Taoist world

Chapter 8042 Twelve Forces

The blurry figure was not surprised at all that Jiang Yiyun not only appeared suddenly, but also could completely ignore the existence of the formation.

His figure quickly became clear. He was the man who appeared in front of Jiang Yun before.

The man looked at Jiang Yiyun with a smile on his face and said, "We haven't seen you for many years. Could it be that Brother Jiang knows the art of divination?"

"I just wanted to contact Brother Jiang, but I didn't expect that Brother Jiang came by himself."

Jiang Yiyun also said with a smile on his face, "Brother Lu is joking, I don't know any divination skills."

"I was just doing some errands and passed by here, so I came here specifically to see Brother Lu."

"However, from what Brother Lu said, there should be some good news for me!"

The man smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, you might as well take a guess!"

Seeing that the man was still pretending, Jiang Yiyun shook his head and said, "How could I guess that it couldn't be that kid Jiang Yun?"

"Haha!" The man clapped his hands hard, gave Jiang Yiyun a thumbs up and said, "Brother Jiang is right."

"Then Jiang Yun just entered the formation today and is now in the formation!"

"Really?" Jiang Yiyun's face suddenly showed joy, he hugged the man and said, "Brother Lu, please let me see the situation in the formation!"

The man raised his hand and waved lightly, and a picture immediately appeared in front of Jiang Yiyun.

What appeared inside was Jiang Yun, who was heading towards the depths of the formation.

Staring at Jiang Yun, Jiang Yiyun narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a dangerous light and said, "It is indeed him!"

"Brother Lu, I haven't seen the power of your Colorful Cloud Formation for a long time. Can you open my eyes today?"

The man agreed happily and said, "Of course!"

"However, my big formation will probably make Brother Jiang laugh."

After the words fell, the man raised his hand, formed several seals, and disappeared into the endless clouds in front of him!



br\u003eAt this moment, Jiang Yun has entered the fifth area.

And Jiang Yun also saw that this formation should have nine areas.

The ninth area is the deepest part of the formation, and may even be the center of the formation.

So far, although the monsters appearing around him have become stronger and stronger, they only slow him down a little and do not pose much of a threat to him at all.

"If the monster's strength only increases to this extent, then I should be able to successfully enter the ninth area."

Just when this thought passed through Jiang Yun's mind, a sudden light burst out in the fifth area.

Lights of various colors came out from different clouds and enveloped the monsters surrounding Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun was no stranger to this scene and knew that it was improving the strength of these monsters.

Jiang Yun didn't take it to heart.

He even took the opportunity to rush forward for some distance.

However, when the colorful light faded and these monsters attacked Jiang Yun again, Jiang Yun's expression changed.

Not only did the monsters' own auras become more powerful, but they no longer just relied on various parts of the body to attack, but had more magical attacks.

Especially these magic attacks actually have various different attribute powers.

"It's those lights!" Jiang Yun suddenly turned his head and looked at the lights emanating from clouds of different colors.

Obviously, different colors correspond to different attributes.

Just like the gray cloud that Jiang Yun passed through earlier has the power of death.

The monsters Jiang Yun encountered before were like ordinary monsters.

Demonic beasts with common knowledge, and now these demonic beasts have truly evolved into demon cultivators.

Naturally, their strength has also risen with the tide, and has been greatly improved.

Even so, their influence on Jiang Yun was still limited. In one move, Jiang Yun killed hundreds of monsters before finally reaching Yun Duo.

But when he wanted to step into the clouds, his expression changed again.

The clouds, which originally had no defensive power at all, now seem to have turned into walls, extremely hard!

Jiang Yun raised his fist and punched the cloud hard, causing another burst of light, but it failed to break the cloud!

"How is this going?"

Jiang Yun frowned.

The power of the formation suddenly became stronger, and Jiang Yun naturally knew that it came from that man.

What really puzzled Jiang Yun was the change in the man's attitude!

Before, the man didn't want to kill him at all, his purpose was just to trap him.

Why did his attitude suddenly change now, as if he had changed into a different person? He was clearly going to put himself to death!

Although he was confused, Jiang Yun had no time to think deeply about this issue now.

Now, if he couldn't find a way to break through to the next area, he would be trapped in a square city, and there would be monsters outside the city, coming in a steady stream.

The final result will be that Jiang Yun, like Rong Qingzhu and the others, will be trapped here until the oil runs out!

"Senior!" At this moment, Rong Qingzhu's voice sounded, "Please let us out. The four of us, each using different powers to attack clouds of different colors, may be able to break the formation."

Jiang Yun's heart moved when he heard Rong Qingzhu's words.

Each area in the formation is square in shape.

Four clouds forming a square


of each edge.

There are a total of twelve clouds, corresponding to twelve different attributes of power.

The previous formation was not very powerful, and Jiang Yun could pass through the clouds unimpeded, so he never thought about breaking these clouds.

Now Rong Qingzhu's suggestion gave him a reminder.

Break all the bases of the formation in various ways. Even if the formation cannot be broken, it will definitely have some impact on the formation.

Therefore, Jiang Yun nodded and said, "Okay, but I don't need your help, I will do it myself."

Nowadays, the strength of these monsters has skyrocketed, and almost all of them are comparable to the original realm.

If Rong Qingzhu and the others come out, they may not be able to get close to Yunduo, and they will be killed.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun raised his hand, and three stone tablets appeared around him, surrounding him.

This transcendent magic weapon, which is specially used for defense, is put to use here.

No matter how those monsters attacked, the three stone tablets remained motionless.

Jiang Yun sat down cross-legged and released his spiritual consciousness towards the twelve clouds.

There are twelve types of power, and Jiang Yun can roughly distinguish six or seven of them, all of which are relatively common.

As for the other types, Jiang Yun had to figure out what their specific powers were before he could defeat them one by one.

As Jiang Yun sat down, Jiang Yiyun frowned and said, "Brother Lu, he must have thought of a way to break the formation."

The man smiled proudly and said, "Brother Jiang, don't worry. If you want to break through this great formation of mine, you will have to use twelve kinds of power to attack twelve flowers at the same time..."

The man's words suddenly stopped, because he suddenly saw that Jiang Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, had raised his hand and grabbed Xu Xu in front of him!

In the apparently empty void, under Jiang Yun's grasp, a large number of scenery and creatures appeared.

Taoism, human world!

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