Taoist world

Chapter 8502: This Technique Achieves the Top

"The strongest magical power!"

Hearing Tong Tian's words, Kun Yue Hou slowly turned his head and looked at Tong Tian, ​​who was standing there, his body still shaking uncontrollably, and smiled and said, "Then let me see it!"

Kun Yue Hou retracted his palm that was pressing on Jiang Yun's head, ignored Jiang Yun, and turned to face Tong Tian.

Jiang Yun's eyes gradually became brighter. Although his body could not move, at least he could hear and see.

Jiang Yun had heard Tong Tian say before that he had a strongest magical power and he was going to teach him.

And the power of this magical power, according to Tong Tian, ​​even his master, in the cauldron prison, would find it difficult to resist.

Jiang Yun didn't care at the time, but now he couldn't help but feel a little hope in his heart.

After all, Tong Tian's fear of Kun Yue Hou was almost deep in his bones.

At this time, he dared to stand up and face Kun Yue Hou, which showed that he was very confident in his magical power.

Tong Tian took a deep breath and said loudly: "Little Junior Brother, you watch it too!"

After the words fell, Tong Tian raised his hands, and runes quickly flowed out of his hands and sank into all directions.

When the first rune appeared, the entire cauldron prison trembled slightly.

This scene made Kun Yuehou's pupils shrink slightly, and he suddenly raised his feet and walked directly towards Tong Tian.

Originally, Kun Yuehou did not take Tong Tian's so-called strongest magical power seriously.

But Tong Tian only performed a starting move, and he felt a strong will appear.

That feeling was like there was a pair of invisible eyes in the dark, staring at him, giving him a strong sense of oppression!

This made Kun Yuehou realize that perhaps Tong Tian was not bragging, and this magical power might really bring him a threat, so he wanted to stop Tong Tian from continuing to perform it.

However, after he lifted his foot, he suddenly found that his foot could not fall at all. Because those eyes made him unable to move. "Buzz buzz buzz!" Then, there were loud trembling sounds from all directions. The sound also brought light! Five rays of light soared into the sky and surrounded Tong Tian. In the light, there were also thousands of strands of power, which gathered from all directions and flowed towards Tong Tian continuously, firmly bound to his body. Even Jiang Yun, who was standing aside, could clearly sense that these five rays of light came from the five-sided tripod. Tong Tian whispered: "Come again!" Six huge balls of light appeared in the void in the six directions of Kun Yue Hou, southeast, northwest, up and down. There was no light emitted from the six light balls, but Kun Yuehou, who was surrounded by them, could sense a huge force from them, locking himself tightly.

This made Kun Yuehou's mind turn quickly and said, "What kind of magical power is this?"

"Is it borrowing the power of the entire imitation tripod?"

At this time, Tong Tian's young face was extremely pale, and he was constantly panting.

It is not difficult to see that using this strongest magical power is also extremely energy-consuming for Tong Tian.

But even so, he looked at Jiang Yun and explained to Jiang Yun, "Junior brother, you understand."

"This magical power requires first mobilizing the will of this tripod and letting it work for you."

"Once the will of the tripod appears, it is necessary to activate the power of the five sides of the tripod, combine the power of the five elements, and then borrow the power of the six directions, including the shape of the six


"Next, it is to make the nine palaces appear and use the power of the nine palaces!"

After the voice fell, Tong Tian began to form seals with his hands again.

"Pah, pah, pah!"

A clear series of explosions were heard again, as if something was breaking out of the ground.

Jiang Yun and Kun Yue Hou released their spiritual senses at the same time and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

Still in the void around the cauldron prison, nine palaces began to break out of the void.

It is not accurate to say that they are palaces, but they should be nine flowers!

Nine flowers of different colors, but exactly the same, are huge.

If Jiang Yun is still unclear about what Tong Tian did before, but when he saw these nine flowers, he immediately understood.

These nine flowers are clearly the nine-petal flower where Chang Bai and others live.

Obviously, the master not only let Ji Kongfan refine this cauldron, but everything in the cauldron is almost exactly the same as the Long Wen Chi Ding!

The nine flowers each shot out nine rays of light, one color at a time, stretching endlessly, but not concentrated on Kun Yue Hou, but on Tong Tian.

At this moment, Tong Tian was covered in nine-color light. Although his face was young, his expression was solemn and dignified, which made him look even more powerful without anger!

Tong Tian continued: "After the Nine Palaces, there is the power of 108 stars!"


Tong Tian roared, and the huge cauldron began to light up one after another.

Jiang Yun looked up, but he was not as surprised as before.

These so-called 108 stars correspond to the 108 large domains in the Dragon Script Red Cauldron!

Seeing this, Jiang Yun finally understood.

"Since this magical power can be used here, it means that it can also be used in the Dragon Red Cauldron!" "Master asked me to enter here, one of the purposes should be to let me learn this magical power!" At this time, Tong Tian shouted again: "Junior brother, there is still the power of all spirits!" As Tong Tian's voice fell, countless lights emerged from the cauldron. Even Jiang Yun's body had three lights, which shot through his body and shot towards Tong Tian above. All spirits, naturally refers to all the living beings living in this cauldron! However, Lu Qiuzi and the other three people were looking unbelievable at this moment, muttering: "How can there be so many living beings?" Lu Qiuzi had said to Jiang Yun before that there were only a few hundred living beings here. But now look at the number of these light spots, even if there are not ten thousand, it is not much different. Qingying also frowned and asked, "Are there really so many cultivators outside the Ding here?"

Only Mo Xing said calmly, "This is a prison. What we see and hear are what Gu wants us to see and hear."

"So, don't think about these. We should consider whether his strongest magical power will take our lives!"

Indeed, all the power in their bodies was shooting towards Tong Tian continuously.

Fortunately, Tong Tian did not really want to borrow all their power.

When the light on Tong Tian's body was so bright that his figure could not be seen, his voice was heard again in the light!

"This technique, ask for the Ding!"


A thunderous sound came, and all the light on Tong Tian's body condensed into the shape of a Ding.

The Ding fell straight towards Kun Yue Hou!

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