Taoist world

Chapter 7994 The Power of Law

Hearing that his senior sister wanted to support him, Jiang Yun's smile grew stronger and he said, "Senior sister, I am no longer the child I was back then."

"Of course I have to bear the responsibility for the trouble I caused."

"I'm sorry, senior sister!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yun suddenly waved his sleeves and directly sent Situ Jing into his body!

Situ Jing never thought that Jiang Yun would take action against her, and without any precautions, she was already in the guardian world.

This made Situ Jing dumbfounded and said, "Well, you are the fourth child, no matter how big or small, you dare to take action against senior sister."

Jiang Yun's voice came and said, "Senior sister, just watch from the Taoist world first."

"If I really am no match for the law, then it's not too late for you to help me."

Hearing what Jiang Yun said, Situ Jing hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, let me see how you plan to deal with the law."

During the short period of time when Jiang Yun and Situ Jing were talking, the power of law that had previously emerged from Dongfang Bo and others, as well as from the Daoxing domain, had quickly gathered together and transformed into a young man again. .

This time, the unicorn representing the source of the law appeared on its forehead!

Obviously, the law doesn't want to be ridiculed by Jiang Yun anymore.

Anyway, in its current state, it didn't believe that Jiang Yun could still be its opponent.

There was anger on Law's face, and the moment he appeared, he had already raised his hand and pointed towards Jiang Yunyi.


Earth-shaking thunder suddenly sounded in this boundary area.

In all directions of Jiang Yun, countless golden thunderbolts suddenly appeared and surged towards Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun was too familiar with thunder, and naturally knew that this was not the thunder of the avenue, but the thunder of the law!

Before Jiang Yun could take action to deal with the thunder of the avenue, there was another sound of "crash" water.


A waterfall that also showed a golden color suddenly dropped over Jiang Yun's head and flowed down.

Jiang Yun raised his feet and stepped back to avoid the falling water temporarily, but the voice of the law sounded in his ears, "Define!"

Jiang Yun immediately felt that his body was unable to move, and his whole body suddenly became still.


Around Jiang Yun's body, a large amount of flames rose into the sky and quickly engulfed him. Burning.

Just as Jiang Yun was trying to find a way to get rid of the power of time, those golden thunders and waterfalls had already hit him.

The power of thunder, the power of water, the power of time, the power of fire...

At this moment, the attack that the law unleashed on Jiang Yun was Jiang Yun's best and most powerful force.

It is not difficult to see that the law not only wanted to deal with Jiang Yun, but also deliberately used Jiang Yun's best strength to humiliate Jiang Yun and vent the resentment he had received from Jiang Yun before.

However, I have to say that the strength of the law is indeed extremely powerful.

From the time he condensed into a human form until Jiang Yun was completely covered by a variety of powers, it took no more than three breaths in total!


The flames extinguished, the thunder dispersed, and the waterfall turned into thick white smoke and rose into the sky.

Jiang Yun staggered out of the still time.

In just three breaths, Jiang Yun's hair and clothes were already burnt black, and he was in an extremely miserable state.

This is because the law did not want to kill Jiang Yun directly and did not use all his strength. Therefore, although Jiang Yun looked embarrassed, he was not injured.

Law put his hands behind his back, looked at Jiang Yun, and sneered.

Said "How is it!"

Jiang Yun also smiled and said, "As a law within the cauldron, you are able to beat me, a mere Taoist cultivator, to such an extent. It's really amazing!"

The face of the law suddenly changed. How could he not hear that Jiang Yun was ridiculing him?

However, what Jiang Yun said is also true!

Regardless of the monks outside the cauldron, all the power within the cauldron is actually divided into two.

Half the law, half the avenue.

It is no exaggeration to say that even all the billions of Dao cultivators in the one hundred and eight great domains within the cauldron, combined, would not be able to match the law.

But the law at this moment, in order to deal with Jiang Yun, a Taoist cultivator, he did not hesitate to use half of the power in the cauldron!

This kind of behavior is not only not worthy of pride, but also extremely embarrassing.

Therefore, the law became angry and shouted, "Shut up!"

While speaking, he also raised his hand and slapped Jiang Yun hard.


Jiang Yun's guardian avenue emerged and blocked the slap of the law with his body.

But the price was that the guardian avenue was directly broken into pieces, turned into a little bit of light, and reintegrated into Jiang Yun's body.

Seeing that he had not hit Jiang Yun, Fuzhao snorted coldly and took action again.

Jiang Yun flipped his wrist, and three stone tablets appeared around him, surrounding him.

The three stone tablets were engraved with countless complicated runes, which all lit up at this moment, causing the size of the three stone tablets to start to increase crazily!

In an instant, the three stone tablets had risen to a height of over a hundred feet, like three mountains, and they exuded an extremely powerful aura.

A breath of transcendence!

These three stone tablets were originally a transcendent magic weapon carried by Wan Zhu.



Jiang Yun has no way of knowing who its original owner was.

But coincidentally, these three stone tablets are not only refined by Taoist cultivators, but their function is somewhat similar to the formation diagram left by Ye Dong. They form a simple formation of their own, using the power of transcendence to protect Everything in the formation.

It was perfect for Jiang Yun to use these three stone tablets to resist the attack of the law.

"Bang bang bang!"

The attacks of the law continuously hit the stone tablet.

Although the stone tablet shook violently, it soon returned to calm, and there were no cracks on its surface.

Law frowned slightly and said, "Transcendence Magical Artifact!"

A detached strong person is at least on par with the status and strength of the Dao Law!

The law is naturally not afraid of the powerful detachment. Even if it is just a fight with the detachment that has just entered, the outcome will be 50-50. These three stone tablets cannot stop the law.

Therefore, Principle raised his hand again, directly transformed into a huge Principle Palm, and slapped the three stone tablets heavily.

"The transcendent magic weapon can only block the law for a moment!"

Within the guardian realm, Situ Jing shook his head, and while talking to himself, he raised his hand to pat his forehead.

But at this moment, a powerful force suddenly fell from the sky, completely ignoring the three stone tablets, and rushed directly into Jiang Yun's body, hitting Situ Jing hard.

As powerful as Situ Jing, under the impact of this force, the whole person fainted instantly.

"If you dare to hit him, I will make you regret it!"

There was even a loud shout that sounded in the distance!

Hearing the loud shouting, the palm that was about to hit the three stone tablets suddenly stopped as if it was still.

Law suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

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