Taoist world

Chapter 833 The Dao Seal Reappears


"Lingshi?" Nan Yunruo came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Yes, how much do you want?"

"I want as much as you can give me!"

"There's no use for me to ask for spiritual stones, I'll give them all to you!"

Nan Yunruo took out a bracelet and was about to hand it to Jiang Yun, but immediately remembered that Jiang Yun seemed unable to open the storage magic weapon, so he simply took out all the spiritual stones.

Then, a Lingshi Mountain that was about ten feet tall appeared in front of Jiang Yun.

After a rough scan, there were at least tens of thousands of spirit stones. Although the highest among them was only the third grade, Jiang Yun was still a little surprised.

When he thought about it, Nan Yunruo was simple-minded and rarely went out. Logically speaking, even if he had spiritual stones on his body, he would not have too many, but he did not expect that there were so many.

Nan Yunruo obviously saw Jiang Yun's doubts, smiled slightly at Jiang Yun and said: "Although Luo Xin has given me a lot of tasks, I will also receive corresponding rewards every time I complete a task."

"Besides, the pills I refine will be sold by the sect every once in a while. The sect will take 70% of the spiritual stones obtained after the sale and give me 30%."

"I rarely go out and don't need spirit stones, so over time, I have so many!"

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "Then lend me these spiritual stones for use first, and I will find a way to return them to you in the future."

Nan Yunruo blinked at Jiang Yun and said: "There is no need to pay it back. You have helped me so much, these spiritual stones will be regarded as my reward for you!"

Jiang Yun smiled noncommittally and said, "I have one more thing to trouble you with. Can you find me a quiet place? I need to retreat for a while."

"You go to my room!"

Nanyun Ruo opened his mouth to answer without thinking, but as soon as the words came out, he immediately felt that something was wrong, but it was too late to take it back, and two red clouds suddenly flew up on his face.

If word spreads about letting a strange man enter his room, it will definitely attract a lot of criticism.

Jiang Yun didn't think too much, but nodded immediately and said: "Thank you very much!"

After saying that, without waiting for Nan Yunruo's response, he picked up the spirit stone and walked directly to the second floor.

Watching Jiang Yun walk into his room, Nan Yunruo's face turned into a ripe apple!

In this boudoir that exuded a faint feminine fragrance, Jiang Yun didn't care at all. His attention was now focused on the spirit stone in front of him!

His purpose for wanting the spirit stone was not to directly absorb the spiritual energy within it, but to see if he could use the Dao intention in the spirit stone to draw out the Dao seal fragments!

Once the Dao Seal turns into water, if all these Tongmai Pills are thrown into the water and branded, the efficacy of the medicine will be doubled several times.

Jiang Yun still had no idea what the Dao Seal was, but he knew that the fragments of the Dao Seal could automatically absorb the Dao's meaning when he was still a real mortal.

Now he is equal to a mortal, except that the Dao Seal fragments have also been moved to his Dantian.

Jiang Yun didn't know whether that finger had suppressed the Dao Seal fragments, so he just had the attitude of giving it a try.

If his thoughts come true, the time it takes him to recover his cultivation will be shortened a lot.

To be on the safe side, Jiang Yun also used spirit stones to set up a simple isolation formation. Then he took out three spirit stones and crushed them hard!

In the past, as long as the Dao Seal fragments were close to objects containing Dao meaning, they would appear directly, crush them and absorb the Dao meaning.

Now that the Dao Seal fragments are hidden in Dantian, Jiang Yun can only use this method to test.


As the three spiritual stones were shattered, the spiritual energy within them suddenly filled the air, and immediately after, there was a crisp, vibrating sound.

As expected, the fragments of the Dao Seal rushed out of Jiang Yun's dantian and swallowed up the three Dao Intentions without ceremony.

This scene made Jiang Yun couldn't help but take a deep breath, with a rare look of ecstasy on his face!

After three days passed, Luo Xin appeared above Nan Yunruo's courtyard with a smile on his face.

However, when he took the jade bottle that Nan Yunruo handed to him, the smile on his face suddenly froze.

"This, you refined this?"

"Who else could it be?"

Nan Yunruo said expressionlessly: "Except for Master Luo and Fang Mang, no one else has been here before. Master Luo shouldn't think that this was refined by Fang Mang, right?"

Luo Xin glanced at Jiang Yun coldly, feeling the extremely weak spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the other person's body, and snorted coldly: "You have completed this mission, but don't worry, you will complete it one day. It’s a mission that can’t be accomplished!”

Of course he would not think that this elixir was refined by Jiang Yun. Otherwise, how could he take the initiative to send Jiang Yun to Nan Yunruo!

After saying these words, Luo Xin waved his sleeves and left in frustration, while Nan Yunruo laughed loudly.

This was the first time in more than three years since her master left that she had smiled so heartily.

However, compared to Nan Yunruo's happiness, Jiang Yun shook his head, poured a basin of cold water on it and said, "You are happy too early. This Luo Xin will not give up so easily."

"The task he gives you next time will definitely be more difficult to complete than this time!"

"Moreover, you can fool around with such a mission once or twice, but if it happens too many times, he will definitely become suspicious by then."

Nan Yunruo still said with a smile on his face: "Anyway, as long as you are here, I won't worry!"

This sentence actually left Jiang Yun speechless!

Although Nan Yunruo may seem simple-minded, he is actually very smart!

Although she didn't know much about Jiang Yun, she at least knew that Jiang Yun needed to stay with her and let her help him cover up, and even needed pills and spiritual stones.

Then as long as Jiang Yun is here, he doesn't need to worry about Luo Xin's threat at all!

Shaking his head, Jiang Yun stopped discussing this issue.

If Luo Xin really suspects him and even takes action against him, then he will kill him!

The strength of his own body is enough to kill a strong man in the Taoist realm.

Not to mention, now I no longer have any cultivation, but can already exude a little spiritual energy!

After spending tens of thousands of spiritual stones and swallowing the huge amount of spiritual energy transformed from the hundreds of branded pulse-opening pills, he finally succeeded in truly shaking that finger.

Although such shaking does not seem to be of much help to Jiang Yun, since it can be shaken once, it can naturally be shaken two or three times.

Jiang Yun is not greedy and wants to destroy the entire finger in a short time. He just hopes to destroy a little bit of the finger.

In that case, he can open the storage magic weapon and even summon Su Yang.

Among the storage instruments, there are many storage instruments that he obtained in prison, and the spiritual stones alone exceed one million!

And Su Yang has the strength of Tianyou's later stage. Even though he can't say how powerful he is in this world, it at least gives Jiang Yun's safety a little more guarantee.

But these are all things for later. What Jiang Yun needs most now is to find a way to get a lot of elixirs and spiritual stones!

It was naturally impossible for Jiang Yun to do it, so he could only find a way to Nan Yunruo.

After hearing Jiang Yun's request, Nan Yunruo did not respond immediately, but looked at him deeply and said: "I think you should not think about spiritual stones and elixirs now, but should think about yourself. safety!"

"Calculate the time, next month at the latest, the sect should be checking on your cultivation status!"

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