Taoist world

Chapter 8557 Refusal to Answer

If it were in the past, Jiang Yun would have agreed to Long Wen Chi Ding's request for help without hesitation.

However, since he had the idea that Jiu Ding might be secretly looking for living beings and supporting them for his own use, Jiang Yun did not dare to agree easily.

Especially seeing Daojun's suppression of Long Wen Chi Ding, Jiang Yun did not know who he should trust.

If he helped Long Wen Chi Ding and rescued it from Daojun's suppression, it might allow the creatures in the cauldron to get rid of Daojun's threat, but would Long Wen Chi Ding also need the creatures in the cauldron as its own nutrients?

Is it possible that Long Wen Chi Ding has not done so yet because of Daojun's suppression?

To be honest, if he had to choose an enemy between Daojun and Long Wen Chi Ding, Jiang Yun would rather choose Daojun!

Daojun is still a cultivator and a human being after all!

As a human, he has weaknesses.

As for Long Wen Chi Ding, Jiang Yun did not even know what kind of life form it was, let alone how to deal with it.

However, now the only one who can help the creatures in the cauldron fight against Daojun is Long Wen Chi Ding!

"I can't help you improve your strength, but I think you can break the blood sea and his soul."

"And you can also get some benefits!"

Seeing Jiang Yun was silent, Long Wen Chi Ding obviously thought that Jiang Yun had no confidence in dealing with Dao Jun, so he spoke again.

"I can only help your senior brothers and sisters improve their strength."

"Don't worry, they are absolutely safe here with me."

"When they leave me, they will be much stronger than before."

"Moreover, I deliberately prevented the appearance of the transcendental calamity, so that all the creatures in the cauldron will not lead to the transcendental gate and leave the cauldron because of the breakthrough of the realm."

Long Wen Chi Ding's words shocked Jiang Yun's heart again!

I felt strange before. The strength of the senior brother had obviously reached the transcendental stage, but there was no heavenly calamity and no transcendental gate.

It turned out that Long Wen Chi Ding had made a move in secret.

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This is naturally a good thing for the creatures in the cauldron.

Otherwise, the cultivators in the cauldron would not dare to break through to the transcendental realm.

Because once the door to transcendence is opened, they must go outside the cauldron.

And judging from the current relationship between the cauldron and the outside, if the cultivators in the cauldron go outside the cauldron, it is almost a dead end.

Under Long Wen Chi Ding's repeated persuasion, Jiang Yun gritted his teeth and said secretly: "The threat from Dao Jun is imminent."

"And even if Long Wen Chi Ding is a threat, at least it will have to wait until Dao Jun is dealt with."

"What's more, Kun Ling and the Xuan Ding he holds are also plotting something."

"Perhaps, at that time, we can find a way to borrow his power to counter Long Wen Chi Ding!"

As these thoughts passed, Jiang Yun finally spoke with consciousness: "What should we do specifically?"

"What exactly is that sea of ​​blood?"

Long Wen Chi Ding's voice immediately sounded again: "The sea of ​​blood is the blood and bones of the cultivators outside the tripod!"

Jiang Yun frowned and said: "That's not right, isn't the blood of the cultivators outside the tripod smeared on the body of the tripod and scattered inside the tripod?"

"As for the bones, they have become resentful bones!"

Jiang Yun himself is a drop of blood of the cultivators outside the tripod, and he also has an elder brother Xue Ling who regards him as a brother.

Blood spirits are innate spirits, and can be said to control the blood of all the cultivators outside the Ding who were killed by the Taoist.

And the bones of the cultivators outside the Ding also gave birth to bone spirits. The ancient hatreds and grudges also gathered the resentful bones together to form a powerful army to resist the outside of the Ding.

Why are there blood and bones of cultivators outside the Ding here again?

"Those are only part of it!"

Long Wen Chi Ding responded: "The Taoist killed a large number of cultivators outside the Ding, and sent their bones and blood to me



"In addition to giving birth to you, his biggest goal is actually to nourish his own soul and help him improve his strength!"

Jiang Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he would not completely believe what Long Wen Chi Ding said, this statement was consistent with his previous guess.

Long Wen Chi Ding continued, "It's just that his plan was destroyed." .🅆.

"Someone forcibly took away some of the blood and bones and hid them, which led to the appearance of the blood spirit and bone spirit."

Hearing this, Jiang Yun finally got the answer to a question that had puzzled him for a long time.

Jiang Yun thought that with the strength of the Taoist, since he dared to throw all the bones and blood of the monks outside the cauldron he killed into the cauldron, he must ensure that they would not give birth to intelligent life and would not resist him.

But it happened that the blood spirit and the bone spirit not only appeared, but also specifically opposed the Taoist!

In this way, wouldn't the Taoist be self-defeating and bury a hidden danger for himself?

It turned out that it was not that the Taoist was not thoughtful, but that someone took action and destroyed his plan.

As for the person who destroyed it, Jiang Yun blurted out without thinking: "That person, is he my master?"

The person who can snatch the blood and bones from the Taoist, except Gu Bulao, there is no one else.

Moreover, whether it is the blood spirit or the bone spirit, they almost obey Gu Bulao's orders.

Originally, Jiang Yun thought that the master forced them to surrender due to his strength.

But now I understand that it was because of my master that the Bone Spirit and Blood Spirit appeared.

In addition, they all have the common enemy Daojun.

Therefore, they will trust Master and listen to Master!

Sure enough, Longwen Chiding replied: "Yes, he is your master!"

"Long before Dao Lord sent his soul into the cauldron, your master secretly hid the blood and bones of some of the monks outside the cauldron."

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"Although Daojun was aware of it at the time, he was not strong enough and could not find the hidden blood and bones."

"And he even thought that it was me who did this, so he gave up searching."

Jiang Yun calmly thought to himself: "Perhaps, Longwen Chiding actually secretly helped Master in this matter."

"After all, at that time, Dao Lord was not strong, and Master's strength was even weaker."

"Only Longwen Red Cauldron can protect Master."

"It's even possible that Master is the one Longwen Chiding chooses to support and fight against Dao Lord."

Jiang Yun still doesn't know why Daojun became the master of Longwen Red Cauldron.

But if Taojun wants to suppress Longwen Red Cauldron, Longwen Red Cauldron will definitely not be willing.

Therefore, Jiang Yun speculated that Longwen Red Cauldron must be restricted by some restrictions and could not directly attack Dao Lord, so he chose Master to help it fight against Dao Lord.

Now, it's looking for me again!

"This sea of ​​blood is actually part of the formation, hiding the soul blood of Dao Lord."

"I will send you into the sea of ​​blood. You can break the sea of ​​blood by taking all of Daojun's soul blood."

"Once the sea of ​​blood breaks, the formation in Daojun's soul will also be affected, and his strength will also be weakened."

"The soul blood belongs to you. You can fuse it yourself or use it for other purposes."

"After that, if you can erase Lord Dao's soul, that would be the best."

"If that doesn't work, I'll take you out of here."

"Dao Lord has sent a large number of monks into the cauldron and is massacring the creatures in the cauldron!"

"Ding Nei needs you!"

After listening to what Longwen Chiding said, Jiang Yun was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "Can the creatures in our cauldron survive in the end?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun felt his body lighten, his eyes blurred, and he was suddenly in a sea of ​​blood!

Obviously, Longwen Chiding refused to answer Jiang Yun's question.

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