Taoist world

Chapter 8542: Paradise on Earth

Under the leadership of Dongfang Bo, Jiang Yun and the other four had successfully passed through the seal and entered the crack.

However, before the four could see clearly what was in the crack, a powerful soul power had already descended from the sky and enveloped Dongfang Bo!

Although Dongfang Bo was not affected by the seal of Daojun, even if he was really the Daoling of Daojun, he was still a living being, a cultivator, and had a soul.

Therefore, when this soul power fell, it felt like there was suddenly a cover outside of his soul, which made him stand still and unable to move.

If it was just that, it would be fine, but this cover actually began to shrink and invaded his soul little by little.

Jiang Yun and Situ Jing also felt the invasion of this soul power.

However, Jiang Yun's soul was much stronger than his senior brothers and sisters, so while resisting the invasion of this soul power, he also shouted: "Big Brother, let me out!"

Jiang Yun's roar slightly awakened Dongfang Bo from his state of standing still.

He also seized this brief moment of clarity and hurriedly brought Jiang Yun out of his body.

The next moment, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves and took Dongfang Bo into his body again.

Then, Jiang Yun immediately sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and used all his strength to activate his soul power to continue to resist the invasion of that soul power.

After the soul power entered Jiang Yun's body, one voice after another sounded in his mind.

These voices were male and female, old and young, and animals.

There were even sounds of wind, rain, and thunder!

Some voices were telling words that Jiang Yun could understand.

"You are tired, so take a good rest and close your eyes.

"I see that you are covered with wounds, why don't you let me help you heal your wounds!"

"Child, the food is ready, why don't you come and eat?"

"Sir, you have lost a lot of weight recently, don't work so hard!"

"Father, can you tell me a story? Just talk about the stories you often write

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These words were all spoken to Jiang Yun, and Jiang Yun could hear them clearly, but they were disorganized and had no logic at all.

Fortunately, Jiang Yun's will was relatively firm, and his soul, even in terms of volume alone, was much larger than that of other cultivators!

More importantly, he had once had the perception of the human way!

The process of the perception of the human way was somewhat similar to his experience at the moment, so Jiang Yun was able to keep himself awake as much as possible.

However, just staying awake was obviously not enough.

This soul power was also extremely powerful, and it was endless and pervasive, as if it would never run out. Some of it had already entered Jiang Yun's soul.

Jiang Yun knew that this should be another kind of protection left by the Taoist, and the purpose was naturally to seduce people who entered the crack and wanted to make their souls lost here.

"Boom! "

In Jiang Yun's soul, the Unfixed Soul Fire was already burning fiercely.

Under the burning of the soul fire, the invading soul power was indeed reduced a little, and even the soul power that had entered Jiang Yun's soul was burned a little.


The burning of the Unfixed Soul Fire made the pill in Jiang Yun's soul suddenly tremble slightly, and a fragrance and a faint mist were released from it.

In fact, the pill is releasing its medicinal effect all the time, nourishing Jiang Yun.

But the burning of the Unfixed Soul Fire, or the invasion of external soul power, accelerated its release!

With the help of the pill, the soul power that invaded Jiang Yun's soul was gradually dispelled.

At the same time, Jiang Yun's consciousness looked into his body.

As Jiang Yun's body was no longer After the invasion of soul power, Dongfang Bo and the other two naturally woke up one after another.

However, Jiang Yun's face was still solemn.



The palpitation did not decrease, but became stronger.

This means that the soul power just now is not the most dangerous thing here, and there are more dangerous things waiting for him.

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, and there was still darkness in front of him. He could only vaguely see a narrow path winding forward.

At the end of the path, there seemed to be a little light.

Unfortunately, because there was a lot of powerful soul power here, Jiang Yun's consciousness lost its function, so he couldn't see farther.

Looking back, there was no crack behind him.

After making sure that the three brothers were fine, Jiang Yun stood up, gathered the soul fire, and stuck it tightly to his body, like armor, while continuing to resist the soul power, he walked forward along the narrow path under his feet.

Although the soul power was no longer a big threat to Jiang Yun, he could still hear all kinds of sounds in his ears.

It was as if there were countless creatures and things hidden in the endless darkness around him that Jiang Yun couldn't see!

The narrow path was not long, and the faint light that Jiang Yun had seen before was not an illusion.

As Jiang Yun moved forward, the light became brighter and brighter.

When Jiang Yun finally walked in front of the light, his eyes were completely filled with light, and he couldn't see the situation inside the light at all.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Yun stepped into the light!

The light is still there, but it is no longer dazzling, but has become soft and gentle.

Jiang Yun seemed to have turned into a statue, staring blankly at the scene before his eyes!

At this moment, Jiang Yun was standing on the top of a mountain that was not too high.

There are blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and the sun is high in the sky.

And looking around, under the foot of the mountain, the land is fertile and the roads are crisscrossed, you can clearly see it!

There are huts standing on the ground, and there are men and women, livestock and poultry, etc. scattered in the fields.

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Between the wild.

This is clearly a world where countless creatures live!

Jiang Yun once imagined what would be in the cracks. He also thought about various possibilities, but he never thought that he would see such a scene!

Not only Jiang Yun, but Dongfang Bo and the three others who also saw this scene were all stunned.

Dongfang Bo murmured: "Is this a dream or an illusion?"

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be an illusion or a dream!"

"This is a real world, and those creatures are also real!"

Jiang Yun's current way of dreaming is a combination of the ways inside and outside the cauldron, so he can naturally distinguish between illusions and dreams.

Dongfang Bo continued: "Is this a paradise created by Lord Dao?"

To say it is a paradise is not an exaggeration!

Now that the war is raging outside, monks outside the cauldron have entered the cauldron in large numbers, and the creatures inside the cauldron are struggling to survive.

But the creatures living here, even the domestic animals and poultry, are all leisurely and contented, without any nervousness or worry at all.

Xuanyuan Xing said in confusion: "Master Dao, why do you want to open up a paradise here?"

"What's going on with these creatures? They can't all be Daojun's relatives and friends, right?"

"have no idea!"

Jiang Yun carefully sensed that there was still soul power here, and it was stronger than the previous place in the intestines, but it no longer actively invaded and stood.

In addition, Jiang Yun's heart palpitations became even more intense.

Situ Jing asked: "Are they monks or mortals?"

"Just ask them!"

Jiang Yun replied, raised his feet and stepped towards the foot of the mountain.

However, the moment Jiang Yun raised his feet, all the creatures under the foot of the mountain and within the range of Jiang Yun's sight suddenly turned their heads and looked at him!

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