Taoist world

Chapter 823: Kill them all

There was total silence in the Liu family.

All the Liu family members, including Liu Zhendong and Liu Siyuan, were as motionless as statues, so that they did not pay attention to the arrival of Gu Luo, the three God-blessed powerful men.

Naturally, they all heard Liu Peng's voice, but this became more and more unbelievable to them.

Liu Peng failed all three tests. Liu Peng, who was not favored by everyone since he was a child and believed that he could never become a strong man, has now become the master of the blood world!

After a moment of silence, Liu Peng's voice finally came from the depths of the Liu family: "Three seniors, there is no need for this, everything is the same as before."

Liu Peng's answer made the three of Gu Luo look at each other again and nodded secretly in their hearts.

Although Liu Peng has now become the new master of the blood world, his character and attitude have not changed because of this status, but remain the same as before.

From this point, it is not difficult to see that Jiang Yun chose Liu Peng as his disciple and gave him the identity of the Lord of the Blood Realm. He found the right person.

Although Liu Peng had already spoken, of course the three Gu Luo people couldn't really just turn around and leave.

Gu Luo said again: "Sir, the environment here is too bad. Please lead the Liu family and move into Taoyuan City."

However, Liu Peng refused again and said: "Don't bother, I'm right here, waiting for Master to come back!"

In the center of the four small formations that Jiang Yun had set up before leaving, Liu Peng knelt on the ground and looked up at the sky.

After a long time, he bowed to the sky, pressed his head tightly to the ground, and said softly: "Master, this disciple swears here today that one day he will become a formation master and will never let down Master's expectations of me. !”

Looking up, Liu Peng was already in tears.

His life was originally supposed to be an ordinary life, but meeting Jiang Yun and becoming his disciple completely changed his destiny, making his life extremely exciting and brilliant.

Time flies, and it doesn't take long for the blood realm to return to its original state, because they finally live a peaceful life far beyond the original one.

However, in another place, a place that is regarded as a forbidden area by almost all creatures in the Taoist world, it has become uneasy!

WA genuine first release,

This place is called the Land of Principle!

Not many people know the place of origin, because it does not exist in any world at all.

The Land of Tao Origin, as the name suggests, is the place where Tao originated, and the reason why it was named like this was because a person lived here.

This is the place where the most powerful being in the myriad realms, whose name cannot be spoken by hundreds of millions of creatures, lives.

Tao Zun!

Tao Zun, he is the Tao, so where he exists is the place where the Tao originates, so this is called the place where the Tao originates!

There are few people who know about the land of Taoyuan, and the number of people who can come here is naturally even smaller. Even if it takes thousands of years, no one may come here.

But today, an uninvited guest came here!

This is a middle-aged beautiful woman, graceful and beautiful, but there is a strong evil aura between her eyebrows!

Looking at the empty nothingness in front of her, the middle-aged beautiful woman bowed slightly and said slowly: "Situ Jing pays homage to Master Dao!"

Situ Jing, Jiang Yun’s second senior sister!

After a moment of dead silence, a faint ripple appeared in the void, and a six or seven-year-old boy with red face and white teeth stepped out of it.

Although the boy is not very old, his immature face has a look of maturity that is very inconsistent with his age.

Looking at Situ Jing, the boy grinned, showing his white teeth and said, "Who do I think it is? It turns out to be Situ Jing. It's a pity that Master Dao Zun is in retreat now and can't see you. I don't know why you are here?"

The evil look in Situ Jing's eyebrows remained unabated, and she said calmly: "I want someone!"


The boy's brows furrowed, and he said with a puzzled look on his face: "You came to this place of origin to ask for someone? Who do you want?"

Situ Jing looked at the boy for a moment before speaking: "My masters are ancient, senior brother Dongfang Bo, junior brother Jiang Yun!"


The boy suddenly looked up to the sky and burst into laughter and said: "Situ Jing, you are really interesting. Your master, brother and brother are missing. If you didn't look for them, why did you come here to ask for them instead?"

"This is the place where Tao comes from, where Master Dao lives. There are no other outsiders, so you'd better please come back!"

The boy waved his sleeves and gave Situ Jing an order to expel him unceremoniously.

However, Situ Jing went on to say: "My junior brother Jiang Yun was caught by the Taoist Temple patrol envoy more than seven years ago because he was carrying a Taoist seal fragment and was sent to Taoist Prison!"

"Seven years ago, my master notified my senior brother and me of this matter with his spiritual consciousness, saying that he would come to visit Lord Dao, and begged Lord Dao to be accommodating and let my junior brother go, but since then, there has been no news at all. !”

"My senior brother also entered the Third Palace of Dao seven years ago in order to find his junior brother. Now there is no news at all, and even his life stone has been broken. So now, Situ Jing has the courage to come here to ask for help. Master Dao Zun wants someone!"

"If Lord Dao is unwilling to let me go, please at least give Situ Jing an explanation!"

Hearing Situ Jing's words, the smile on the boy's face gradually faded, and his tone became cold as he said: "Situ Jing, you should also know very well that those who possess the Dao Seal fragments must be sent to Dao Prison. , no one can intercede with this!"

"Since your senior brother dares to go against the grain and have the courage to invade Dao San Palace, then naturally he must be prepared for the worst. After all, Dao San is as easy to talk to as I am!"

"As for what you said about the master coming to visit the Taoist Master, it is even more false! You are the first person to enter this place of the source of Taoism in a hundred years!"

"In addition, just because of your behavior of trespassing into the lawless land, I should take you down and hand you over to Master Dao Zundao. However, for the sake of your master, I will spare you this time. You, please hurry up." leave!"

"If you dare to argue here again, don't blame me for being rude!"

After the words fell, the boy flicked his sleeves again, turned around and took a step, and his figure disappeared into nothingness.

Seeing the empty nothingness restored in front of her, Situ Jing did not speak again, but also turned around and walked away.

As Situ Jing's figure disappeared without a trace, the boy from before suddenly reappeared in the empty void and said coldly: "Situ Jing came here just for testing."

"It seems like she already knows that Gu Bulao is trapped here."

"As for Dongfang Bo, he must have been trapped by Dao San. With Situ Jing's strength, it is impossible to break into Dao San Palace, let alone the place where Dao comes from."

"It's just that she is definitely not willing to give up and will definitely find other people for help!"

"Although I'm not afraid, it's still a troublesome thing. Why don't we ask Wen San, if her junior brother is not the person Tao Zun is looking for, then simply let him go!"

"This ancient school is really a bit difficult to deal with. If you can avoid provoking it, it's best not to do it!"

The boy closed his eyes, but after just a moment, he opened them again, with a look of helplessness on his face and said: "Dao San's move was too fast!"

"Not only has Dongfang Bo been killed by him, but Jiang Yun actually fell into the Land of Destruction!"

"The Land of Fallen Worlds existed before the birth of heaven and earth. Even I dare not trespass. If Jiang Yun falls there, he will most likely die. This is going to be really troublesome!"

After the boy frowned and thought for a long time, he finally sighed leisurely and said: "Since they are all dead, let's just kill Situ Jing too, and it will be over!"

Shaking his head, the boy took a step towards the direction Situ Jing left and disappeared without a trace.

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