Taoist world

Chapter 8038: Demon born in the clouds

"Law of Death!"

Although Jiang Yun is a Taoist cultivator, he is no stranger to the power of law.

As those gray clouds got closer and closer to him, Jiang Yun could easily discern the power contained within them, which was the power of the Law of Death.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun stepped directly into the gray clouds.

The power of law is also strong and weak.

Although the power of death contained in the clouds is not weak and will pose a threat to most monks, it has almost no impact on Jiang Yun, who also has the power of death.

What's more, this entire area covered by clouds constitutes a huge formation, which is not yet fully operational.

Before he figured out the specific situation of this formation, Jiang Yun was worried that if he attacked Yun Duo rashly, he might cause the entire formation to go into full operation.

After easily passing through the gray clouds, what appeared in front of Jiang Yun was still an endless sea of ​​clouds with no end in sight.

According to the sound of fighting coming from the front, Jiang Yun continued to pass through the clouds until a battlefield of considerable size finally appeared in front of him. 🄲

One of the two warring parties was three Taoist cultivators from the human race.

On the other side, there turned out to be various monsters of different shapes formed by the condensation of clouds.

Among them, most are in the form of monsters, there are also some plant forms, and even human forms!

Three Taoist cultivators, two men and one woman, stood back to back, relying on each other, and fought hard to attack the cloud monster that was charging towards them.

The strength of the three of them is not low, all of them are at the origin level, and the woman has reached the high level of the origin!

As for those cloud monsters, although their individual strength is definitely not as good as any of the three, their numbers are extremely large.

Moreover, they are formed by the condensation of clouds and cannot disappear unless they are directly transformed into nothingness.

if only


If they were merely scattered, they would soon be able to reunite.

What's more important is that not far away, in a golden cloud, there are still monsters rushing out in a steady stream, as if they are endless.

Naturally, this makes it impossible for the three Taoist cultivators to be opponents of these cloud monsters.

Now they can barely hold on, but as time goes by and their strength is greatly depleted, they will inevitably be defeated by these monsters in the end.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Jiang Yun knew that this was roughly the same as his speculation.

Any Taoist cultivator who wants to go to the place of certification through the teleportation array will inevitably be teleported here.

In this way, Fa Xiu completely eliminates the possibility of Dao Xiu becoming the leader, thus always outperforming Dao Xiu in terms of strength and momentum.

Jiang Yun did not show up in a hurry to help the three Taoists, but used his spiritual consciousness to cover the cloud monsters and the golden clouds that produced the monsters.

The cloud monster did not pose any threat to Jiang Yun. The real threat was the golden cloud.

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

This golden cloud is like a king. If he doesn't get rid of it first, even if Jiang Yun can kill all the monsters in front of him, he will eventually be exhausted by more monsters coming out.

After careful observation, Jiang Yun's eyes gradually showed a hint of doubt!

Originally, he thought that whether the golden clouds or a large number of monsters were nothing more than some kind of magical power, or the golden clouds were some kind of magic weapon, their function was to continuously create monsters.

But now he discovered that the golden clouds and these monsters were actually alive and seemed to have the ability to survive.

Life is a living thing!

"Are they all cloud demons?"

As a demon refining master, Jiang Yun has seen a lot of demons, but he has never seen Yun Yao before, even though he himself has transformed into a cloud before!

With this doubt, Jiang Yun has appeared!

His appearance, coupled with the powerful aura he deliberately exuded from his body, immediately attracted the attention of the three Taoist cultivators and all the monsters, who all looked at him.

The woman reacted the fastest and said hurriedly, "Fellow Taoist, please leave this area quickly. Don't enter. There is no way we can kill all these monsters."

Hearing the woman's kind reminder, Jiang Yun nodded, instead of retreating, he took a step toward where the three of them were gathered.

Just taking this step, all the monsters that had gathered around the three people immediately took a step back even though they let out a faint roar!

Seeing the reaction of the monsters in his eyes, Jiang Yun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly, once again verifying his previous guess that these monsters were actually afraid of him and knew how to dodge.

This also shows that they do have consciousness and are not created by magical powers! 🄲

The three Taoist cultivators also saw this scene clearly, with surprise on their faces.

Obviously, although they have fought these monsters until now, they have not discovered that these monsters are still conscious.

As for Jiang Yun's strength, a look of hope appeared on their faces.

They were all prepared to die here, but now Jiang Yun's arrival gave them hope of living.

Jiang Yun took a step forward again, and the monsters took a step back.

By the time Jiang Yun came to the three Taoist cultivators, all the monsters had already


It retreated to the vicinity of the clouds, revealing a large open area.

At this time, the three Taoist cultivators already knew that Jiang Yun's strength must be far stronger than their own.

Therefore, the woman still took the lead and bowed respectfully to Jiang Yun and said, "Rong Qingzhu of the Tianxing Dao Domain, together with his two junior brothers, has met the senior!"

Tianxing Dao Realm!

Jiang Yun remembered that he had seen the name of this domain on the map of the boundary land left by Ye Dong.

"Jiang Yun!"

Jiang Yun also announced his name. Looking at the monsters in the distance who were eager to try but did not dare to come, he asked directly, "Why are you here?"

"Do you know anything about this place?"

Rong Qingzhu had obviously never heard of Jiang Yun, so he didn't react at all to Jiang Yun's name.

After looking at each other with his two companions, Rong Qingzhu answered honestly, "About three days ago, we were preparing to go to the place where we should be confirmed and set foot on the teleportation array."

"As a result, halfway through the journey, a teleportation array suddenly sent us here."

"For this place, we only know that it should be a formation."

"These clouds will continue to change shapes, and the power contained in each type of cloud seems to be different."

Sure enough, the three people's experiences were similar to Jiang Yun's.

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I'm in the same situation as you."

"So what's the current situation in your realm?"

"Also, I came all the way and found that except for me, there was no other Taoist cultivator going to the place of certification. I didn't dare. What accidents happened to other Taoist realms?"

Rong Qingzhu opened his mouth and was about to speak, but at this moment, golden light suddenly burst out above the golden clouds!

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