Taoist world

Chapter 8525 They are coming

Although he knew that Kun Ling had other motives for cooperating with him, Daojun was really anxious to take back all the control of Longwen Red Cauldron.

And as long as Longwen Red Cauldron is still in his hands, not even Baji can do anything to him.

Therefore, Daojun decided to cooperate with Kun Ling and regain the Longwen Red Cauldron first.

Following Daojun's order, his men immediately began to assemble!

Inside the cauldron, after being reminded by Jiang Yun, Liang Mo suddenly woke up and murmured: "Yes, it must be Kun Ling, he must have had my true self killed!"

"It may even be Fu Shengzi!"

Although Liang Mo has confidence in his own strength, he is not blindly confident.

Especially since she knows far better than Jiang Yun the strength of most of the powerful people outside the tripod.

In terms of strength alone, without the help of any external objects, she and Daojun are evenly matched.

But compared to some of Baji's subordinates, she was far inferior.

Three Thousand Dharma Masters and Three Thousand Tao Masters, although they are both Dharma Masters and Tao Masters, there is a gap in strength between them.

For example, Fu Shengzi did have the power to kill her.

As for why Fu Shengzi wanted to kill him, Liang Mo didn't need to know the reason.

After thinking about all this, Liang Mo looked at Jiang Yun and said word by word: "I want revenge!"

Seeing that the sparkle in Liang Mo's eyes finally recovered, Jiang Yun secretly sighed that this woman's heart was indeed strong enough.

The sudden death of this deity made Liang Mo almost despair and even thought of seeking death.

In just a few moments, she had recovered and even started thinking about how to take revenge!

Before Jiang Yun could speak, Liang Mo had already continued: "Although I only have a ray of residual soul left, as long as you give me some time, I can still recover most of my strength, at least reaching the first glimpse."

"And even if I die, my four families of imperial servants should not be exterminated yet."

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"As long as I can go back, I can still summon them and use them for my use."

"Also, I have collected a large number of various cultivation resources over the years. I have also hidden them separately. It is also possible that they are still there."

"I'll give it all to you, including myself!"

"In this case, as long as you get outside the tripod, you will at least have a foothold and a foundation!"

"You just need to continue doing what you are doing now, and wait until one day, when you have enough power, you can let me take revenge!"

Liang Mo knows very well that he wants revenge, and the only help now is Jiang Yun!

Except for Jiang Yun, no one outside the cauldron could help her.

Therefore, she was willing to give up everything she once owned in exchange for Jiang Yun's revenge.

Jiang Yun was not surprised by Liang Mo's decision.

What Liang Mo could think of, Jiang Yun could also think of.

However, Jiang Yun still would not believe Liang Mo easily.

Jiang Yun said calmly: "Except for your remnant soul, all the promises you have made are just castles in the air."

"So, I can't make you any promises, I can only take it one step at a time."

"Okay!" Liang Mo nodded heavily.

Jiang Yun stretched out his finger and pointed at Liang Mo's eyebrows again.

Looking at Jiang Yun's finger, Liang Mo's face showed a look of resistance, and his body instinctively leaned back, obviously still wanting to avoid it.

But in the end, she gritted her teeth, straightened her body, and let Jiang Yun's finger touch her eyebrows.


Jiang Yun's finger fell, and the place between Liang Mo's brows suddenly

Seals emerged, and countless threads spread out, spreading towards Liang Mo's body.

In just an instant, these threads, together with the Dao Seal, all disappeared without a trace.

So far, Liang Mo, the empress outside the tripod, has become Jiang Yun's person just like a waste!

With a wave of his sleeve, Jiang Yun sent Liang Mo back into his body and sent it to Lu Qiuzi, Mo Xing and Qing Ying. He said, "Help, you three, see if there is any way to help her body and blood." Especially the soul, reshape it!”

"If you need any materials, just tell me!"

Now that Liang Mo is considered one of his own, Jiang Yun won't be stingy with her.

If Liang Mo's soul can really be made whole again and her strength can be restored to her original state, then there will be one more strong person for Ding Nei.

After dealing with Liang Mo's problem, Jiang Yun continued to rush towards Daoxing Tiandi.

Naturally, the idea of ​​whether people control the cauldron or the cauldron controls people emerged in Jiang Yun's mind again.

"Forget it, don't think about this anymore. When I see Master, I will find a chance to have a good chat with Master."

"Master must have considered this problem a long time ago, and maybe he has a way to deal with it."

"Buzz buzz!"

Suddenly, a violent shaking sound sounded, causing Jiang Yun to stop suddenly.

Today, Jiang Yun can almost see the entire situation inside the cauldron because he can control 70% of the rules within the cauldron.

At this moment, he could clearly see that there was endless mist filling the upper part of the cauldron.

It is the appearance of these fogs that makes the vibrating sound.

Jiang Yun was no stranger to this mist, which was driven by the resentful bones, or bone spirits.

However, at this time, the Bone Spirit suddenly activated the mist to appear, causing

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Jiang Yun was a little confused and didn't understand what they were going to do.

The mist spread extremely fast. In just a few breaths, it was almost everywhere, filling the top of the cauldron, as if there was an extra piece of sky inside the cauldron.

And Jiang Yun's ears also heard the ancient voice: "Fourth, they are coming!"

"There are a large number of monks from outside the tripod appearing in the Hengmen forbidden area."

"If the predictions are correct, Dingwai should be preparing to attack us in a big way."

Hearing the master's words, Jiang Yun's pupils suddenly shrank.

Although he had known that such a day would come, he never expected that this day would come so soon!

However, he also thought of the death of Liang Mo himself, and wondered whether Kun Ling and Dao Lord cooperated, thus advancing the time for the outside of the tripod to attack the inside of the tripod.

Sure enough, Gu Bulao also continued: "It should be that Kun Ling, who joined forces with Dao Lord because of the death of his son."

Jiang Yun said anxiously: "Master, I didn't actually kill Kun Yuehou!"

Jiang Yun took action to kill Kun Yuehou at the request of Longwen Chiding.

At that time, he hesitated for a long time. He wanted to kill Kun Yuehou to satisfy the requirements of Longwen Red Cauldron, but he also did not want to kill Kun Yuehou and offend Kun Ling.

In the end, although he chose to kill Kun Yuehou, he did so with caution and did not actually kill Kun Yuehou.

This is also the reason why when Fu Shengzi rescued Kun Yuehou, he didn't stop him!

Gu Bulao said calmly: "I know!"

"I didn't say that they came because you killed Kun Yuehou."

"Whether you kill them or not, they will come!"

"It's a pity that I'm in seclusion and can't come out, so apart from being able to activate some of the arrangements I've made for many years, the rest is up to you!"

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