Taoist world

Chapter 8634 Finally Remembered

The vortex suspended in the upper part of the cauldron, with countless stars in it, suddenly lit up, as if the sky was lit up.

In this dark boundary seam, it is particularly conspicuous.

This vortex, called the vortex of the source of the Tao, is the origin of the Tao in the cauldron, that is, the Tao in the cauldron!

Not far away, the monster beast, also located in the upper part of the cauldron, is clearly opposite to it. It is called Zhi, the beast of the law, which is the law in the cauldron.

The Tao, the law, although they are not living beings, but because they are all born in the cauldron, they will also disappear under the scattered lin.

Just like Dao Rang, both of them have spirituality, so they try their best to avoid the rising sea of ​​blood, hoping to save themselves.

And Dao Rang comes from the vortex of the source of the Tao.

To make an inappropriate analogy, Dao Rang can almost be regarded as the son of the vortex of the source of the Tao!

At this moment, Dao Rang needs a lot of Tao power to condense the Tao heart for Jiang Yun again.

The Tomb of All Living Beings has been swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, and there is no power of the Great Dao in the area where it is located, so Dao Rang wants to summon the power of the Great Dao from the Whirlpool of the Source of Dao.

However, Dao Rang does not have a meticulous mind and thinking ability.

It did not expect that when even the Whirlpool of the Source of Dao is unable to protect itself, it will naturally be noticed by Dao Jun if it summons the power of the Great Dao!

Fortunately, Dao Jun did not sense Dao Rang's call. He just found that the Whirlpool of the Source of Dao had a reaction, and it was clearly preparing to release the power of the Great Dao, so he became suspicious.

"Go and have a look!"

At the command of Dao Jun, Dao Yang immediately shook his body and came to the location of the Whirlpool of the Source of Dao.

Compared with Dao Rang, the Whirlpool of the Source of Dao is smarter.

Feeling Dao Rang's call, it was first happy, and then almost instinctively wanted to send out its power of the Great Dao.

But Dao Yang's arrival immediately made it realize that something was wrong.

Since Dao Rang is still alive, it means that there is still hope in the tripod.

If Daojun knew, he would definitely destroy Daorang and thus extinguish the last hope.

So, it suddenly rushed towards the Zhi beast in the distance as if it had gone crazy.

The light emitted by countless light spots surged, dispelling the darkness, releasing the power of the Great Dao, causing the space to distort, and with an unstoppable momentum, it instantly came to the side of the law.

The Zhi beast was slightly startled, obviously not expecting that the Great Dao would suddenly attack it at this time.

And after the shock, it was angry!

As the law, it was originally supreme, but not only did it fall to the edge of disappearance, but now even the Great Dao came to attack it.

I saw a ball of light suddenly lit up on the horn on its head, and the vast power of the law was also released, facing the Great Dao.

The Great Dao and the law in the tripod fought together like this.

Looking at this scene, Daojun's face showed a look of realization, and he said to himself: "It seems that the Great Dao wants to save itself by devouring the law."

Then, Daojun smiled and said: "This is good, it helps me save energy and saves me from having to take action."

"They should appear soon!"

"Daoyang, Dizun, Beichenzi, you stay near the Great Dao Law, and if you see anyone appear, catch them if you can, and kill them if you can't!"

Dizun and Beichenzi hurriedly jumped up and came to Daoyang's side.

The three of them briefly discussed it, and then divided their troops into three groups, each guarding a direction.

Daojun closed his eyes and continued to disperse the unicorns!

In the tomb of all living beings, Daorang said in confusion: "Strange, the vortex of the source of the Tao has clearly responded to me, why is there no response suddenly?"

Daorang and Jiang Yun naturally couldn't imagine that another battle of Taoism and law was going on in the cauldron.

And without the power of the Great Dao, Daorang naturally couldn't help Jiang Yun to condense his Tao heart.

"It's okay!" Jiang Yun reached out and patted Dao Rang, saying, "I'll try again. There must be other ways to help me remember those patterns."

After that, Jiang Yun stopped talking, stared at the runes above with wide eyes.

Just like that, another three days passed, and Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly felt a sharp pain, forcing him to close his eyes.

He knew that because he had been staring at the patterns for too long, his eyes were overwhelmed and had broken.

Drops of blood slowly seeped out from Jiang Yun's tightly closed eyes.

Dao Rang on the side said worriedly, "Jiang Yun, take a rest!"

"If you keep looking at it like this, your eyes will go blind."

"It's okay!" Jiang Yun closed his eyes and said, "I'll just take a rest."

In these three days, Jiang Yun still didn't gain anything and couldn't remember even one rune.

However, compared to his previous anxiety, Jiang Yun is now much calmer.

He still firmly believes that it's not that he can't remember those patterns, but that he hasn't found the right way.

In fact, this method has nothing to do with Dao Heart and cultivation!

After resting for only a quarter of an hour with his eyes closed, Jiang Yun opened his eyes again.

His eye sockets were filled with blood, and both pupils were full of cracks, and there were still traces of blood that continued to seep out.

Under the blood, the things that Jiang Yun saw were not only covered with a layer of blood, but also had traces of cracks.

However, when he looked at the lines on the light screen with such eyes, he suddenly found that the lines he saw now were very different from before.

The lines he saw before were either horizontal and vertical, or curved.

The lines he saw now not only changed in shape, but also became extremely clear, as if they were magnified countless times.

It can be clearly seen that a line contains at least thousands of strokes.

Although the lines became complicated, when Jiang Yun remembered a line and looked away, this line in his mind could still exist!

In other words, he could remember these lines now!

As for the reason, Jiang Yun also roughly understood it.

It was obviously related to the blood in his eyes!

Jiang Yun said to himself: "These lines must be closely related to the Dragon Pattern Red Cauldron."

"The appearance they initially presented was all false."

"Only by filling your eyes with blood can you see through them and see their true colors!"

Jiang Yun's speculation was actually only half right.

The formation of the cauldron pattern comes from the nutrients that nourish the cauldron, that is, the lives of all the creatures in the cauldron, including their blood, flesh, soul, etc.

As long as certain conditions are met, almost all creatures in the cauldron can be seen.

And Jiang Yun is not only a creature in the cauldron, but also was born from a drop of blood smeared on the body of the cauldron.

Therefore, when his blood dyed his eyes red, it was equivalent to confirming his identity, so that these cauldron patterns could be seen.

However, whether or not to know this, for Jiang Yun, it is no longer meaningful.

What he has to do now is to quickly remember these patterns as much as possible.

At the same time, Dao Yang and the other three who were guarding the place where the Daoyuan Whirlpool and the Law Beast fought, saw three figures almost at the same time!

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