Taoist world

Chapter 7837 Signs of Enlightenment

Daoxing Tiandi is in a valley in the Hidden Peak Space. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

There is a group of people here who were sent into the Hidden Peak Space by Tianzun today.

Originally, they lived in the sky.

And the reason why they were sent here was because there was a clansman among them who was considered to be related by blood.

At this moment, everyone formed a circle and knelt on the ground.

In the center of them, there was a man in ragged clothes and a pale face, with an altar suspended above his head.

Naturally, they are the sacrificial clan.

The man in the center is Ji Lingshen, the real Sacrificial Clan member who just found the Daoxing Heaven and Earth from a Heaven Sacrifice Domain in the cauldron today.

Tianzun sent them here because he knew the importance of the nine tribes and deliberately prevented all the nine tribes from participating in the war.

Tianzun hopes that even if Daoxing Tiandi is defeated, at least these people can be safe and sound under the protection of Long Xiangzi and others.

Although they did not participate in the war, just now, between their eyebrows, the clan pattern that belonged to the Sacrifice clan suddenly appeared on its own.

In particular, the Heaven and Earth Altar rushed out of Ji Lingshen's body uncontrollably, absorbing the power of the sacrificial clan members!

So, there is a picture like this now.

The runes between the eyebrows of each Sacrifice clan member emitted a ray of light, which penetrated into the Heaven and Earth Altar, causing the Heaven and Earth Altar to vibrate slightly.

It seems to be releasing something, and it seems to be performing some kind of sacrifice.

Or, it echoes other altars of heaven and earth!

Because this scene in the Hidden Peak Space is also played out in the huge cauldron and wherever there are people from the Sacrificial Clan.


In the heart of the cauldron, Beichenzi, who was closing his eyes and carefully observing the cultivation insights given to him by Ji Kongfan, suddenly made a sound of doubt, opened his eyes, frowned, and his consciousness covered the Longwen Red Cauldron.

The interior of Longwen Red Cauldron, apart from the original 108 large domains and a few special areas such as the Cauldron Heart Domain and the Boundary Land, is endless darkness and nothingness.

Darkness and nothingness should be extremely peaceful.

But when Longwen Red Cauldron gave out a heavy shock, immediately after, there were bursts of wind.

Although these winds all appeared in the cauldron, even Beichenzi didn't know where they came from.

And as these winds passed by, the calm darkness seemed to turn into a lake, with ripples emerging quickly, and then continuing to spread in all directions.

There were too many ripples, and they spread too fast.

In an instant, the interior of the Longwen Red Cauldron was almost filled, causing ripples and winds to appear in various major areas, including the Cauldron Heart Area, including the Boundary Land!

"This is the wind of the avenue, the pattern of the avenue..."

Beichenzi's eyes flashed, and he suddenly stood up. As he murmured, he stepped directly out of the Cauldron Heart Realm.

You know, the reason why Beichenzi always stays in the Dingxin Territory is to prevent Jiang Yiyun from doing anything inside.

But because of these winds and ripples, he left the Cauldron Heart Realm without hesitation.

It is conceivable that the shock in his heart at this moment has exceeded his guard against Jiang Yiyun.

Feeling the wind and ripples passing by around him, Beichenzi said as if in a dream: "This is not a vision caused by a Taoist cultivator passing through the place that should be enlightened. How come it seems like a sign of enlightenment?"

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