Taoist world

Chapter 8403 Dream within Illusion


Inside the cauldron, Ji Kongfan slowly pulled out the tip of the blade inserted into the restricted area of ​​Hengmen.

Everyone could clearly see that where the blade tip was pulled out, a millimeter-sized hole suddenly appeared.

Although this hole looks small and pitiful, it would have been difficult to spot it if not for the extraordinary eyesight of everyone present.

But this is the Hengmen restricted area!

It is the forbidden area created by Daojun's Zhending Hengmen, which is almost as powerful as the ultimate magic weapon!

And Ji Kongfan, a half-step beyond the cauldron, actually used a half-finished magical weapon to punch a hole in the Hengmen forbidden area.

This made Empress Liangmo couldn't help but take a breath!

Suddenly, Ji Kongfan's body shook and he fell directly from the air.

Gu Bulao waved his sleeves, and a soft force gently held Ji Kongfan up.

Ji Kongfan's face turned pale, and with great difficulty he raised his hand and pointed at the small hole he had made: "You continue!"

Obviously, Ji Kongfan has exhausted his power!

Hearing Ji Kongfan's words, Blood Spirit was the first to take a step forward and said: "I'll do it!"

However, Gu Bulao stopped him and said, "No need, he took action himself."

As soon as Gu Bu Lao finished speaking, a trace of wind with the smell of blood appeared around everyone, blowing towards the small hole in the Hengmen forbidden area.

Xue Ling was startled for a moment, then reached out and grabbed it gently in the air.

A wisp of wind fell into his hand, and his face suddenly showed joy and said: "Rules!"

These winds are the rules within the tripod.

As for the smell of blood, Blood Spirit is extremely familiar with it.

This is Jiang Yun’s avenue of blood!

When none of them took action, the rules within the cauldron were wrapped up in the avenue of blood, and they took the initiative to rush towards the Hengmen restricted area. It could only be Jiang Yun's doing!

Since Jiang Yun can trigger the rules within the cauldron, it means that he is at least still alive.

Everyone raised their heads and stared at the Hengmen forbidden area.

Ji Kongfan sat down in the void and said, "Now, just wait for him to come back on his own!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Kongfan no longer looked at the Hengmen restricted area, but looked down at the tip of the blade in his hand.

For Jiang Yun, he has much stronger confidence than others.

He believed that Jiang Yun would definitely return safely, so there was no need to go and see him!

There is another person who did not go to see the Hengmen restricted area.

Empress Liangmo!

The empress stared at Ji Kongfan and said to herself: "The wind that just came out of his body... seems to be the original wind outside the tripod?"

"Is it possible that he has some relationship with the original wind?"

"However, the most terrifying thing about this person is his skill in weapon refining."

"If his strength can continue to improve, not to mention becoming a Dharma Master, as long as he can step into the Dengtang realm, then he might really be able to refine a magical weapon that can kill Baji!"

Thinking of this, Liang Mo sent a message to Peng San: "Peng San, tell me everything you know about Ji Kongfan!"

After seeing the power of the blade tip, Liang Mo is now full of interest in Ji Kongfan!

She was even considering the possibility of drawing Ji Kongfan under her command!

At the same time, in a valley, Ying Yang looked down at Jiang Yun, smiled and said: "Jiang Yun, although in reality, I cannot kill you, but in the illusion I created, I can Let your life be worse than death!"

"Moreover, in the illusion I arranged, the speed of time passing is ten times slower than in reality."

"So, I have plenty of time to spend it slowly with you."

"Don't be anxious, just enjoy this!"

The Ying'ao clan is not only a demon clan, but also possesses the power of illusion similar to that of the mirage clan.

Therefore, facing Jiang Yun who provoked him, Ying Yang brought Jiang Yun into his illusion and tortured him.

Before, Jiang Yun could not use most of his power, so he was easily brought into the illusion, and even had his entire cultivation level sealed. He could only let Ying Yang torture him without being able to resist.

But just now, Jiang Yun suddenly felt that there was a trace of aura belonging to the cauldron pouring into the Hengmen restricted area.

This trace of aura will hardly be of any help to other monks in the cauldron.

But for Jiang Yun, it was like finding nectar after a long drought.

In the Hengmen forbidden area, throughout the ages, no aura from the cauldron has ever entered!

Even though there were many cracks when the Hengmen forbidden area appeared before, it was only the breath from outside the cauldron that flowed into the cauldron.

Simply put, the Hengmen Forbidden Zone is like a sealed water bladder filled with water.

If you puncture a few small holes in the water bag, the water in the bag will only flow out of the holes.

But Jiang Yun's blood origin gained control over the portion of Longwen Red Cauldron hidden by Dao Lord.

Therefore, as long as there is a connecting passage between the Hengmen forbidden area and the cauldron, he can bring the aura and rules of the cauldron here.

And with the aura and rules within the cauldron, although he still can't compete with the aura outside the cauldron, it at least allows him to use all his power!

However, Jiang Yun did not take action immediately, but still stood there with his head lowered, letting another group of eagles rush down towards him.

With a "pop", Jiang Yun fell to the ground!

But the group of eagles were not prepared to let Jiang Yun go, and continued to tear off pieces of meat from Jiang Yun's body and swallowed it in their mouths.

Just like that, after more than ten breaths, looking at Jiang Yun who seemed to have completely passed out, Ying Yang said with a smile: "Isn't this possible?"

While speaking, Ying Yang also took a step forward and stood directly in front of Jiang Yun.

He reached out unceremoniously and grabbed Jiang Yun's head, looked into his eyes and said, "This has just begun. Get up and let's continue!"

After his words fell, Jiang Yun suddenly opened his eyes, staring intently at Ying Yang's eyes.

The next moment, the lit candle in Jiang Yun's right eye went out, and in his left eye, ten colorful marks rotated crazily!

If Jiang Yun can have the ninth original Tao body, then it is most likely to be the Avenue of Dreams!

He was born in a dream, grew up in a dream, and was raised by the mirage tribe!

His perception and understanding of the Way of Dreams truly surpassed that of too many living beings, including the demon monk of the Ying'ao lineage in front of him.

Moreover, Jiang Yun is now combining the Zhulong lineage's eyes-closed-eyes-for-night and lucid dream together!

More importantly, he raised his hand and silently sent the demon-sealing seal he had just drawn into Ying Yang's body!

Lucid dream, close your eyes for the night, seal the demon!

The three magical powers were used at the same time, making Ying Yang, who was not wary of Jiang Yun at all, suddenly feel his eyes go dark.

Jiang Yun, who was so close at hand, has disappeared, and the countless eagles and eagles in the surrounding valleys have also disappeared.

Ying Yang stood alone in the endless darkness!

Because Jiang Yun's attack was so fast and sudden, Ying Yang couldn't react for a moment, and stood there with a dull expression, not understanding what happened.

After a few breaths passed, Ying Yang finally came back to his senses, frowned and said, "Should you close your eyes for the night?"

"But my illusion still exists!"

As a subordinate of Baji, Yingyang also had a family background, so he naturally recognized that among the magical powers Jiang Yun used, one of them was the Zhulong lineage's ability to close his eyes for the night.

However, he could feel that the illusion he had arranged for Jiang Yun had not disappeared.

At this moment, Jiang Yun's voice sounded in his ears: "Have you heard of lucid dreaming?"

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