are tokens that belong to you, as well as military regulations and all other applicable things. Okay, my mission has been completed. I'm leaving!"

The middle-aged man gave Jiang Yun a very brief introduction, and after handing Jiang Yun a storage magic weapon, he immediately crushed a formation stone again and left directly.

Jiang Yun stared at the Wanhuang soldiers in front of him expressionlessly. How could Jiang Yun not see the look of provocation and contempt on their faces.

The reason why Huang Yu only gives Jiang Yun these ten thousand Huang soldiers is because he is worried that he will not be able to control more Huang soldiers.

But Huang Yu didn't know at all that Jiang Yun was the sect leader of the Shanhai Realm Dao Branch.

When the catastrophe of the mountains and seas came, he took 300,000 sect disciples with him, spent eight years and went through countless battles, big and small, and finally arrived safely in the wilderness.

Those 300,000 sect disciples are the real masters of a hundred battles. Even if they are placed in any world, any time and space, they still have extremely strong combat power and cannot be underestimated.

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But now, with only 10,000 desolate soldiers, it is simply a fantasy to give Jiang Yun a show of strength!

If the 300,000 Taoist disciples were to know all this, they would only have deep sympathy for these 10,000 soldiers.

Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said loudly: "I, Jiang Yun, serve as the captain of the Huang Guard under the order of General Huang Yu Huang."

"However, Jiang is new here, and as a cultivator from a foreign race, he doesn't know anything about the military. Therefore, whatever you were before is what you are now, so don't worry about Jiang!"

"Now, let's disperse!"

As Jiang Yun finished speaking, the contempt on the faces of the ten thousand soldiers suddenly became thicker.

Because to their ears, these words clearly indicated Jiang Yun's submission.

How can such a person be qualified to control himself and others, and how can he be qualified to give orders to himself and others!

Therefore, although Jiang Yun asked them to disperse, none of the ten thousand soldiers moved. They still stood upright, motionless, looking at Jiang Yun provocatively.

However, Jiang Yun smiled slightly and ignored the thousands of soldiers. Instead, he turned around and walked towards his own military tent.

When the curtains of the military tent were lowered, loud laughter immediately came from outside.

"What a wild guard captain, it turns out he's just a turtle with his head shrinking!"

"Even though I don't know where the foreign cultivators came from, they are quite sensible and know that they can't offend us, so they don't dare to say anything."

"It seems that our good days are coming, haha!"

Jiang Yun, who heard these words clearly, did not show any anger on his face. Instead, he picked up the jade slip, his spiritual consciousness penetrated into it, and he looked at it carefully.

Jiang Yun has many ways to deal with these deserted soldiers.

The simplest thing is to directly intimidate with strong strength and one's own evil spirit.

But as he said, he had just arrived, and there were many rules in the army. In addition, he was indeed a foreigner. Even if he wanted to deal with them, he had to have a valid reason.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause public outrage.

Therefore, he needs to first have a good understanding of the military regulations and these ten thousand soldiers, and then find a suitable opportunity to let them know that he, the captain of the Huangwei, is not a vegetarian.

So, for the next three days, Jiang Yun stayed in his military tent without taking a step.

And the little worry that the ten thousand desolate soldiers had in their hearts completely disappeared.

They really pretended that Jiang Yun didn't exist, doing exactly what they had to do as before. They even deliberately talked loudly and made noises when passing Jiang Yun's military tent.

Three days later, Jiang Yun finally walked out of the military tent, looked at the 10,000 soldiers training in front of him, and coughed lightly.

Although the voice was soft, it was clearly transmitted to the ears of every desert soldier, and all of them immediately stopped what they were doing, and still looked at the titular figure with contempt and provocation. The wilderness guard chief.

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