Taoist world

Chapter 7887 There is still one more section

After the three people from Zixu looked at each other, they said to Jiang Yiyun: "Although all these changes are indeed difficult for us to understand, I hope you don't forget that we can still choose not to attack Daoxing World."

Even though the great formation of Daoxing Heaven and Earth has collapsed, most of the creatures are clearly stuck in time reversal, and it seems impossible to come out.

However, this does not mean that Daoxing Tiandi has become a soft persimmon and has no resistance at all.

Because among those who had successfully escaped, except for the old man who did not write the pen and the swordsman, there were quite a few others who had beaten Zixu and the others five days ago and had to take out transcendent magic weapons to escape.

Dongfang Bo, Situ Jing, Ji Kongfan, and Long Xiangzi worked so hard!

If we add Jiang Yun, who has never appeared until now, there are still nine half-step transcendent experts in Daoxing World!

As for Zixu, even counting Shang Lingyun and the other two, there are only fourteen people with half-step transcendence.

Fourteen versus nine, if it were to attack any other large area, Zixu and the others would be confident of victory.

But facing the secretive world of Daoxing, they did not dare to think so.

Therefore, until now, they have not made up their minds to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Daoxing Tiandi again.

Jiang Yiyun smiled and said without hesitation: "Of course what I said will count."

"However, please continue reading, maybe you will change your mind!"

Jiang Yun, who was standing on the Guantian Palace, was watching his unconscious relatives and friends, slowly rotating in the package of the river of time, while paying attention to the situation in Daoxing Heaven and Earth with his spiritual consciousness.

Although there was still a look of concern on his face, deep in his eyes, there was a glimmer of hope and expectation!

He is no longer too anxious about the reincarnation of Daoxing World and rewinding time.

Because, deep in his soul, there is also a river of time!

Jiang Yun obtained this section of the river of time from the ninth floor of an attic left to him by his father!

From the words of the old man who wrote the pen, Jiang Yun already knew that his part of the river of time actually originated from the bright river of time that had just exploded.

It was intercepted from the river by Jiang Yun in his last reincarnation.

Originally, he never knew why Jiang Yun, who was reincarnated in the last time, or his father, wanted to keep this section of the river of time secretly hidden and handed over to him in such a mysterious way.

But now, seeing the river of time wrapped in countless figures that were rapidly merging, Jiang Yun suddenly understood the answer to this question.

Ji Kongfan made it very clear that only when the bright river of time exploded and turned into countless fragments that flew into the bodies of other living beings could the dark river of time be activated.

But the river of time hidden in his soul still shows no reaction at all.

So, if there is a lack of a bright river of time, naturally there will also be a lack of a dark river of time.

The complete river of time should be similar to a circle and needs to be connected end to end.

And if there is a missing section, the river of time will not be able to form a perfect closed loop at all.

Does that mean that Jiang Yiyun's game can't finally take shape? It means that the reincarnation of Daoxing heaven and earth can't really start again!

Therefore, Jiang Yun is now waiting for the final formation of the River of Time to verify whether his speculation is correct.

Of course, Jiang Yun also knew——

Perhaps, when the river of time finally takes shape, it is possible to summon the river of time in his soul.

But now he has no other better way to prevent the fusion of the river of time, so he can only wait.

At this time, Ji Kongfan grasped with his palm, and a figure was immediately caught by him from the torrent of time below, and appeared directly beside him!

Ji Wang!

Ji Wang originally made contact with his soul and even had a conversation with Jiang Yun.

Because Jiang Yun asked him to help contact Ji Kongfan, he also walked out of the Linggu Domain and came to the outside of Daoxing World, becoming the first batch of creatures caught in the torrent of time.

Now, he was rescued by his father.

Jiang Yun had speculated before that as long as the owner of the soul was still alive and the soul-fixing talisman was pulled out, that person would be able to get out of this situation.

Ji Wang's rescue and the senior brother's successful escape proved that Jiang Yun's speculation was correct.

In other words, if he could pull out the soul-fixing talisman from all the souls in the Guantian Palace, then at least those souls who are still alive might escape this reincarnation.

But unfortunately, it would take Jiang Yun a long time to pull out the soul-fixing talisman from a soul body.

No matter how powerful he is, even if pulling out the soul-fixing talisman is as easy as pulling out a nail, he can't go back in time faster.

"Buzz buzz!"

Suddenly, a series of trembling sounds sounded in Jiang Yun's ears.

Next to the countless space chains hanging down, cracks suddenly appeared.

From every crack, a figure wrapped in the water of time will fall out and be automatically attached to the time and space chain.

Naturally, the water of time covering those figures will also join the river of time that is still not fully formed.

Seeing these figures, Jiang Yun couldn't help but hold his hands tightly again.

Because, he saw his father, mother, master uncle, Immortal Tree, Ye Guchen...

Jiang Yun actually acquiesced to the fact that the Soul Dao Realm did not send his parents and others back to Daoxing Heaven and Earth early.

This is his selfishness.

Because compared to Daoxing World, the Soul Dao World is definitely safer.

Even if Daoxing Tiandi is really captured, at least my parents and the others are safe.

But Jiang Yun never expected that not only did his parents also have fragments of the River of Time in their bodies, but also that when the entire bureau began to operate, it was not limited by space at all.

My parents who are in the soul world can still be brought here!

However, this is not something difficult to understand.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Jiang Yiyun's attainments in the power of time and space are at the pinnacle!

If he is willing, the space-time rift he opens will be able to instantly take people to the place where they need to be, let alone far away, even in different time and space.

Seeing his parents appear, Jiang Yun really wanted to rush over regardless and use all methods to try to rescue his parents.

But sensing that the river of time in his soul still showed no reaction, he still gritted his teeth and forcibly suppressed his inner impulse.

At this point, how could Jiang Yun fail to see that the creatures chosen by Jiang Yiyun to be the fragments of the River of Time are just like the ten people chosen by him to become the Three Souls and Seven Souls of Guantian Palace, all of them have special identities.

Or, it's one's relatives and friends.

Or, they are members of the Nine Clans.

Or, they are the people of ancient times!

The reason why Jiang Yiyun did this was naturally because these people were almost all his weaknesses!

Therefore, Jiang Yun was worried that if he really tried to save them rashly, he might just fall into Jiang Yiyun's plan and force out the river of time in his soul.

As if he knew what Jiang Yun was thinking, Jiang Yiyun, who was far away from the Daoxing Territory, suddenly said to himself: "Jiang Yun, you can really keep your composure!"

"But do you think you can escape if you don't save those people?"

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