Taoist world

Chapter 840: Names of Medicinal Materials

In fact, before coming here, Jiang Yun didn't have much hope that Nan Yunruo's master would leave the elixir.

His real purpose is for the strong spiritual energy at this nine thousand feet point.

Therefore, having the five bottles of high-grade elixirs obtained earlier, especially the nine Tao-Building Pills, was already a great gain for him.

After putting away the elixir, he raised his head and looked at Nan Yunruo: "These are enough..."

At this moment, Nan Yunruo just happened to lift the piece of white paper and put it in front of his eyes.

Jiang Yun, who raised his head, naturally also saw the flying characters written on the back of the white paper.

This caused his body to suddenly shake. Not only did he not even bother to finish his words, he even rushed to Nan Yunruo's side with a single stride, reaching out and grabbing the white paper!

In Nan Yunruo's eyes, Jiang Yun always had a calm expression on his face. It seemed that even if the world collapsed, Jiang Yun's calmness would not change in any way.

However, Jiang Yun's behavior now was so unexpected that she didn't come to her senses at all and allowed Jiang Yun to snatch away the white paper in her hand.

Nan Yunruo looked at Jiang Yun in shock, watching Jiang Yun's palms holding the white paper tremble slightly, and watching Jiang Yun's eyes staring at the white paper with a bright light.

Obviously, the reason why Jiang Yunhui lost his composure was the words written on that piece of white paper.

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Nan Yunruo is no stranger to these words.

Because Master likes to write these words the most.

However, I didn't understand the meaning of these words, and I once asked the master, but the master always smiled and never explained it to me.

That’s seven words!

"One mountain, one sea, one boundary!"

In Jiang Yun's mouth, he read out these seven words one by one!

If these seven words were separated, he had heard each one countless times, but together, he had only heard it once.

I heard that from Xue Dongliu’s mouth in the prison within the prison of the blood realm!

However, he never expected that now, in Master Nan Yunruo's residence, he would actually see these seven words again!

Is this just a coincidence, or does it have some other meaning?

At the beginning, Xue Dongliu made it very clear that when he understood the meaning of these seven words, he would understand why he would give up on himself at the critical moment.

It's a pity that I still don't understand it now!

After a long time, Jiang Yun came back to his senses from the shock, looked at Nan Yunruo and said: "What is the master's name? Has he ever told you that he comes from somewhere outside the Land of World Fall?" world?"

"The name of the master is taboo, Shanglu and Xialun!"

Immediately afterwards, Nan Yunruo shook his head again and said: "Master didn't tell me which world he came from. Why, do you know what these seven words mean?"

Jiang Yun had no impression of the name Lu Lun, but he also knew that the name was probably fake, and even if he knew it, it would have no meaning.

"I don't know the meaning of these seven words, but the name of the world I come from is..."

Jiang Yun also shook his head, stretched out his finger, and clicked on the three words on the white paper: "Mountain, Sea, Boundary!"

"Mountain and Sea Realm!" Nanyun said thoughtfully: "It sounds very close to the meaning of these seven words. Could it be that my master also comes from the Mountain and Sea Realm!"

"I'm afraid only your master knows this! What mission did your master perform and where did he go?"

Originally, Jiang Yun didn't care at all about Master Nan Yunruo's disappearance, but it was different now.

If you want to know all the answers, the easiest way is to find Nan Yunruo's master and find this Lu Lun!

However, Nan Yunruo still shook his head and said: "Master just visited me once before leaving and told me that he was going out."

"And things like this happen often, so I don't pay too much attention to it."

Jiang Yun then asked: "Then did your master do anything special, or behave abnormally, or tell you anything? Think about it carefully!"

"No!" Nan Yunruo frowned and said, "Master said he left some elixirs for me in his room and asked me to take them back and ponder them when I have time."

"As a result, after he left, the sect refused to let me come here. I just gave you the pills he left for me."


Jiang Yun was silent for a moment, then suddenly reached out and picked up the only jade bottle on the table, poured out the pill that he didn't recognize at all, and put it to his nose.

At the same time, the other hand grabbed the brush on the inkstone, handed it to Nan Yunruo and said: "I'll report, you write!"

Nan Yunruo looked at Jiang Yun with a puzzled face, not knowing what he wanted to report, but he didn't ask any more questions and just nodded.

Jiang Yun closed his eyes and focused all his attention on the elixir in front of him.

Not only did he smell it, he even took the risk of pinching a handful and putting it in his mouth to taste it.

During this process, one medicinal material after another began to appear in his mind.

"Tiejingjing, gallinoptera, Tianxiong, Xiaosinan, Mielingxiang, heart rush grass, Jiuquvine..."

After announcing the names of the seven medicinal materials, Jiang Yun opened his eyes, and Nan Yunruo also handed the white paper to him and said, "They are all here."

Jiang Yun's eyes kept moving back and forth over these seven names, while Nan Yunruo held his chin and looked at the names of the seven medicinal materials on the paper with a look of confusion on his face.

After a while, Jiang Yun's eyes gradually lit up and he said: "The correct order should be Xiaosi Nan, Heart Damp Grass, Tianxiong, and Luo Tie Jing, connecting the first characters of each name together."

"Xiao, heart, sky, fall!"


Hearing these four words reported by Jiang Yun, Nan Yunruo couldn't help but took a breath and said, "Is this what Master is hiding in this pill and wants to tell me?"

"Be careful of Tianluo. Do you want me to be careful of the leader of Tianluo Sect? What do the last three medicinal materials mean?"

Mie Ling Xiang, Chicken Intestinal Grass, Jiuqu Vine!

No matter how Jiang Yun combined these three medicinal materials, he could not form a complete meaning.

So he muttered: "I don't know either, because there is another material in this elixir that I can't identify, so your master should have left eight words."

"But it's not difficult to guess that the first sentence is telling you to be careful about Tianluo, and the second sentence is probably telling you where he went!"

"Obviously, your master's mission was basically a conspiracy, and he already knew about it before, so he found a way to tell you in such a subtle way."

"What do we do now?"

At this moment, Nan Yunruo was completely helpless. Even if she was beaten to death, she did not expect that the disappearance of her master was not an accident, but a conspiracy.

If it weren't for Jiang Yun's appearance, not only would it be impossible for him to come to his residence, but even if he saw this elixir, he would not be able to think of analyzing the medicinal materials inside it.

Jiang Yun shook his head and said: "There is no way at the moment."

After a pause, Jiang Yun continued: "However, I have memorized the smell of the last medicinal material, so if I encounter it in the future, I should be able to distinguish it."

"You'll know then!"

"Remember, just pretend this never happened. Don't touch this pill. Just leave it here."

"Now, burn this paper!"

As Nan Yunruo threw a fireball, the white paper was instantly ignited, and looking at the burning flames, Jiang Yun felt an inexplicable irritation in his heart.

Because, he suddenly felt that it was not a coincidence that he fell into this place of death, but someone did it deliberately!

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