Taoist world

Chapter 8024: The world is a knife

"Oh?" Jiang Yun's words suddenly showed interest on Jiang Wanli's face and asked, "Can you dream in broad daylight?"

"Okay, then grandpa will be an audience today and listen to the story of my dream, Yun Wazi!"

As he spoke, Jiang Wanli leaned back deliberately and assumed a comfortable posture.

Because he knew that Jiang Yun's story would be very long!

Jiang Yun rubbed the animal bones in his hands and said softly, "I dreamed that I left Jiang Village and went to a place called Taoist Sect."

"There, I had a master and three senior brothers and sisters. They led me on the path of spiritual practice."

"Master taught me a technique called Human World Dao, which contains many spells."

"In order for me to master these spells quickly, Master asked me to go down the mountain to practice."

"I went to a shop first...and met a monster named Bai Ze." .🅆.

"Then I went to Beishan Prefecture and met a girl named Xue Qing."

"And later, this girl turned out to be my wife."

Jiang Yun just kept talking to the grandfather in front of him about his experiences in this life.

And grandpa always listened with a smile on his face.

I don't know how much time passed, Jiang Yun exhaled a long breath and said, "In the end, I was affected by a strong man who may have come from outside the tripod, using a lot of negative aura, which made me fall into one nightmare after another."

"I don't know what kind of magical power this is, let alone what kind of power this is."

"I only know that a long time ago, my master should have noticed the three corpses in the Taoist Three Corpses, so he prepared a way to wake me up in advance."

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand and pointed at the center of his eyebrows and said, "This is the mark of this four-petaled flower, called the Ancient Mark!"

"The ancient mark should contain Master's divine consciousness. When I was about to sink into this nightmare forever, Master suddenly appeared and woke me up!"


Hearing this, Grandpa smiled and interjected, "So what do you mean, you are already awake now?"

Jiang Yun grinned and stood up slowly, "No, but I'm about to wake up!"

Grandpa raised his head and looked at Jiang Yun, who had obviously transformed from a child into an adult, and then asked, "Then have you realized the way of the world that truly belongs to you?"

Jiang Yun nodded and said, "I'm going to find my way to the world now!"

Grandpa also nodded and said, "Then go ahead!"


Jiang Yun agreed, but did not leave, but closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, his grandfather was gone, replaced by four corpses lying on the ground.

Looking at the four corpses, Jiang Yun whispered the word "immortal!"


Jiang Yun's eyebrows cracked, and the underworld rushed out, surrounding the four corpses on the ground, surrounding this simple hut, and began to circle crazily.

In a simple hut, there is an Eight Immortals Table.

An oil lamp was lit on the table, and the light was as bright as a bean. Although it was not bright, the light it emitted could still bring light and warmth to people.

In addition to the oil lamps, there were several broken bowls on the table.

Although the bowl contained rough food, the family of five sitting around the table were talking and laughing.

The three children stuffed food into their mouths while listening with their eyes wide open and nervous expressions as their father told them hunting stories.

The middle-aged woman, who looked like Xue Qing, smiled and poured a cup of turbid wine into her husband's cup and put a few thick vegetables into the child's bowl.

Jiang Yun stood aside and watched the happy family of five.

Mouth, he said to himself, "Although the world is bitter, there is sweetness in the bitterness."

While talking, the family of five, together with the hut, gradually dissipated and turned into a ruined temple riddled with holes.

Snow was flying outside, and the cold wind was howling, and from time to time it would flow into the temple. The old man, who was leaning on a pillar and tightly wrapped in rags, closed his eyes with despair, waiting for the arrival of death. .

But a moment later, he did not wait for death, but instead felt a burst of warmth.

This made him hurriedly open his eyes and found that although it was still freezing and snowy outside, it was as warm as spring inside the ruined temple.

Just when he was confused and didn't know where this sudden warmth came from, a man suddenly appeared outside the door of the ruined temple.

The man raised his hand, pointed toward the sky and said, "Turn into a crow!"

The man's fingertips shot out streams of raging flames, all of which turned into blazing fire. He spread his wings and shot straight into the sky! 🄲

At the end of the sky, all the fire crows gathered together and turned into a small sun!

The man stretched out his finger again and waved towards the end of the horizon, "Leave!"

This finger suddenly turned into an endlessly long sharp sword, slashing directly at the end of the sky and at the source of the coming wind and snow.

In an instant, the wind stopped and the snow dispersed, and the fiery sun hung high in the sky, spreading warmth and light to the world.

The man turned his head, looked at the dumbfounded old man, and said with a smile, "This is the pain of love and separation that I experienced in order to coax my wife."

"There are eight sufferings in life: birth, old age, illness and death, not being able to ask for anything, being separated from love and not being able to let it go, and ever-lasting resentment!"

"It seems bitter, but there is sweetness in the bitterness. Whether it is bitter or not depends on how you look at it and taste it!"

While speaking, the man waved his hand towards the old man, and an invisible energy entered the old man's body.


Not only did the old man immediately feel that he no longer felt hungry, but the pain that had tortured him for many years was also gone. He even felt strong and strong, as if he had returned to his youth.

He stood up in a hurry and rushed out of the temple door, but the man was no longer there. Only the flaming black sun hanging high in the sky proved that the man had indeed been there.

The old man knelt down on the ground with a "pop" and murmured, "There are eight hardships in life. Among the hardships there is sweetness, and the eight hardships are not bitter!"

Jiang Yun did not leave, still standing where he was, but the old man could not see him.

Not only that, in Jiang Yun's eyes, the old man and the ruined temple where he was were dissipated just like the previous hut.

Then, another restaurant appeared, with more than a dozen friends inside, drinking and talking.

The restaurant disappeared, and a tomb appeared. A group of filial sons and grandsons wearing sackcloth and wearing filial piety knelt in front of the tomb, crying loudly!

In this way, different pictures and sounds kept appearing in front of Jiang Yun's eyes and ears.

Jiang Yun just watched and listened calmly until all the images disappeared and all the sounds faded.

There is nothing between heaven and earth, only Jiang Yun stands alone.

Jiang Yun raised his head, took a deep breath, and said to himself, "There is bitterness in the world, and there is sweetness in the bitterness, and this sweetness comes from love!"

"Whether it's the six desires or the seven emotions, there are also the eight kinds of bitterness, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, all of which are the various tastes in the world."

“There is darkness in your heart, and everything you see and hear is darkness.”

“If you have light in your heart, you will be happy if you hear and see.”

"Master said that I have a pure heart, so what I see is that all creatures have feelings, all things have feelings, and the world has feelings!"

"This is the way of the world that I have realized!"

"Three Corpses, although I don't know what kind of existence you are, today, you trapped me with the Three Corpses Dao Network. I will use this human world as a sword to cut through this network!"

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