Taoist world

Chapter 8141: Finally Entering the Origin

This feeling of warmth is different from the feeling of sunlight shining on your body.

For Jiang Yun at this moment, he felt like he was in his mother's body before he was born.

In addition to warmth, there is also a sense of safety and comfort.

It seems that as long as you have this warmth, no one and no force can hurt you.

Jiang Yun couldn't even remember how long it had been since he had felt like this, so much so that he felt a little dazed.

And in this trance, Jiang Yun also muttered one word in his mouth.


Home is a place where living things grow.

But the first home of any living being is actually its mother's body and mother's arms.

At this moment, Jiang Yun certainly knew that he was not in his mother's body, but in the Daoxing Domain!

In other words, Daoxing Dayu at this moment is like a gentle mother, wrapping the child Jiang Yun with her body.

Jiang Yun gradually closed his eyes, enjoying the rare comfort and warmth.

And in his ears, a vague, but extremely clear voice suddenly sounded, "Guard...Guard!"

As the voice fell, countless light points came from all directions, one after another, rushing towards Jiang Yun.

At this moment, Jiang Yunfu reached his heart and understood that this was Daoxing Dayu helping him realize the origin of his own path!

Protect the origin of the avenue!

Although Jiang Yun's strength is considered to be a strong one even if he is half-step transcendent, his cultivation level is always far behind his strength.

Strictly speaking, Jiang Yun is only in the Supreme Realm.

Jiang Yun knew nothing about this. Thanks to the reminder from his second senior sister, he realized this and began to understand the origin of his guardianship.

In the past few times, Daoxingda

When the territory was attacked by foreign enemies, Jiang Yun already had a vague feeling that he was about to realize the origin of the guardian avenue.

Just today, in the Great Chaos Realm, Jiang Yun successfully pulled Shen Qiuyu and other foreign cultivators into the Daoxing Realm with his words, and caused the Great Dao to prove it. Situ Jing had lamented that if Jiang Yun If the cloud is in the Daoxing domain, then the origin can be achieved.

Situ Jing's emotion was right.

Even though Jiang Yun was not in the Daoxing Territory at the time, since his words aroused Dao Dao's testimony, they naturally made Daoxing Territory feel the same way.

Therefore, at this moment, Jiang Yun suddenly returns, and Daoxing Dayu will naturally be fulfilled by him.

In other words, this is a kind of mutual fulfillment.

Jiang Yun did not sit down cross-legged, but maintained his current posture, completely relaxing himself, letting the warmth wrap around him, and letting these light spots continue to approach.

Some of these light spots poured into Jiang Yun's body, while others lingered outside Jiang Yun's body.

The light points that submerged into Jiang Yun's body would be like sweet rain, nourishing Jiang Yun's dry Dantian and depleted organs, and warming his injuries.

The light spots lingering outside the body surrounded and gently lifted Jiang Yun's body, carrying Jiang Yun and floating in a certain direction at will.

Pictures began to appear in Jiang Yun's mind.

Every picture shows a scene.

The first thing that appeared was Daoxing Tiandi, followed by the Soul Dao Realm, the Five Elements Dao Realm, the Star God Dao Realm, and the Qingxin Dao Realm...

Stars and worlds, no matter whether Jiang Yun has been there or not, they are all extremely clear at this moment.

Next, there is the specific scene.

There are already towering

The majestic mountains also have the surging sea, the ferocious cracks that look like giant dragons across the cracks, and the hidden valleys located somewhere unknown like clouds and mist...

Jiang Yun has seen some of these scenes and some has not, but he knows that all the scenes belong to the Daoxing Domain!

In this special way, Daoxing Dayu is taking Jiang Yun to appreciate every side of himself, clearly showing everything about himself to Jiang Yun for Jiang Yun to understand.

Because this is what Jiang Yun wants to protect!

When all the scenes disappeared, what appeared in Jiang Yun's mind were all the creatures!

There are white-haired octogenarians, little babies who are crying for food, middle-aged couples who care about each other, black wolves roaring up to the sky, huge dragons hovering in the sky, and blazing flames... .🅆.

Gradually, outside the picture, there are also sounds!

The sound of children crying, the old man coughing, the eruption of volcanoes, the rushing of rivers, the collapse of stars, the unwilling roar!

Daoxing is a vast domain, filled with thousands of races!

Although the human race occupies the main position, other ethnic groups also have their own positions in the Daoxing region.

Together, they constitute the entire Daoxing domain.

Although Jiang Yun had seen many of these creatures for the first time, when Jiang Yun saw them, he felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy and familiarity.

There is even a feeling of blood connection.

Jiang Yun knew very well why he felt like this.

Because, he and they are both members of Daoxing Dayu, and they are all children of Daoxing Dayu!

Because they are also the ones Jiang Yun wants to protect!

Jiang Yun forgot the time, forgot

After remembering everything, I just immersed myself in the pictures and sounds that emerged in my mind.

And his body, surrounded by countless light points, traveled throughout the Daoxing Territory, leaving his footprints everywhere in the Daoxing Territory.

Although Jiang Yun is the only living being in the huge Daoxing Domain, wherever he passes, there will be endless vitality.

At the same time, somewhere inside the cauldron, there was a small figure sitting cross-legged on a huge chain that looked like an Optimus Pillar.

He is Jiang Yun's soul origin.

He was in almost the same state as the original one. His eyes were closed, his face was peaceful, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was having a wonderful dream.

Although he is endlessly far away from Daoxing Great Domain, he can clearly feel the feeling of the deity and enjoy everything that Daoxing Great Domain brings to him.

After an unknown amount of time passed, the picture in Jiang Yun's mind disappeared and his body stopped moving. However, he still had his eyes closed, as if he was sleeping.

However, inside his body, in his Dantian, there were countless light spots that were desperately gathering together.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but these light spots finally completed their condensation, transforming from individuals into a whole, and turned into a small light group.

At first glance, this light group looks ordinary, with nothing special about it. However, if someone can penetrate this light group, they will see that there are endless stars in the light group. The world, the creatures.

Even, if you listen carefully, you can hear all kinds of sounds!

This light group is the Daoxing Great Domain!

Its appearance also means that Jiang Yun, from this moment on, has finally truly entered an extremely important realm for monks - the origin realm!

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