Taoist world

Chapter 8576 Heavenly Sword Master

Under the urging of Xue Ling, Gu Bulao finally said in a deep voice: "No, it's not time for the last fight yet!"

"Everyone, stay calm and follow the original plan."

"It's just that the plan needs to be adjusted slightly."

"Notify Long Xiangzi and the others to guard the exit of Hengmen Forbidden Area at all costs, even if it means death."

"No matter what, no cultivator outside the cauldron can be allowed to set foot inside the cauldron."

"All living beings' souls are combined, give up temporarily, and let the living beings inside the cauldron go to meet the enemy on their own and fight on their own."

"The living beings who have experienced the tempering of blood and bones and persisted have improved their strength a lot."

"It's a good opportunity to take a look at the results they have achieved."

"Xue Ling, go help Lao Si!"

"He is too seriously injured this time, and he should not be Dao Dui's opponent."

Although Xue Ling was impatient, he obviously trusted Gu Bulao very much.

Especially since Gu Bulao finally let him go to help Jiang Yun, he didn't say anything more and immediately went to Daoxing Domain.

However, at this moment, a white light suddenly flashed above the cauldron!

Although the white light appeared very quickly, every living being in the cauldron could see it clearly.

Even many living beings couldn't help but cover their eyes with their hands, unable to bear the glare brought by the white light!

In other words, the white light illuminated the entire cauldron.

You know, the area inside the cauldron is so large that the 108 large domains are almost all black boundaries.

However, now there is a ball of white light, which can cover the entire cauldron with just a flash.

It can be imagined how bright this white light is!

The flash of this white light made all living beings temporarily stop their actions no matter what they were doing, and they all raised their heads, or used their spiritual sense, or their eyes, to look up, not understanding what was going on.

Only the wind of origin narrowed his eyes slightly and looked directly

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Looking upward, curiosity gradually emerged in his eyes, and he said to himself: "Is the Taoist ready to destroy the creatures in the cauldron today!"

At the same time, Gu Bulao, who was also looking upward, suddenly heard a voice in his ear: "All dead!"

"Long Xiangzi and those cultivators outside the cauldron should all be killed instantly by the flashing white light!"

Gu Bulao did not respond, but stood there motionless.

Long Xiangzi and hundreds of cultivators outside the cauldron were used by him to block the mouth of the Longwen Red Cauldron and prevent any more cultivators outside the cauldron from entering the cauldron.

These hundreds of cultivators are almost all transcendental masters. The various marks that originally restricted their cultivation in their bodies have been erased, allowing them to exert their true strength.

Among them, there are even three who have just glimpsed transcendence!

But now, they were instantly killed by a ball of white light.

No matter whether the white light comes from a magic weapon or a magical skill, the strength of the person who casts the white light should be at least the same as the Taoist master and the master of the law.

Dao Lord and Dharma Lord, although both are transcendent, their real strength, especially the power of the great Dao Law they each master, is definitely better than that of ordinary transcendent.

Suddenly, an old voice came from above: "This is not difficult. How come it has been so long, and you haven't even really stepped into the cauldron?"

As he spoke, an old man appeared in the eyes of the creatures in the cauldron.

This appearance was not seen by all the creatures at the same time, but it was more like this old man forced into the eyes of all the creatures, making them have to see it, and they couldn't help but see it!

While seeing it, all the creatures felt a sharp pain in their eyes.

What's more, they screamed, and blood gushed out of their eyes. It turned out that their eyes were blind!

"The Taoist Master of Heavenly Sword!"

Seeing the old man, the Wind of Origin smiled and said, "The Taoist Master has invested some money to invite this person."

"Heavenly Sword!"

Gu Bulao also said softly, "Xue Ling, you can't help Lao Si."

"You and Gu Chou Gu Hen, the three of you go to deal with this person!"

Xue Ling naturally saw the old man. Although he was a little unwilling, he still wanted to help Jiang Yun, but he also knew that the strength of the Taoist Master of Heavenly Sword was above Dao Dui.

Even if he and Gu Chou Gu Hen joined forces and could not use the last trump card, they might not be his opponent!

"Okay!" Xue Ling agreed and said, "But what about my brother!"

Gu Bulao said lightly, "Don't worry, he won't die!"

With Gu Bulao's promise, Xue Ling flashed and appeared directly in front of the Taoist Master of Heavenly Sword. Without even a word of extra words, he stretched out his hand towards the other party and gently hooked it!


A blush suddenly rose on the face of the Heavenly Sword Master, and even the exposed skin instantly turned blood red.

That was because the blood in his body surged uncontrollably.

However, in just a moment, the Heavenly Sword Master's complexion and skin color returned to normal.

He also looked at the Blood Spirit, and smiled coldly: "It's interesting that there is a strong man like you in the cauldron!"

As soon as the voice fell, a white light suddenly flashed in front of the Blood Spirit.

The speed of this white light was so fast that the Blood Spirit didn't even have time to react, and his head suddenly saw his body.

However, there was no head on the body!

The Heaven Sword Master's sword cut off the head of the Blood Spirit!


Only then did a muffled sound come, and the headless body of the Blood Spirit fell straight down. \u003cb

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At the moment when his body fell, his head and body turned into two pools of blood.

And the two pools of blood were quickly approaching each other.

"Xiantian Blood Spirit!" Seeing this scene, the Heaven Sword Master's face showed a look of realization.

"Even if it is a Blood Spirit, I can kill you!"

Just when the Heaven Sword Master was about to strike again, two fists suddenly appeared beside him, one on the left and one on the right, and smashed towards him.

Gu Qiu Gu Hen also arrived!

With Gu Qiu Gu Hen's restraint, the two pools of blood merged together and turned into the Blood Spirit again.

The Blood Spirit followed closely and rushed towards the Heaven Sword Master.

Being attacked by three people, the Heavenly Sword Master was not panicked at all, and turned his head to the back and said: "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and enter the cauldron!"

As his voice fell, a group of cultivators rushed in from behind him.

Naturally, they were the cultivators outside the cauldron who were blocked by Long Xiangzi and others before.

Although their number was not large, there were about a thousand people, and most of them were almost all transcendent strongmen.

Gu Bulao's consciousness looked at all this, but he did not speak and issue any orders, but looked at the Daoxing Great Domain!

Daoxing Great Domain, at this moment, has become a body of water.

Dao Dui once again used the Four Seas Raising Dust, summoning four seas, completely covering the remaining half of the Daoxing Great Domain.

Even Ji Kongfan and others who were in it had to give up their respective opponents and fight against the water power with all their strength.

Gu Bulao murmured: "Old Four, can you still bring me some surprises and hope?"


At this moment, a ball of blood-colored flames suddenly rose somewhere in the Daoxing Great Domain!

The moment the flame appeared, it quickly ignited the entire domain with the force of a prairie fire!

The Daoxing domain was transformed into a blazing sea of ​​fire!

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