Taoist world

Chapter 7867 Born for the Sword

Master Wan held the sword with both hands and stabbed the black sword to Daoxing Tiandi.

Although the sword did not leave his hand, there were already streams of sword energy shooting out of the sword like thunder falling down! ???


On the sword body, there was a crisp sword sound that resounded throughout the sky!

Wherever the sword energy passed, the large swaths of seams below, like walls that had decayed for many years, suddenly began to peel off layer by layer, turning into fragments and dissipating.

This is not the true transcendent sword energy left by that transcendent strong man.

It's just the sword energy emitted by the sword itself.

Wan Zhu is not a Taoist cultivator, nor is he the real owner of this sword.

Therefore, when he activated the sword, he was unable to release the transcendent sword energy in one go. He could only force it out slowly.

If Wan Zhu can combine some magical powers, especially with some kind of swordsmanship, then the power produced by this sword will be even greater!

But even so, these sword energies are terrifying enough!

"Bang bang bang!"

The dull sound of impact began to sound continuously.

The great formation that had always firmly protected Daoxing Heaven and Earth and blocked the combined attacks of millions of monks was now turned into tofu in the face of these sword energies.

Especially among the three petals, the petal facing the position where the sword fell was easily penetrated by several sword energy, and several gaps appeared.

And Long Xiangzi, who was sitting within the petals, could immediately tell that the black sword was a transcendent magic weapon.

These sword energy have some aura of transcending the powerful.

If Long Xiangzi can exert his full strength, then even a few more, let alone a transcendent magical weapon, will not pose the slightest threat to him.

But when he could only attack with half a step of transcendence, the falling of these sword energies made him faintly feel the chill of murderous aura, and he had to use his cultivation to counter it.

Even Long Xiangzi is like this. One can imagine the other monks among these petals!

Long Xiangzi is not the only one here, but there are Shura, Tianzun, Ancient Artifact Spirit and hundreds of other top experts from the True Realm.

Although the sword still hasn't really penetrated into the formation, the sword energy has spread through the gap.

In addition to being indestructible and continuing to move chaotically in the formation, the sword energy also has a very terrifying ability, that is, the killing intent contained in it can affect the minds of living beings!

After all, the original owner of this sword proved his way by killing!

Killing intent and sword energy are simply a perfect combination.


The ancient weapon spirit suddenly let out a roar, his eyes were blood red, and he punched the Tianzun disciple beside him without even looking.

The Tianzun disciple's eyes were also filled with blood and his facial features were distorted.

Facing the attack of the ancient weapon spirit, he was not afraid, did not dodge or dodge, and raised his fists to meet it!

Apart from the two of them, more monks began to become crazy and began to attack their companions with murderous intent.

Moreover, they used all their strength when they took action, without any reservation at all.

It was as if they were no longer facing companions fighting side by side, but sworn enemies.

Either you die or I die!

Obviously, their minds have been affected by the murderous intention contained in the sword energy, and there is only one word left in their minds - kill!

Kill everything around you!

Tianzun, Shura and others are slightly stronger. Although they are not affected by the killing intent, they still need to try their best to resist the sword energy and stabilize their minds and wills. They will no longer have the energy to save people.

Therefore, in just a few breaths, there were hundreds of Daoxing monks, either their bodies were torn apart by the sword energy, or they killed each other!

Such a tragic scene fell in the eyes of Tianzun and others, making them all burst into tears and filled with rage.

Although these Daoxing monks are determined to die, it would be nothing if they really die in the hands of the enemy.

But they died of cannibalism, which was an unjust death.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the gap in the petal. He raised his hand, and his palm suddenly swelled.

Truly covering the sky with one hand, the palm blocked all the holes that had been penetrated, and also prevented the sword energy from continuing to enter the formation.

And all those sword energy naturally fell on his palm, and there was a crisp impact sound of "clang clang clang".

This figure is Dongfang Bo!

After he entered the formation, Liu Peng didn't expect him to come back at all, so he didn't pre-arrange a position for him in the formation.

Of course it was impossible for Dongfang Bo to do nothing and simply patrol back and forth in the formation.

Whenever he sees someone who is weak and in danger, he will rush over to help.

It can be said that Dongfang Bo's return has made the formation more stable, and the number of dead Daoxing creatures has also been greatly reduced.

If this continues, Daoxing Heaven and Earth may really be able to wait until Jiang Yun merges with the Heavenly Palace.

But I never thought that Wan Zhu would actually take out such a sword.

Seeing that the formation was penetrated, Dongfang Bo hurried over.

Although the gap was temporarily blocked by Dongfang Bo's palm, the dozens of sword energies that had entered the formation still shuttled through the formation like swimming fish, as if they were in a deserted land.

This sword energy is so powerful that no one can resist it unless it is shot with half-step transcendence.

But now the six half-step detachments of Daoxing Tiandi, three of them are sitting in the three major formation areas of the formation, not daring to act rashly.

Dongfang Bo blocked the gap with himself.

Ji Kongfan and Taoist Qi Ming were still fighting with the enemy, and could no longer allocate their hands to deal with the sword energy.

If these sword energies are not dealt with and are allowed to continue rampaging, the entire formation may be defeated without waiting for the black sword to actually fall.

Just when Dongfang Bo was thinking hard about how to deal with these sword energies.

Suddenly, from the depths of the formation, another crisp sound of sword sounds came.

Dongfang Bo's consciousness hurriedly looked in the direction from which his consciousness came, and he suddenly discovered that there was a middle-aged man, pointing his fingers together as a sword, and there was a sword energy directly in front of his fingertips!

Although the man was pushed back continuously by the sword energy, there were also several wounds on his body and face caused by the sword energy, dripping with blood.

However, as the man retreated, the sword energy became weaker and weaker.

When the man stopped, the sword energy had completely disappeared.

The man didn't even have time to wipe the blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He swayed and rushed towards another sword energy.

Looking at the man, Dongfang Bo's face showed a look of surprise, and he hurriedly said via voice transmission: "Junior brother-in-law, be careful!"

There is only one person who can be called junior brother-in-law by Dongfang Bo, and that is Jiansheng!

In the Dream Realm, the number one sword cultivator who lives for the sword!

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