Taoist world

Chapter 8298: Those who understand current affairs


Seeing the palm that appeared out of thin air holding the endless wood species, the man's expression suddenly changed. While shouting in a low voice, he raised his hand and patted the palm.

The woman beside him didn't respond at all slowly. She raised her wrist and a ribbon flew out of the cuff and rolled towards the endless wood species.

Although these two people behaved in a sneaky way, based on their reaction ability, they should be, as Xu Hua said, they were descendants of aristocratic families.

They have definitely gone through rigorous training, and their cooperation is very tacit.

If it had been anyone else, they might have taken the Endless Wood back.

But it is a pity that the palm holding the endless wood species comes from Jiang Yun.

The moment he held the endless wood species in his palm, he disappeared without a trace, as if he had never appeared before, causing both of their attacks to be in vain.

The man's reaction once again made Jiang Yundu feel a little admired. .🅆.

You can see that although the man's palm is empty, his power has not diminished at all.

In fact, the man deliberately increased his strength and slapped the ground heavily with his palm.

Even though the earth here is made of the great avenue of earth, it is not as thick and solid as the power of earth.

The man slapped it with his palm, causing the earth within a hundred feet to instantly collapse and turn into a road of earth, rising into the sky like smoke, covering the sky and the sun.

The woman's ribbon, which was also empty, spun in the air and wrapped around the man's palm.

At the same time, a green jade stone appeared in the woman's other hand, and she squeezed it hard.

The jade stone shattered, releasing a ball of green light that enveloped the woman and man.

Their bodies also quickly became transparent.

Obviously, this jade stone should be a teleportation formation stone that can teleport two people to other places.

Moreover, based on the previous conversation between the two, it is not difficult to see that the transmission ability of this jade stone should be very strong.

, you can even ignore the restriction of the landing surface.

The two of them originally came to collect soil, but when they found out that they were intercepted halfway and failed to take back the endless wood species, they immediately gave up all plans and chose to escape.

This kind of decisiveness is something that many monks do not have.

But again, they met Jiang Yun in Luolingmian today!


Jiang Yun uttered the word "Jiang Yun" and stepped out of the void. A stream of underworld also appeared, surrounding the two people, slowly circling, pulling the two people out of the teleportation state. Come back.

Looking at the green jade restored to its original shape in her hand, the woman's expression changed and she squeezed it hard again.


Jiang Yun's voice was faster than hers, immediately making her and the man unable to move.

Jiang Yun reached out and grabbed it, and the green jade in the woman's hand immediately flew into Jiang Yun's hand.

Seeing that the power of time on the two of them was about to be restored, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves and directly took the two of them out of this space and into the Luo Ling plane.

"Give me the town!"

Jiang Yun didn't even move, but the Shiwanmang Mountains all flew into the air and pressed down on their bodies.


After a dull loud noise, the man and woman were suppressed under Shiwanmang Mountain.

From the moment Jiang Yun caught the endless wood species, a total of five breaths of time had passed.

Two people from aristocratic families outside the tripod, who had only half a step to transcend, completely lost their ability to resist and became prisoners at the foot of the mountain.

This made Xu Xiang and Zhang Taicheng, who were hiding in the dark and did not show up, couldn't help but look at each other.

, both saw a trace of shock on each other's faces.

Although they knew that Jiang Yun used the power of the dragon pattern, as they had all fought against Jiang Yun, they could clearly feel that Jiang Yun's own strength had also been greatly improved.

Their feelings are not wrong.

Because now Jiang Yun has actually taken back the original Taoist body that guarded the avenue.

In addition, his own cultivation realm has also improved a small level, which allowed Jiang Yun's strength to be greatly improved.

After all, Jiang Yun almost hit the transcendent realm before.

"Who are you!"

At this time, the man who was suppressed at the foot of Mang Mountain looked up at Jiang Yun. Although his face was calm, there was a hint of panic deep in his eyes.

He didn't panic before because he was confident that he could escape instantly.

But now, the jade he relied on to escape has been snatched away by Jiang Yun.

He even didn't understand how his brother and sister were pinned under a mountain!

However, he at least understood that his life was in danger, so of course he was scared.

Jiang Yun looked at the man and said, "Now, I will ask questions and you will answer them."

"Who are you!"

Suddenly, the woman exclaimed, "I know, you must be the one who subdued the dragon pattern."

Jiang Yun glanced at the woman and said, "I'll repeat it one last time. Now, I'll ask the question."

"You can choose not to answer, or give me wrong answers on purpose, as long as you can afford the consequences."

"Who are you!"

Jiang Yun actually wanted to search the souls of the two of them directly, but he also knew that there must be some restrictions in the souls of these monks outside the tripod, and searching would be in vain.


It's better to torture him to extract a confession!

The man opened his mouth to say something else, but the woman was the first to say, "We are from the Fu family in Fuyu, my name is Fu Jingjing, and this is my brother, Fu Ningmin!"

"Jingjing!" The man immediately shouted angrily at the woman, "What are you doing!"

"Our entry must be kept strictly confidential."

But the woman shrugged her shoulders and said, "Brother, saving your life is more important than keeping secrets right now!"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Jiang Yundao and said, "Keep asking!"

"As long as you don't kill us, I will tell you whatever I know."

Jiang Yun was quite moved by how well-informed Xu Hua was.

Previously, through Fu Ningmin's action, Xiu Hua speculated that they might be members of Fu Yu's family. Unexpectedly, he was right.

Jiang Yun also felt quite relieved about Fu Jingjing's awareness of current affairs.

"When did you enter the cauldron?"

It was Fu Jingjing who replied, "Just now, we entered the cauldron and went straight here."

"The purpose of our coming here is firstly for the dragon pattern, secondly for the Taoist Taoist heart, and thirdly for Wu Tu Ji Tu."

Fu Jingjing seemed to be well aware of current affairs, and she took the initiative to tell her the purpose of coming here without Jiang Yun asking.

However, she obviously reversed the order on purpose!

Their biggest goal is not Longwen Daoxin, but Wutujitu!

Jiang Yun did not expose her, and then asked, "What is the use of Wu Tu Ji Tu?"

"Cultivation of Endless Wood!" Fu Jingjing said without even thinking, "The Endless Wood species is the tree species that you just snatched away."

"Endless Wood, you should know, right?"

This answer was beyond Jiang Yun's expectation, and for a moment Jiang Yun was unable to tell whether what the other party said was true or false.

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