Taoist world

Chapter 850 The Origin of the Jiang Clan

Although Nan Yunruo's answer was a bit vague, it already gave Jiang Yun a glimmer of understanding.

Because when Tianluo Mirage left the station, he also said that he would give himself another chance to see if he was the person he was looking for.

The combination of the two gave Jiang Yun a rough guess.

"The sacred objects of the Jiang clan and Tianluo, what they are looking for should be the descendants of the Jiang clan."

"And the function of the rays of light emitted by the mirage is to sense whether the blood of the Jiang clan is present in the body of the living being!"

"If you are not a descendant of the Jiang clan, you will suffer tremendous pain if Xia Guang enters your body;"

"If you are a descendant of the Jiang clan, then you will not feel any discomfort when the glow enters your body."

"Therefore, after Jiang Gui saw that I was not affected at all under the glow of the glow, he was able to confirm that I am a descendant of the Jiang clan."

"If you want to know if my guess is correct, let's see if Tianluo will continue to attack me next!"

Jiang Yun knew very well that he was not a true descendant of the Jiang clan at all, and there would be no blood of the Jiang clan in his body.

The reason why I won't be affected by Xia Guang's influence must be due to the scars left by my grandfather on my body!

"However, Jiang Gui's words and origins cannot be fully believed!"

"Although he was indeed helping me the first three times, this time he caused a mirage. In fact, on the other hand, he was also harming me!"

"The appearance of the mirage will certainly allow him to determine whether I am a descendant of the Jiang clan, but it will also let Tianluo know!"

"Tian Luo must not have good intentions when searching for the descendants of the Jiang clan. Jiang Gui cannot be clear about this, but he still did it anyway, exposing my identity and putting me on the bright side... …”

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"Of course, it's also possible that I'm overly worried. Maybe Jiang Gui saw Tianluo and wanted to kill me. In desperation, he could only lead out the mirage to help me escape this disaster!"

While Jiang Yun was deep in thought, there was an extremely simple hut among the rows of buildings thousands of feet away on Tianluo Mountain.

There was a strong man sitting in the room, it was Wu Ning who brought Jiang Yun back to Tianluo Sect.

At this moment, he was also sweating profusely, breathing heavily, and said to himself: "My lord once said that if there is any change here, he should be notified, but I don't know if it counts this time. Mutation?"

As the cracks and mirages disappeared, everything in the Tianluo Realm and the Realm of Realm finally returned to peace!

Through this experience, Jiang Yun not only knew some answers and had more doubts, but he also had an unexpected gain.

That was the mountain-like finger in the body, which was suddenly worn away by the rays of the mirage.

This means that his cultivation level has been restored by 20% in total!

"Are we okay?" Nan Yunruo looked at Jiang Yun and asked cautiously.

"I don't know!" Jiang Yun shook his head expressionlessly.

Now, three days have passed since the mirage appeared.

These three days were simply more difficult for Nan Yunruo than thirty years.

He was always worried about whether Luo Wenyan would suddenly appear again, and whether Tianluo would take action against Jiang Yun again.

However, it was calm for three days, Luo Wenyan did not appear, and Tianluo did not come again.

It was as if Tianluo had completely forgotten Jiang Yun's existence and his words about killing Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun knew this well and his guess was right!

Under the glow of the mirage, he was not affected at all. Tianluo and Jiang Gui both thought that he was a descendant of the Jiang clan and the person he was looking for!

In other words, this belief is temporary, and he still needs more definite evidence, which is to wait until his cultivation reaches the Taoist realm!

But no matter what, before that, he would naturally not kill himself again.

I just don't know how Tianluo will feel once he finds out that the reason why he didn't suffer when the mirage appeared was entirely because of the scars on his body.

During these three days, Jiang Yun had no intention of continuing to practice. Instead, he was seriously thinking about his experience after coming to this place where the world fell!

Based on some clues he had obtained, he made a rough guess about the origin of the Jiang clan.

The Jiang clan is an ethnic group that came out of this place where the world fell!

However, when they left, they left their clan's sacred object, the mirage, here and did not take it away.

And it seems that it is not easy for them to return to this place where the world fell, so they created Jiang Yaotian as their home among the thousands of worlds.

One day, someone took the infant himself to Jiang Yaotian, found his grandfather Jiang Wanli, and entrusted him to raise him on his behalf.

So from then on, Grandpa took himself, Jiang Yuerou and a group of Jiang clan people to the Mountain and Sea Realm.

And for some reason, it took him sixteen years to create a seal with hundreds of scars on his body.

After turning sixteen, I left Jiangcun and began to travel. Until now, I didn't know if it was someone else's intention or it was just a coincidence that I came to the land of the world.

Back then, when the Jiang clan was in the Land of World Fall, they once rescued a demon.

Now, after countless years, this demon has cultivated to the stage of Taoism and become a demon that hears the Tao.

This demon who heard the Tao was also a member of the Tianluo Sect. After discovering that he had the aura of the Jiang Clan in his body, he thought he was a descendant of the Jiang Clan.

In order to repay his kindness, he always protected himself secretly and helped him pass the so-called tests again and again.

Even when Tianluo was about to kill him, the demon who heard the Tao secretly summoned the Jiang Clan's sacred mirage.

The two mirages in the Mountain and Sea Realm and the Tianluo Realm actually have nothing in common except that they both have nine rays of light when they appear.

Jiang Yun had a deep understanding of the effects of the two mirages after personally experiencing them.

The mirage in the mountain and sea world is like a bridge, connecting the mountain and sea world and the body of the beast in the Yinling world;

The mirages in the Tianluo Realm possess terrifying power.

This can be seen from the fact that the glow from the mirage, which only showed a corner, destroyed 10% of the finger in his body.

That finger, after swallowing countless pills, even borrowed the power of Luo Wenyan's blow, managed to destroy 10% of it.

But the mirage only used a ray of glow to do it!

If the mirage were to appear in its entirety, the rays of light it would emit would easily destroy the entire finger in an instant!

"Tianluo's real purpose should be to covet the Jiang clan's sacred object, the mirage!"

"It's just that since it is a sacred object of the Jiang Clan, then if you want to get it, you must be a descendant of the Jiang Clan. That's why Tianluo is looking for descendants of the Jiang Clan everywhere!"

"It's just that why Tianluo doesn't look for descendants of the Jiang clan among the monks, but instead looks for mortals with 'good qualifications'?"

"And provide them with a large amount of elixirs to help them quickly cultivate to the Taoist realm. Only then can we know whether they are descendants of the Jiang clan?"

"Also, why did Tianluo originally think that he was the person he was looking for, but changed his mind after he summoned Su Yang?"

In addition, there is another huge doubt plaguing Jiang Yun, that is the world of mountains and seas!

Regardless of himself, the things he has experienced, and even the Huang Clan and Jiang Clan, they are inextricably linked to the Shanhai Realm.

How many secrets does this world that is just a wilderness hide?

"There is a mountain, a sea, and a boundary. It seems that we need to find that Lu Lun!"

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