Taoist world

Chapter 8391 Jiang also has


Inside the cauldron, the roaring sound still echoed throughout the world.

Jiang Yun's soul body pressed his hands on the door of transcendence, his body trembling slightly.

In that almost transparent body, the world of stars is constantly collapsing and reborn, and the power of various avenues is completely boiling, just like the end of the world.

The trembling amplitude of the Door of Transcendence is much more intense than before.

The cultivators in the cauldron who were watching, including Gu Bu Lao who was near Jiang Yun, felt their hearts clenched involuntarily at this moment.

Regardless of whether Jiang Yun would have to leave the cauldron if he really became a powerful person with transcendence, at least at this time, they sincerely hoped that Jiang Yun could successfully open the door to transcendence.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun, who had been watching from the sidelines, suddenly raised his head and looked above the door of transcendence, with a cold light in his eyes.

Except for Jiang Yun, Pavilion Master Qionghai and Empress Liangmo also raised their heads almost at the same time, looking in the same direction.

Jiang Yun's guess was correct.

Although the mouth of Longwen Red Cauldron is open, there is indeed a strong barrier set up by Dao Lord between it and the outside of the cauldron.

This barrier originally came from the Zhending Heng Gate.

Not only can it prevent people from entering and exiting the Longwen Red Cauldron at will, but it can also facilitate Dao Lord to maintain contact with the cauldron and observe the situation inside the cauldron anytime and anywhere.

Empress Liangmo and Gu Ling cooperated to seal this barrier, temporarily cutting off the connection between Dao Lord and the tripod.

Later, Taojun took the initiative to remove the Zhen Ding Heng Gate, opened the barrier to block the outside of the tripod, and allowed entry and no exit.

Now, because Jiang Yun has led to the Gate of Transcendence and awakened Dao Lord's will, a gap has been opened in Liang Mo's blockade, which is the vortex and the cracks that have appeared around it.

In this way, Daojun can once again see the situation near the Gate of Transcendence, and even be able to take some action and use some hands and feet.

At this moment, Jiang Yun just felt something.


But Empress Liangmo and Pavilion Master Qionghai could clearly see that traces of aura from outside the cauldron seeping out from the cracks near the vortex were rushing towards Jiang Yun's Transcendence Gate and sinking into it. !

Although there are not many auras outside these tripods, their addition has greatly changed the nature of the Gate of Transcendence.

The inside and outside of the tripod are not completely different spaces, but at least they are different in terms of the solidity of the spaces.

Naturally, the aura outside the cauldron is much stronger and thicker than that inside the cauldron.

In the original Gate of Transcendence, Jiang Yun only had to fight against the inner avenue of the cauldron.

But now, Jiang Yun not only has to fight against the great avenue inside the tripod, but also against the power outside the tripod!

Under this situation, let alone Jiang Yun, I am afraid that even if a truly powerful person comes, he may not be able to open this door of transcendence.

"grown ups!"

Seeing Daojun's actions, Dizun couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Shouldn't we let Jiang Yun enter the cauldron?"

As for Jiang Yun's initiative to push the door of transcendence, Di Zun also hoped that Jiang Yun could push it away.

Because once pushed away, Jiang Yun is a transcendent and powerful person, so he cannot stay in the cauldron for too long and must go outside the cauldron as soon as possible.

As long as Jiang Yun leaves the Longwen Red Cauldron and goes outside the cauldron, there is no need for the Tao Lord to take action at all. Just send a Taoist guard to easily control Jiang Yun.

At that time, Dao Lord will be able to obtain Jiang Yun's Dao Fruit and everything Jiang Yun has!

Therefore, Earth Master really couldn't understand why Dao Lord increased the difficulty to prevent Jiang Yun from opening the door to transcendence!

Daojun said calmly, "My will was damaged, and Liang Mo colluded with the creatures in the cauldron, cutting off the connection between me and the cauldron. The rule that detached strong people cannot stay in the cauldron for a long time was also affected."

