Taoist world

Chapter 806: Feeling guilty

Three years ago, after the group of criminal guards came to the Liu family, in addition to inflicting torture on the Liu family, they also unceremoniously searched their souls and learned about the relationship between Jiang Yun and the Liu family.

There are also strong men such as Jin Cunyao and Gu Luo. Although the blood flow has erased their memories in prison, it has not erased their memories in the blood world.

So Xing Mo naturally knew that they had been in contact with Jiang Yun.

In fact, both the torture demon and the ordinary torture guard knew that Jiang Yun was in prison.

The prison within the prison was completely sealed by Xue Dongliu in turn with the Seven Star Dao Seal, preventing them from entering, so they could only wait and wait for Jiang Yun to appear.

Because Xing Mo believes that once Jiang Yun leaves prison, he will definitely come to see his disciples, his senior brothers, and may even seek revenge from Fusangzi.

But once Jiang Yun appears, if he sees any changes in the Liu family or Jin Cunyao and others, he will probably run away directly.

Therefore, Xing Mo came up with this method to let the Liu family, all the forces inside and outside Taoyuan City, and even Gu Luo and others remain in the same situation as when Jiang Yun left.

Naturally, the price of this kind of maintenance is to make those who have had contact with Jiang Yun a life worse than death!

They tried to use this method to confuse Jiang Yun, so that Jiang Yun would appear on his own initiative and walk into the trap they had set.

As long as Jiang Yun appears in front of any of these people, the criminal guards will appear and catch Jiang Yun.

Even the word "go" arranged by Liu Peng using the formation to remind Jiang Yun was not hidden from Xing Wei at all, but Xing Wei deliberately pretended not to know, also to lure Jiang Yun out.

It has to be said that Xing Mo's trap was extremely cleverly designed, and in order to avoid Jiang Yun knowing about it in advance or discovering any clues, he personally left all the spiritual energy shackles and imprints in these people's bodies.

When he thought about it, no matter how strong Jiang Yun was, he was still no better than himself, so it was impossible for Jiang Yun to discover the spiritual shackles and marks he had left behind.

It's just that he calculated everything, but he didn't calculate it at all.


That is Jiang Yun today. Although his cultivation level is indeed far inferior to him, he has become the master of the blood realm!

If Jiang Yun is willing, he can know about any slightest movement in the blood realm at any time.

Therefore, Jiang Yun hid in the void, and there were six criminal guards less than ten feet away from him, including a strong Taoist realm, but none of them noticed his existence. .

Naturally, the true situation of Liu Peng and the Liu family cannot be hidden from Jiang Yun at all!

In the formation, Liu Peng, who knew nothing about anything, even though his soul had curled up into a ball under the torture of the brand, his body, face and eyes were full of... Strangely peaceful.

Looking at the eighty-one stones surrounding him, Liu Peng sighed: "It's still wrong. I always make mistakes in the last few steps."

"I still haven't made any progress on this third formation. If Master finds out, he will definitely scold me!"


Shaking his head, Liu Peng turned around and was about to go through the formation again, but at this moment, a voice that he had been thinking about for a long time suddenly sounded in his ears: "On the nineteenth step just now, you Wrong move."

"This formation is like playing chess. If you make one wrong move, you will lose the whole game!"

The sudden sound made Liu Peng's body freeze immediately, but then he fell directly to the ground.

Standing up slowly, Liu Peng patted the dust on his clothes and said to himself: "My health is getting worse and worse. Maybe I will leave before Master comes back!" "

After finishing speaking, Liu Peng continued to turn around and walked back to the starting point of the formation as if nothing was wrong.

However, when he returned to the starting point, he saw a familiar figure standing there, looking at him calmly!


These two words were swirling in Liu Peng's throat, but he gritted his teeth to prevent himself from shouting.

In fact, of course Liu Peng heard Jiang Yun's voice.

But he knew better that the current Liu family had set up a dragnet to wait for Jiang Yun. Once Jiang Yun showed up, he would definitely be captured, so he deliberately pretended not to hear, fell down on purpose, and said what he said to himself. Talking to myself is just to remind Master to leave quickly.

But now, he didn't expect that the master would actually appear in front of him.

Looking at Liu Peng, Jiang Yun smiled slightly and said, "Why, you don't recognize me after three years of absence?"

At this time, Liu Peng finally could no longer pretend, and tears burst out of his eyes.

But even so, he still wiped away the tears on his face and whispered to Jiang Yun: "Master, hurry up, there are people from the Third Palace here!"

Jiang Yun nodded calmly and said, "I know!"


Liu Peng was stunned. Since the master knew, why did he come back and even appear in front of him so blatantly?

Jiang Yun suddenly shook his head at him and said, "Don't you realize it yet?"

"What did you find?"

As the words fell, Liu Peng's body suddenly stiffened again.

Because he finally realized that there were six criminal guards near him at all times, but not only had the master appeared, but he also said several words to him, and they didn't even notice it at all.

Liu Peng suddenly turned his head and discovered to his surprise that the surrounding formations had changed, completely isolating the area where Master and he were from the outside world.

"Master!" Liu Peng finally shouted loudly, his knees softened, and he was about to kneel down towards Jiang Yun.

However, Jiang Yun waved his sleeves, supported his body and said, "It is enough for you to kneel to me once when you become a disciple."

Although Liu Peng couldn't kneel down, he did not forget to remind Jiang Yun and said hurriedly: "Master, Dao San Palace sent a large number of criminal guards. They are looking for you everywhere. Even the ancient seniors and others were arrested... "

"You don't need to say anything!" Before Liu Peng could finish his words, Jiang Yun interrupted: "I already know!"

As the master of the blood realm, Jiang Yun's consciousness can cover the entire blood realm with just a thought.

Naturally, he has seen everything he wanted to see.

Looking at Liu Peng who didn't mention the pain in his body, Jiang Yun's eyes showed a rare look of tenderness and guilt and said: "Master has hurt you, you should have a good sleep!"

"When you wake up, everything will be restored to its original state!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Peng felt a gentle force pouring into his body and into his soul, making all the pain in his body disappear in an instant.

A long-lost comfort made him close his eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

Jiang Yun waved his sleeve and gently sent Liu Peng's body into the depths of the formation. He said word by word: "No one can touch my disciple, Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yun's eyes flashed with a long-lost fierce light, and his body exuded strong killing intent. He slowly walked out of the formation and walked towards the six criminal guards hidden in the dark.

He acted throughout his life, and although he continued to kill, he never hurt innocent people, and he did not want to implicate anyone because of himself.

But now, because he killed Lei Ling, Xue Dongliu completely sealed the prison within the prison, making it impossible to enter the Dao Third Palace. As a result, Liu Peng, Jin Cunyao and others, and even the entire creature in the blood world, were all affected by him. implicated.

This made him feel guilty!

And the best way to release this guilt is to kill!

Kill these criminal guards, kill the superior envoy Xing Mo, and kill the people in the Third Palace of Dao. They will never dare to step into this blood Dao world again!

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