Taoist world

Chapter 8536 Let’s try first

The members of Zeng Guding were already ready to go.

After hearing Gu Bu Lao's order, they immediately dispatched without hesitation.

A ray of blood, like a shooting star, directly cut through the gap in darkness and went to the Tomb of All Beings.

In the depths of the space where the nine great realms once belonged to the nine tribes, runes lit up on the bodies of countless resentful bones sitting cross-legged, turning into endless resentment, filling the air from all directions towards the formation of resentment.

The resentment that had become thin because of Dao Kun's departure began to become strong again, covering the sky and the sun, as if it were a solid earth, cutting open the Hengmen forbidden area and the inside of the tripod.

Outside the Cauldron Heart Territory, a huge fog filled with thunderous thunder suddenly appeared, and the figures of Zi Shen and Lu Yunzi walked out of it.

In front of them, Beichenzi stood expressionless, obviously waiting for them.

Tianzun, who was leading the creatures in the cauldron through the gap in the world, stopped, called the Fourth Patriarch of Stealing Kong in front of her, and conveyed the ancient order to her.

Even though the Fourth Patriarch of Stealing Kong was extremely reluctant to serve in the cauldron, with Liang Mo's order in front of her, she did not dare to disobey and could only agree.

There are more than a hundred members of the Piukong clan in the cauldron. Apart from the fourth ancestor, there are also three who have entered the path of transcendence.

Tianzun also mobilized Brahma, Siren King, Jiansheng and other half-step transcendental monks in the cauldron, as well as the monks in the origin realm, and asked them to follow the stealing lineage to deal with the monks outside the cauldron.

Watching everyone leave, Tianzun showed a heavy look on his face.

From the current point of view, the more than 400 monks outside the tripod do not pose much of a threat.

However, without the stealing lineage, the monks in the cauldron alone would not be an opponent at all.

And this is just the beginning of the war!

These monks outside the tripod are just the vanguard of Dao Lord!

In order to deal with the vanguard, the cauldron had almost all its elite troops.

Then if you wait until Lord Dao personally leads the army into the cauldron, what will you use to fight in the cauldron?

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To be honest, Tianzun doesn't see any hope of winning!

At this moment, the ancient voice suddenly sounded in Tianzun's ears again: "Tianzun, are you desperate?"

Tianzun was slightly startled, he did not expect that Gu Bulao would say this to him.

However, she still nodded and said: "Yes!"

Gu Bulao continued: "Then if I have a way to make you and others stronger, but it requires taking certain risks, would you be willing?"

Tianzun was stunned.

For a moment, she didn't understand what Gu Bu Lao meant!

In other words, she doesn’t believe in immortality!

If Jiang Yun said such words to her, she would express her attitude without hesitation.

But for Gu Bu Lao, especially after experiencing the Taoist War and other things, she didn't know whether she could trust Gu Bu Lao at all!

After a moment, Tianzun said: "How much risk is there?"

Gu Bulao said calmly: "Of course there is a risk of death!"

Tianzun was not surprised by this answer, and then asked: "How strong can you become?"

"It depends on your personal situation. If it's like you, if you succeed, you should be able to achieve transcendence."

"As for the other monks, as long as they can survive, their cultivation should at least improve to a higher level based on the current level!"

Tianzun's pupils condensed slightly!

All the monks in the cauldron can at least improve to one realm!

If Gu Bu Lao hadn't lied, the result would have been terrifying.

For monks with a low level, it's okay to move up a level, but many monks are stuck at bottlenecks and key points.

For example, Tianzun himself is already at the peak of his origin. If he wants to ascend to a half-step of transcendence,


Belonging is hard to come by.

If you are like the Siren King, who is half-step to transcendence, if you want to upgrade to transcendence, you may not be able to achieve it in your lifetime!

There are hundreds of millions of monks in the entire cauldron, and there are quite a few who are at the peak of the Origin Realm like Tianzun.

Even if it is a half-step of transcendence, there are nearly a hundred people.

If everything can become transcendent, the overall strength within the tripod will increase several times!

In this way, there may really be hope within the cauldron!

Tianzun took a deep breath, suppressed his inner excitement and said, "What should we do specifically?"

Even though she didn't believe in immortality, her heart was already moved.

Gu Bulao smiled and said, "If you agree, then go to the Resentment."

"Now?" Tianzun was startled again.

Gu Bulao said: "I said, this method is a bit risky. Originally, I was thinking about whether the risk could be reduced further."

"But now, we don't have that much time."

"Besides, I think you are a little desperate, so I told you to try it first."

A bitter smile appeared on Tianzun's face, and he finally understood that Gu Bulao was treating him as a test subject!

Gu Bulao continued: "The fourth child chooses you to host the war, which shows his trust in you."

"As the coach, if you don't have the confidence to win this battle, then it's even less likely that your soldiers will have the confidence."

"Some people and I have been preparing for this war for countless years."

"If there really is no hope at all, why should we waste so much time and energy!"

"So, kid, you must cheer up, and there must be someone who dares to try first!"

The word "kid" made Tianzun look a little dazed, as if he had traveled through time and space, returned to the distant past, and saw the old Gu Bulao.

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The Master of All Spirits!

"Okay!" Tianzun quickly came to his senses and finally agreed.

Then, Tianzun called Pan Chaoyang to his side, gave him a few simple instructions, and asked him to take charge of the command temporarily. He left and went to the resentment formation.

Tianzun had just entered the resentment formation when Gu Chou appeared in front of him. His skull-like face said without any expression: "Follow me!"

Obviously, Gu Chou already knew the purpose of Tianzun's coming here.

At this point, Tianzun had no possibility of refusing, so he followed Gu Chou and disappeared in the thick resentment.

At the same time, Daojun had appeared again at the mouth of the Dragon Pattern Red Cauldron.

And beside him, there were a lot of figures coming from all directions.

Gu Bulao's guess was right!

When Jiang Yun took Dao Li and Dao Kun into the black cloud, Dao Jun already knew it.

Moreover, he would never allow Jiang Yun to enter there.

So, he had to bring forward the original plan.

Now, he was summoning his men to gather at the mouth of the cauldron immediately and prepare to set out from the cauldron!

In this way, only half a day had passed, and more than ten thousand cultivators had gathered behind Dao Jun.

Although this was still not all of Dao Jun's men, Dao Jun couldn't wait any longer.

He looked at a man standing in the front and said, "Dao Dui, this time, you are in full command!"

"Yes!" Dao Dui clasped his fists.

"Okay, let's go!"

With Dao Jun's order, the ten thousand cultivators immediately stepped into the cauldron.

After they all entered the cauldron, Daojun looked at Dizun standing beside him and said, "Your mission this time is to go to that place and kill Jiang Yun."

"As for Situ Jing and the others, if you can catch them, then catch them. If you can't catch them, then kill them!"

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