"If Jiang Yun becomes detached, he can still stay in the cauldron, but it will ruin my plan."

"What's more, next time, I have to concentrate my strength to face people like Liang Mo and Zhu Long who think I have been injured and want to kill me. I have no idea what is going on in the cauldron for the time being."

"So, it's better not to let Jiang Yun become truly transcendent and let Jiang Yun maintain his current strength."

Daojun's explanation made Di Zun look astonished.

Although the process of pushing the door of transcendence is difficult, once it is pushed open, the great avenue within the cauldron will feed Jiang Yun back, and the benefits it will bring to Jiang Yun are also huge.

Throughout the ages, there have been many monks who, after opening the door to transcendence, were able to directly step into the realm of first glimpse from the realm of entry.

And Jiang Yun is the door to transcendence formed by the extremely rare origins of eight great avenues.

No one knows how Jiang Yun's strength will improve after he opens the door to transcendence.

Therefore, it was indeed wise for Dao Lord not to let Jiang Yun open the door to transcendence.

At this time, Daojun said again, "You don't need to worry about the matters within the tripod for the time being."

"Now, go and stare at Ye Dong and all the monks who come out of the cauldron!"

Di Zun nodded and said, "Are you worried about them entering the cauldron to help Jiang Yun?"

"No!" Daojun said in a deep voice, "I'm afraid Jiang Yun will find a way to contact them and ask them to take care of the creatures in the cauldron!"

Di Zun's expression changed and he said, "What do you mean, sir, is Jiang Yun capable of sending the creatures inside the cauldron outside the cauldron?"

"I'm not sure either!" Daojun shook his head and said, "However, I underestimated people like the creatures in the cauldron before, so I can't make the same mistake again. I'm prepared for a rainy day, just in case!"

"No matter what, from now on, no living being in the cauldron is allowed to leave. They must all die in the cauldron and become nutrients!"

A look of fanaticism appeared on Daojun's face, which made Dizun dare not speak again. He hurriedly agreed and turned around to leave.


r\u003eHowever, Daojun stopped him again and said, "Don't underestimate Ye Dong and the others."

"Their true strength is definitely not what you see!"

The Earth Master was shocked, agreed repeatedly, and finally exited the palace.

And as the Earth Lord left, the fanatical look on Daojun's face immediately receded and became extremely calm.

He also looked at the whirlpool again, looked at Jiang Yundao and said, "The surprises you brought to me are more than those of Jing'er and the others."

"Now, there are still two who haven't fully grown up, how can you leave!"

"Jiang Yun, I need you to stay in the cauldron so that you can bring me more surprises!"

Inside the cauldron, the Door of Transcendence, which was shaking violently, gradually returned to calm as the breath from outside the cauldron blended in.

From the perspective of everyone who could not see or feel the aura outside the tripod, they naturally thought that it was Jiang Yun's soul body, which was not strong enough to open the door to transcendence.

But Jiang Yun knew it very well, and Daojun moved his hands and feet again to stop himself from pushing the door open.

Jiang Yun stood there, staring at his soul body, thoughts swirling in his mind.

In fact, the reason why he let Hun Dao body push open the door was not because he was arrogant or because he did something shocking on purpose.

Because, his true self needs to wait until the door of transcendence is pushed open to attack those cracks and whirlpools!

After all, no matter how strong the Gate of Transcendence is, it will definitely not be as good as the barriers put up by Lord Dao.

Originally, he had confidence that the Soul Dao Body could open the door to transcendence.

But he didn't expect that Daojun would actually stop him.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Yun said to himself, "It seems that I still have to take action myself!"

After the words fell, Jiang Yun stepped forward and directly merged with the soul body.

Immediately afterwards, blazing flames suddenly burst out from Jiang Yun's body.

"Master Dao, Jiang has the power beyond the cauldron!"

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