Taoist world

Chapter 8566: Send to Daoxing

The avenue that Jiang Yun chose to stick to was the Guardian avenue, and all other avenues of cultivation were for the purpose of guarding the avenue and strengthening the Guardian avenue.

After Jiang Yun turned Daoxing Domain into the original Dao body of his Guardian avenue, he had been thinking about how to incorporate his other avenues into the Guardian avenue.

Especially the Soul Origin Dao body.

Because the Soul Origin Dao body is Jiang Yun's Guardian Dao Realm, it can continuously devour any other regional space and continue to grow.

If the Guardian Dao Realm and Daoxing Domain can be merged, the most direct consequence will be that Daoxing Domain will also have the ability to devour other spatial regions.

This kind of devouring will not only expand the area of ​​Daoxing Domain, but also continuously strengthen Jiang Yun's Guardian Origin Dao body!

In this way, Jiang Yun's Guardian avenue will naturally become more and more powerful!

In the past, Jiang Yun's Soul Origin Dao body was busy devouring the Nine Clan Chains, and never had the opportunity to merge with Daoxing Domain.

Now Jiang Yun's soul origin Dao body has not only returned, but also absorbed a drop of Dao Jun's soul blood, so Jiang Yun can finally turn his idea into reality and merge the two.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and stood there, immersed in the process of this fusion.

And this fusion gave Jiang Yun a strange feeling.

Because the surge in the area of ​​the guardian Dao Realm is actually the expansion of Jiang Yun's soul.

Compared with the entire Daoxing Domain, Jiang Yun's soul is inconspicuous and extremely small.

But the moment he exploded, it was like the explosion of heaven and earth. In an instant, he had crossed an endless distance.

All kinds of scenes in Daoxing Domain also squeezed into Jiang Yun's consciousness in an instant, making him overwhelmed and unable to see clearly.

The terrifying surge speed of his soul origin Dao body is not only due to the strength of Jiang Yun's soul, but also because of his fusion with Daoxing Domain.

In Jiang Yun's consciousness, the scene of Daoxing Domain

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It was still flying.

He didn't look at it, but he thought: "This is actually the ultimate use of the power of space."

"If it can be transformed into a spell, the power must be extremely strong!"

So, the Guardian Dao Realm and Daoxing Realm merged, and Jiang Yun was thinking about his idea.

At the same time, Ji Kongfan and Dao Dui, who were also fighting in Daoxing Realm, both changed their faces at the same time and retreated to the back.

Naturally, both of them sensed the fusion of Jiang Yun's Guardian Dao Realm and Daoxing Realm.

However, they didn't know what this fusion was. They could only feel that it seemed like a divine consciousness and a space swept over their bodies.

Compared with Dao Dui, Ji Kongfan immediately judged that the things that swept over him had the breath of Jiang Yun, so he was not panicked.

The voice of the Origin Wind rang in his ears: "You are not his opponent, Jiang Yun has returned, let Jiang Yun deal with him!"

The Origin Wind has always been paying attention to the fight between Dao Dui and Ji Kongfan, so he also saw Jiang Yun's return.

With his eyesight, even if he didn't know what Jiang Yun was doing, he could at least see that Jiang Yun's strength had obviously improved compared to before.

Therefore, he would let Ji Kongfan give up fighting with Dao Dui.

After all, his help to Ji Kongfan was completely a personal behavior, and there was no benefit at all.

Ji Kongfan stared at Dao Dui and responded to the Origin Wind: "Jiang Yun alone can't be his opponent at all."

The Origin Wind said unhappily: "He is not, and you are even less!"

"Just wait and see, Jiang Yun will definitely come to pick you up in a while."

"Once he comes, I won't help you anymore, you can decide for yourself!"

What the Origin Wind said was right.

Jiang Yun had seen the fight between Ji Kongfan and Dao Dui a long time ago, and realized that Ji Kongfan had someone secretly helping him, so he was not in a hurry to rescue Ji Kongfan.

But as other cultivators outside the cauldron were sent to Daoxing Realm, Jiang Yun certainly could not let Ji Kongfan face Dao Dui again.

Outside the black cloud, the voice of Gu Bulao rang in the ears of Tianzun Renzun: "Jiang Yun has left the black cloud, your mission is completed, and you can leave."

Hearing Gu Bulao's words, Renzun did not react at all. Tianzun frowned and said: "What about Dizun?"

Gu Bulao said lightly: "Let him enter the black cloud!"

After learning about the situation in the black cloud from Jiang Yun, Gu Bulao did not care too much.

Because it was a contest between Daojun and Longwen Chiding.

Gu Bulao hoped that the two of them could fight to the point of mutual destruction.

Especially since Jiang Yun had helped Long Wen Chi Ding break the blood sea, allowing Long Wen Chi Ding to regain some freedom. Although he could not resist Dao Jun's suppression, he was definitely in a much better situation than before.

In addition, there were Dongfang Bo and the other two who were left behind.

Gu Bulao believed that even if Di Zun entered the black cloud, nothing would change, so it was better to let Tian Zun and the others leave.

Tian Zun did not ask why, but nodded and said, "Where should I go?"

Gu Bulao replied, "You go to Daoxing Realm, Jiang Yun should be there, you should contain all the cultivators outside the cauldron who enter the cauldron, and you should provide him with some help as much as possible!"

Tianzun's pupils suddenly condensed and said: "Are you going to do anything big?"

"Hehe!" Gu Bulao

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He laughed and said: "As expected of Tianzun, nothing can be hidden from you."

"Yes, we do have something to do."

Tianzun spoke again: "What I experienced before?"

"Yes!" Gu Bulao admitted: "There are cultivators coming from outside the cauldron. The strength of the creatures in the cauldron is too weak and must be improved as soon as possible."

"The improvement process takes some time and cannot be disturbed, so I asked my fourth brother to contain all the cultivators outside the cauldron to buy some time!"

Tianzun was silent for a moment, nodded and said: "I understand, please send me back to Daoxing Realm!"

"Someone will come to send you!"

As soon as Gu Bulao finished speaking, a large amount of resentment appeared out of thin air around Tianzun.

The speed at which the resentment spread was extremely fast. In an instant, it had covered the endless distance.

It's not just Tianzun. At this moment, in countless areas of the entire Daoxing Realm, as long as there are cultivators outside the cauldron, there will be resentment.

These resentments are like monsters, swallowing all the cultivators outside the cauldron into their mouths.

"Here we go again!"

A cultivator who followed Dao Dui into the cauldron looked at these resentments and spoke coldly while raising his hand to draw a rune towards the resentment.

The rune burst out with dazzling light, and a vortex emerged inside it, releasing a strong suction force, absorbing the resentment into it.

But just as the rune began to exert its power, a loud roar suddenly came from the vortex, causing the rune to explode directly.

Immediately afterwards, huge suction forces came from the side of this cultivator who had just seen the transcendence, forcibly dragging him towards the Daoxing Realm.

The same situation was happening in various places in the Daoxing Realm.

One by one, cultivators outside the cauldron were sent into the Daoxing Realm!

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