Taoist world

Chapter 889 Opening the Nine Places

The words Lu Lun said in one breath had obviously been held in his heart for a long time. Now that he finally said them all, a rare look of relief appeared on his face.

Looking at Jiang Yun who was about to speak, Lu Lun waved his hands and said, "I have made up my mind, you don't need to say anything else."

"Sit down now. After I teach you the art of reincarnation, I will open the Nine Lands of Nirvana!"

Although Jiang Yun didn't want Lu Lun to do this, he couldn't find a reason to refute it.

Because as Lu Lun said, the only way to get rid of Tianluo's search now is to open the Nine Lands of Nirvana.

After all, if Tianluo discovers himself and Lu Lun, then with Tianluo's powerful cultivation in the Human Dao Isostructural Realm, he will definitely catch all three of them.

Don't talk about yourself then, even Lu Lun and Nan Yunruo will be used by Tianluo as tools to enter the Nine Lands of Nirvana.

In desperation, Jiang Yun could only clasp his fists towards Lu Lun and bow down deeply again: "Thank you for your kindness!"

Lu Lun deliberately kept a straight face and said, "You seem to be making me want to die for justice."

"Although I don't know what it means to guard a sacred object, I will definitely not die. At worst, it will become an existence like a weapon spirit."

"If Yun Ruo can enter the sacred objects of our clan in the future, maybe I can help her become the owner of the sacred objects. Then my father and daughter can be reunited again!"

Although Jiang Yun knew that this was Lu Lun trying to comfort him, what he said was not impossible to come true.

Therefore, Jiang Yun said no more and sat down cross-legged according to his words. Lu Lun reached out and touched his eyebrows gently, and saw countless light spots like stars pouring into Jiang Yun's eyebrows.

Lu Lun's voice also sounded in Jiang Yun's ears: "The art of reincarnation does not actually require a Tao spirit as a clone. Your Tao body can also be cultivated to create a clone, and then use the clone as a reincarnation..."

After just a moment, Lu Lun took his fingers away from Jiang Yun's eyebrows and said, "You don't have to rush to practice this technique now. While there is still some time, I will tell you about the situation in the Nine Lands of Nirvana!"

Jiang Yun nodded. Lu Lun had been to the Nine Lands of Nirvana and could be said to be the only person who knew it well.

However, although Lu Lun's face showed a look of reminiscence, there was a strong doubt in his reminiscence, so much so that his voice sounded like he was talking in his sleep.

"Strictly speaking, the Nine Lands of Nirvana are actually an illusion or a dream."

"Perhaps, it's not a dream, it's not an illusion, but we have traveled through time and space..."

Obviously, even he couldn't be sure about the experience after entering the Nine Lands of Nirvana, whether it was a dream or a real experience.

After hearing these words and looking at Lu Lun's appearance, Jiang Yun couldn't help but be slightly startled.

In his imagination, the Nine Lands of Nirvana should be another space, a vast world.

But I didn't expect that when I entered it, I would enter an illusion and have a dream.

And this is very similar to the situation in the mirage that he heard before entering the mirage.

However, Jiang Yun clearly knew that the experience in the mirage was not a dream.

Because Xia Zhongxing and his son are the best proof. If it were a dream, Xia Zhongxing and his son would not appear in the world of mountains and seas.

However, Jiang Yun was not too surprised. After all, the mirage is a sacred object belonging to the Jiang clan and is also within the Nine Lands of Nirvana, so it makes sense to have similar experiences.

Lu Lun continued: "Although it is a dream, after entering it, no matter your strength, cultivation level, or even the things in the stored magic weapon, you can still use it freely."

"And if you want to be recognized as a sacred object of the Nine Clans, you must complete a certain task in the illusion as required."

"My mission when I entered was to find the origin of my Samsara clan as a descendant of my Samsara clan."

"It's a pity that I didn't succeed in the end. I only obtained the inheritance of the art of reincarnation and relied on the protection of the power of asylum. I was lucky enough to leave the Nine Lands of Nirvana."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun frowned and said, "What about the others?"

"I don't know about the other people, but I think there is a high possibility that they are not dead, but they are still in the Nine Lands of Nirvana, or in other words, they are still in a dream, or in another time and space. , continue with their lives!”


At this moment, a crisp sound of cracking suddenly came from around Jiang Yun and Lu Lun, and a crack appeared on a stone.

Besides the formation, the strong will coming from Tianluo is also becoming more intense and obvious.

Obviously, the formation can no longer withstand Tianluo's will and is about to collapse.

"Okay, I've said everything that needs to be said."

Lu Lun withdrew his gaze from the formation, looked at Jiang Yun, and then looked at his daughter Nan Yunruo and said: "Jiang Yun, originally I didn't want Yun Ruo to enter the Nine Lands of Nirvana."

"Although there are pills in her body that cover up her bloodline, I am also worried that there will be other forces in the Nine Lands of Nirvana that can detect it."

"But now, since you and I are going in, I don't feel comfortable leaving her here alone, so I can only trouble you to take care of her!"

Jiang Yun nodded vigorously and said, "Okay, as long as I live, nothing will happen to Miss Nan!"

A relieved smile appeared on Lu Lun's face and he said, "I believe you!"

In Lu Lun's heart, there is still one sentence that has not been said: "I believe in the mysterious person inside you even more!"

Jiang Yun rolled up his sleeves and directly sent Nan Yunruo's body into the dark clouds, and said to Su Yang: "Protect her!"

Lu Lun took a deep breath and said: "Okay, now, we will open the Nine Lands of Nirvana!"

As he finished speaking, he saw Lu Lun appearing again one after another on the rocks around him.

But this time, they no longer just stood there, but took steps one after another towards Lu Lun in front of Jiang Yun.

Even Jiang Yun could clearly see that the cracks in the land where the world fell seemed to have turned into water, and a handful of stones were thrown, causing ripples.

And among every ripple, there is a Lu Lun stepping out!

Looking at it, Lu Lun's number is at least tens of thousands, and these are the reincarnation clones he has cultivated over the years!

This situation was not only seen by Jiang Yun, but also by many monks in the Land of World Fall!

But none of them understood what was going on. Only the Taoist clone who was advancing in the void once again showed a look of surprise on his face and said: "This is the reincarnation technique of the reincarnation clan!"

Immediately afterwards, Tianluo's shocking voice also sounded: "This is... Lu Lun!"

"You are indeed a descendant of the Nine Clans!"

At the same time as Tianluo's voice sounded, a huge face suddenly appeared in the void where Jiang Yun and Lu Lun were. It was Tianluo.

Although Tianluo saw Jiang Yun who he had been looking for, at this moment, he didn't pay attention to Jiang Yun at all, but stared straight at the countless Lu Lun.

Even if he is as strong as Tianluo, he still doesn’t know what Lu Lun is going to do now.

"Buzz buzz!"

As these reincarnation clones of Lu Lun continue to enter Lu Lun's body and merge with the original body, Lu Lun's aura is rising infinitely.

In an instant, he has already crossed the realm of Taoism!

At this moment, a loud "boom" sounded throughout the land of Jieyu.

A huge crack appeared in the void that stretched for at least millions of miles in the entire Land of Realm, and a deep voice came from the crack.

"Nine Places of Nirvana, open!"

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