Taoist world

Chapter 8561: Home is in danger

Because of the presence of thick blood, Jiang Yun was unable to see clearly what the big tree looked like.

But he didn't even need to look at it to know that it must be one of the nine tribes, the sacred object of the Samsara Clan, the Tree of Samsara!

Jiang Yun stopped and stared fixedly at the Tree of Reincarnation.

Although Jiang Yun only saw two kinds of sacred objects of the Nine Clans in this sea of ​​blood, he was almost certain that the base of the formation here should be the sacred objects of the Nine Clans.

Coupled with Daojun's Jiuxiao Dao Guards and Daojun's nine drops of soul blood, a large formation was arranged to suppress Longwen Red Cauldron!

Naturally, Jiang Yun still inevitably thought of all the previous doubts in his mind.

How were the Nine Clans born?

What role did the Nine Tribes play in the original Dao-fa dispute, the current war outside the cauldron and within the cauldron, and even in the struggle for control of the Longwen Red Cauldron?

You know, Jiang Yun was raised by the Mirage clan, one of the nine clans.

He walked out of the small Jiang Village and entered one larger world after another. Along the way, even to this day, whether it is his cultivation or other aspects, it can be said that the Nine Clan has always been throughout his life. in process.

But today, he discovered that the Nine Clans actually had secrets that he didn't know about.

As these doubts flashed past, Jiang Yun took steps again and walked towards the big tree.

As he got closer and closer to the big tree, Jiang Yun gradually saw the big tree more clearly.

Strictly speaking, this big tree is not exactly the same as the tree of reincarnation.

Just like color.

The tree of reincarnation is golden, while the big tree in front of me is black.

However, except for the color and height, this big tree is at least 70% similar to the Tree of Reincarnation.

At this time, a loud voice suddenly shouted from the top of the big tree: "What did you do to Daoxuan!"

Jiang Yun had already seen a rhinoceros-shaped skeleton sitting there, with a tall horn standing on its nose.

Naturally, the other party is the Taoist guard sitting in the Tree of Reincarnation.

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The other party may not know about Daoxuan's death, but the disappearance of the altar cannot be hidden from him and the other Dao guards here.

The bases of the formation are connected to each other.

The disappearance of a formation base can weaken the overall strength of the formation.

Therefore, the other party was already waiting for Jiang Yun's arrival.

Jiang Yun said loudly: "Which one of the Jiuxiao Dao Guards are you?"

"Dao Qing!" As the other party answered, skeletons were already emerging from the sea of ​​blood around Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun didn't even look at the skeletons. He shook his hand and used a demon seal to rush towards Dao Qing like lightning.

Dao Qing obviously also knew that Jiang Yun was extremely powerful. When he saw Jiang Yun attacking him directly, he roared: "Rhino smoke burns reincarnation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the horn on his nose suddenly burned up, erupting into billowing smoke that quickly spread in all directions, enveloping him, Jiang Yun, and all the skeletons.

The demon seal disappeared into the thick smoke and immediately disconnected from Jiang Yun.

And Jiang Yun also felt that the power of reincarnation in the thick smoke penetrated straight into his soul, as if trying to capture his past reincarnations.

"It depends on my reincarnation, why bother!"

Jiang Yun smiled coldly, and a ball of golden light suddenly lit up on his body, releasing a ray of light that immediately dispersed the thick smoke around him.

The depths of Dao Qing's eye sockets also lit up with light.

However, it was a terrifying light.

Because he clearly saw that the golden light emanating from Jiang Yun's body also condensed into a tree of reincarnation!

Jiang Yun once used the Tree of Reincarnation as his backbone.

Unfortunately, his body has been reshaped so many times that the Tree of Reincarnation has long since disappeared.

But as the leader of the nine tribes, he wanted to condense

A tree of reincarnation is really too simple.

Moreover, he even created a magical power called reincarnation!

"Buzz buzz!"

The Tree of Reincarnation on Jiang Yun's body swayed slightly, and Jiang Yun emerged one after another from the golden leaves.

Jiang Yun has reincarnation for hundreds of lives, so now hundreds of Jiang Yun appeared, all rushing towards the skeletons.

"You, who are you!"

Seeing this scene, Dao Qing couldn't help but stammered and asked.

"I am your master!"

Jiang Yun replied coldly, took a step forward, and arrived in front of Dao Qing. With a wave of his hand, dozens more demon-sealing seals were shot out.

A moment later, Dao Qing rolled down the Tree of Reincarnation, and all the bones around him turned into nothingness.

Dao Qing's strength is not as good as Jiang Yun's, not to mention that he is a demon clan.

Jiang Yun could deal with him more easily than Daoxuan.

After trying to search Dao Qing's soul to no avail, Jiang Yun used the power of fantasy to bring him into a dream.

Although he was in a dream, Dao Qing answered all questions, but he knew almost nothing.

It is not difficult to speculate that Dao Lord had already considered the possibility of Jiuxiao Dao Guards being defeated, so he did not let them know any secrets at all.

Jiang Yun still used the original fire to wrap Dao Qing's bones.

The Tree of Reincarnation in front of him is also made of countless broken bones.

Jiang Yun smashed it with a punch and took another drop of Daojun's soul blood from it.

Next, Jiang Yun continued to walk in this sea of ​​blood, and saw the Chaos Yang and Yin Lingjie Swallow.

Jiang Yun also successfully destroyed these two array bases, killed the Jiuxiao Daowei guarding them, and took away Daojun's soul blood.

In front of him, the fifth array base, Jiekong Ding, appeared.

But at this moment, his brows suddenly frowned, and a sense of danger that seemed to be there and not there surged from his soul inexplicably.


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After leaving the world opened up by Daojun, Jiang Yun's palpitations have disappeared.

And this sea of ​​blood is no longer a threat to Jiang Yun.

But at this time, Jiang Yun actually felt the danger again.

"Daoxing Great Domain!"

Jiang Yun's eyes showed a cold light.

The sense of danger comes from protecting the original Dao body.

That means that Daoxing Realm is in danger at this moment.

The reason why this feeling comes and goes is because this is a transcendent space, which is completely isolated from other spaces in the cauldron.

Logically speaking, Jiang Yun is sensing the situation in other places.

But Jiang Yun's guardian Dao body is Daoxing Realm, so this is what made him sense it.

Jiang Yun suddenly said: "Long Wen Chi Ding, let me leave!"

So far, Jiang Yun has destroyed four formation bases, greatly weakened the power of this sea of ​​blood, and naturally helped Long Wen Chi Ding and reduced the restraint.

Therefore, Jiang Yun had long noticed that Long Wen Chi Ding's consciousness had quietly entered the sea of ​​blood.

Jiang Yun continued: "I feel that Daoxing Realm is in danger, and that is my home."

"My home is in danger, I must go back!"

As his voice fell, Long Wen Chi Ding's voice really rang in his mind: "This place is not broken, you can't leave yet!"

Jiang Yun cares about Daoxing Realm, but Long Wen Chi Ding doesn't care at all.

It not only wants Jiang Yun to break this sea of ​​blood, but also wants to kill Daojun's soul.

But Jiang Yun has not even broken the sea of ​​blood yet, so it certainly won't let Jiang Yun leave.

At this moment, a figure appeared in Daoxing Domain.

Dao Dui!

Dao Dui put his hands behind his back and walked slowly through the boundary of Daoxing Domain, muttering to himself: "I don't know where Gu Bulao has hidden."

"Then I can only destroy this domain and see if he will show up on his own initiative!"

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