Taoist world

Chapter 8215 The Gentleman of the Way

This old man, who looked very similar to Gu Bu Lao, glanced at the dry arm bone in his hand, then casually threw the arm bone to the ground again.

However, just when the arm bone was about to fall to the ground, the old man's expression suddenly changed, as if he remembered something.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the amputated arm bone automatically flying back into his hand.

The old man raised his arm bone again, put it in front of his eyes, and looked at it.

But this time, he looked obviously much more carefully than before.

There are naturally some Dharma or Dao patterns on the arm bones.

The old man's eyes were fixed on these Dao patterns and patterns, and he was observing them one by one.

After a moment, there was a faint light in the old man's eyes, and his old face became a little more excited.

Gently rubbing the amputated arm bone, the old man's figure disappeared silently, just like the scene when he appeared.

At the same time, through the power of time reversal, a crack reappeared, and Jiang Yun, who stepped into it, was looking around.

Here, it is no longer the ice and snow before, but a forest located halfway up the mountain.

All kinds of plants grow in all directions.

There are towering trees and endless flowers, lush, colorful and full of vitality.

Only there is no living being.

Although the scene here is completely different from the ice and snow, Jiang Yun knows that the essence of everything is just an illusion of the patterns on the surface of the tripod.

What surprised Jiang Yun was that Guqiu, who entered here only a few breaths earlier than himself, had disappeared.

Logically speaking, no matter how strong a monk is, if he rashly enters a strange place, he must first take some time to observe the surrounding environment to see if there is any danger.

Not to mention that there was no trace of Guqiu here, Jiang Yun didn't feel any residual aura either.

"That should mean that although Gu Qiu and I entered the same crack, we were in different illusionary spaces."

This is also normal.

The power of space is inherently wonderful.

Not to mention the time difference between Jiang Yun and Gu Qiu when they entered the crack. Even if they entered at the same time, they might appear in different places.

Jiang Yun also gave up searching for his ancient revenge, and instead thought about where he should go next!

Jiang Yun really knew nothing about this falling side, so all he could think of was to continue to find the dragon mark.

Jiang Yun dispersed his consciousness and carefully sensed everything around him.

Gradually, Jiang Yun's brows wrinkled.

Because, under his observation, he discovered that the vegetation here, including dust and stones, were not only composed of various patterns, but when combined together, they clearly formed a formation!

It is still an extremely complicated formation!

Every plant, every tree, every dust and every stone has different attributes, and when placed together, they have different functions.

For example, a fiery red flower blooms, or a stone emerges from the earth.

Both of them looked ordinary, but when Jiang Yun's consciousness swept over them, his consciousness was immediately cut open neatly!

This made Jiang Yun sigh with emotion, "If Lord Dao arranged all of this, then Lord Dao is really an all-rounder!"

"you are right!"

Xu Hua agreed, "Anyway, judging from the various deeds I know about Lord Dao, Lord Dao is in every aspect, not to mention that he has practiced to the extreme, but it really seems that there is no one who can't do it."

After a pause, Xu Hua said hesitantly, "

There is even a saying circulating outside the tripod that all three thousand avenues are accessible to all Taoists. "

"As long as the Taoist master is willing, the Taoist cultivator can choose the position of the three thousand Taoist masters with his eyes closed!"

Three thousand avenues are accessible to all Taoists!

Such a high evaluation shocked Jiang Yun's heart, and he asked curiously, "Tao Lord and Tao Master, who is higher and lower outside the tripod?"

Xu Hua laughed and said, "Do you think that Dao Lord Dao Lord is equivalent to the king in Taoist cultivation outside the tripod?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "What else?"

"Of course not!" Xu Hua said with a smile, "The original meaning of the title Daojun refers to a gentleman in the Dao!"

"If we really talk about status, the Dao Lord and the Three Thousand Dao Masters can be regarded as equals at most."

Jiang Yun was stunned!

Let alone him, almost everyone in the cauldron who has heard of Daojun thinks that Daojun is equivalent to some kind of supreme being in the cauldron, like an emperor, representing the supreme identity and status.

However, the meaning of the title Daojun actually refers to Daojun's character.

Jiang Yun was silent for a moment and said, "Do you outside the cauldron understand the term "gentleman" a little differently than we do inside the cauldron?"

A gentleman refers to a person of high moral character!

Although Jiang Yun has never even seen Dao Lord in person, just because he was able to kill endless monks and smear their blood on the Longwen Red Cauldron, he is really not qualified to be called a gentleman!

Xuhua was also silent for a moment and then said, "You have to know that everything born in the cauldron, including you, is said to be allowed to develop and evolve on your own."

"But in fact, in the final analysis, it comes from Dingwai. It was Dingwai who created you."

"Therefore, your knowledge and understanding also originate from outside the tripod."

"As for why the Tao Lord is called the Taoist Gentleman, I don't know why.

have no idea. "

"I can only tell you that the title Daojun is not something he calls himself, but is recognized by most Taoist cultivators!"

Jiang Yun had to admit that Xihua was right.

Everything inside the tripod is bound to be affected by outside the tripod.

This influence may not appear directly, but it always exists, thus subtly establishing the awareness of the creatures in the cauldron and so on.

Therefore, there must be a reason why the Dao Lord can be recognized by most Dao cultivators as a gentleman in the Dao.

Jiang Yun did not dwell on this issue anymore. What he had to do now was to pass through the formation that might have been arranged by this gentleman.

Although everything in front of him is complicated, so is what Jiang Yun has learned.

Jiang Yun has dabbled in formations, various avenues, including various runes.

Therefore, after observing for a long time, Jiang Yun finally found a route in the forest that could lead to the top of the mountain.

Jiang Yun carefully followed this route, passing through the plants bit by bit at a slow speed. It took him a full four hours to successfully walk out of the forest.

However, the moment he stepped out of the forest, his eyes flashed, and the top of the forest disappeared without a trace.

Instead, it turned out to be a cave.

The cave is empty, but the mountain wall is as smooth as a mirror.

The most important thing is that deep in the cave that Jiang Yun can see, there is a futon and several stones scattered on the ground that emit a faint light.

Apparently, people once lived here!

Jiang Yun believed Zhong Wen's analysis of the dragon pattern on Luo Ling's side, and found that the other party had acquired spiritual intelligence and had become a demon.

However, a dragon demon will build a cave as its own residence...

Will he even turn into a human form and sit on a futon to meditate?


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