Taoist world

Chapter 8060 Only once

It has to be said that the behavior of these practitioners is extremely overbearing.

The place that should be proved was opened by Beichenzi and does not belong to any major domain or any strong person in the tripod.

Any creature within the cauldron can enter it.

But now, some Dharma practices have clearly taken over the place of attainment for themselves.

Even if a Dharma cultivator comes here, his soul needs to be searched by them.

Although their purpose is to find Taoist cultivators, soul searching will have an impact on the monks' souls, and may even leave injuries that are difficult to recover from.

Jiang Yun didn't believe that this half-step detached person would be merciful when searching for souls.

More importantly, Beichenzi must have known what these practitioners were doing, but he did not step in to stop them.

This further proves that the situation within the cauldron is really chaotic.

However, Jiang Yun did not resist, simply closed his eyes and allowed this half-step transcendent consciousness to enter his soul.

Naturally, Jiang Yun had already considered in advance that he would be soul-searched, so he had already weaved a false memory about Wan Lin for himself.

As long as the opponent's soul power is not as powerful as Jiang Yun, it is impossible to tell the clues.

And Jiang Yun is a person who already has the soul origin and Tao body.

Looking at the entire cauldron, there are almost no people who can be stronger than him in terms of soul.

The half-step transcendent consciousness turned around in Jiang Yun's soul and then retreated.

The old man obviously got the hint and stopped worrying about Jiang Yun's identity and said to Jiang Yun, "Do you know the rules?"

Jiang Yun opened his eyes, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

The old man stopped talking and turned around to leave. A middle-aged man next to him said, "There have been too many people rushing into the certification area recently."

"In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, everyone should line up at the first high platform in the order of first come, first served."

"Everyone can only try once. If you fail, you will


You must leave the platform immediately. "

Jiang Yun could understand the rules of queuing, but the rule that he could only break once made Jiang Yun frown slightly.

Although it was Jiang Yun's first time to come to the certification place, he was somewhat familiar with the original rules here.

The nine high platforms in the place of certification do not only have one chance.

Even if you fail, as long as you don't leave the high platform, you can continue to attack. There is no limit to the number of times.

After all, no matter what the specific content of the level is, many people will inevitably be a little nervous and confused when they try it for the first time, so failure is also normal.

Even Jiang Yun was not sure that he could break through nine high platforms in one go.

If you fail, sum up your experience, rest for a while, regain your strength, and be prepared to try again. Maybe you can get through it successfully.

However, the rule set by the law that you can only enter once, deprives everyone of the opportunity.

For legal practitioners, this rule is not bad.

Anyway, they have already given birth to a leader.

But for Taoists, it is extremely unfair.

Of course, even though Jiang Yun was dissatisfied, he didn't say anything and just nodded in agreement.

"Okay!" The man pointed to the first high platform and said, "Go there and line up!"

Jiang Yun followed the man's finger and saw that there was indeed a long queue in front of the first high platform.

There are tens of thousands of them!

On the high platform, there are forty or fifty monks, both human and demon.

The man continued, "A hundred monks can step onto the high platform each time, and other monks are waiting outside."

“While waiting, if you dare to jump in line, or

If a person gets into a dispute or fights with others, he or she will be disqualified at the least and may be killed at the worst! "

"Do you still have any questions?"

Jiang Yun raised his hands to the two of them and said, "How long does it take to get to this high platform?"

Another man replied, "If you hurry up, it can be done in more than ten breaths."

"If it's slow, it's hard to say, but so far, it won't take more than a day at most."

Jiang Yun then asked, "What is it specifically like inside the high platform?"

"Scoff!" the first man sneered, "Everyone will experience different levels after entering. Even if you know it, it's useless."

After speaking, the two men ignored Jiang Yun and turned to leave.

And Jiang Yun shook his head, feeling a little helpless.

A high platform can accommodate hundreds of people per round, which is quite a lot.

But for a team of ten thousand people, with a hundred people in each round, it will take a hundred rounds before it is their turn.

One day at a time, when it is your turn, it will be three months later!

For monks, three months is actually not a long time. It is common to retreat for several years or decades at a time.

Most of the monks in the team of ten thousand people had their eyes closed and their legs crossed, with calm expressions and no hint of impatience.

But for Jiang Yun, three months was like a year.

But now, unless Jiang Yun challenges four half-step transcendences and all the Dharma practitioners here at the same time, he can only wait in line.

Jiang Yun came to the back of the team and followed the example of the others and sat down cross-legged.

However, he did not rest, but carefully looked at the nine high platforms with his spiritual consciousness.

Each of the nine high platforms is completely black and smooth as a mirror. There are no runes or patterns on them, except for


Except for the size, they are exactly the same.

The first high platform is 10,000 feet high, the second high platform is 20,000 feet high, and the ninth high platform is 90,000 feet tall!

The number of monks on the first high platform is the largest, and the further back, the fewer the number of people on the high platform.

Especially the last three high platforms were empty, with not a single monk at all.

As for the first high platform, when Jiang Yun looked at it just now, there were still forty or fifty monks.

But now, there are only about thirty monks left, and nearly half of them are injured.

The consequence of failure in breaking into the place of certification is not just being sent off the platform, but also the possibility of death.

Some monks were leaving one after another, and most of the monks had a look of reluctance on their faces.

Apparently, they were restricted by the once-only rule and had to leave.

In addition to the monks who left, monks would continue to appear on the high platform. They should have broken through inside the high platform and were sent out after failure.

Soon, the high platform was empty, and the second batch of hundreds of monks immediately stepped onto the high platform one after another.

After some monks stepped onto the high platform, they immediately disappeared and entered the inside of the high platform, while others entered in no hurry and made various preparations.

Jiang Yun watched carefully for three days, but none of the more than 400 monks could successfully pass through the first high platform.

This made Jiang Yun lose interest in continuing to watch.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and wait patiently, he suddenly saw that the white-haired old man who stopped him three days ago was walking quickly from another direction with a middle-aged man. Come.

The two people, one behind the other, soon reached the front of the team.

Then, with a gentle push, the old man placed the middle-aged man in the first place!

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