Taoist world

Chapter 7835 The dissipation of the soul

When he was at the place of origin, Jiang Yun saw another Dongfang Bo from other time and space.

Although the other person and his senior brother have exactly the same appearance and personality, Jiang Yun doesn't know that the other person is not his senior brother!

My senior brother is the only man in front of me who is calling me!

And how long has it been since I heard my senior brother’s voice!

Through his tearful eyes, Jiang Yun fixedly looked at the senior brother who had opened his eyes. With his lips moving slightly, he said in a voice like a gnat: "Senior Brother!"

"Don't cry!"

Dongfang Bo's voice was equally weak, but while saying these two words, he raised his palm as hard as he could and stretched it towards Jiang Yun's face.

Dongfang Bo is only a soul, and his state is on the verge of disappearing. He is also enduring bursts of pain from his soul, which makes the speed of raising and extending his palms extremely slow.

But Jiang Yun did not stop or urge him.

With one hand, he firmly grasped the soul-fixing talisman, which only had an inch left in the elder brother's soul. With the other hand, he continued to send soul power towards the elder brother's soul, and waited patiently.

Finally, Dongfang Bo's fingers touched Jiang Yun's face, trying to wipe away the tears on Jiang Yun's face.

But unfortunately, he is just a soul now and has no body.

Therefore, when his fingers touched the tears, they penetrated directly and could not really touch them at all.

This made Dongfang Bo's face slightly startled, and his fingers were frozen in the air.

Obviously, Dongfang Bo was not aware of his current state.

The cultivation power in Jiang Yun's body was running, and the tears on his face dispersed on their own, and he said softly: "Elder brother, don't move or speak. Listen to me first."

"This is the dreamland I arranged, and outside the dreamland is the situation where Daoxing Heaven and Earth is located."

"You, and the souls of all other Daoxing creatures, are imprisoned and bound in this place, unable to leave, so they have to keep coming back from the dead in reincarnation after reincarnation."

"Furthermore, in order to prevent your souls from leaving on their own, the person who arranged this situation also drove three soul-fixing talismans into your souls, which is the nail I am holding in my hand now."

"Now, I'm trying to pull out these three nails."

"Now, this is just the first one, and I'm still a quarter away from pulling it out completely."

"Elder brother, don't think about anything else right now. You just need to do your best to protect your soul and don't let it dissipate."

"Leave all the rest to me!"

Jiang Yun didn't know how much memory the senior brother still retained in this state, and the memory of when, so he could only tell him the general situation in a few words.

And Soul Lotus said that whether it is pulling out the soul-fixing talisman or condensing the soul of life for the living being, the will of the living being is actually particularly critical.

Now that the eldest brother's soul has awakened, Jiang Yun certainly hopes that the eldest brother can keep his soul.

After listening to what Jiang Yun said, Dongfang Bo's almost transparent face still had a trace of confusion, but this confusion instantly turned into a gentle smile and said: "Okay, I will listen to you!"

At the end, Dongfang Bo added another sentence: "You don't have to worry about me, just let go and do whatever you want!"

Just as Jiang Yun could trust his life in the hands of his senior brother, Dongfang Bo also had unconditional trust in Jiang Yun.

He doesn't need to understand everything Jiang Yun said, he just needs to do what Jiang Yun says!

After finishing speaking, Dongfang Bo slowly retracted his palm and closed his eyes.

It wasn't that he didn't want to look at Jiang Yun, but he was worried that his gaze on Jiang Yun would put pressure on Jiang Yun.

This is indeed the case!

Three quarters of an hour has passed since Jiang Yun started pulling out the soul-fixing talisman.

No matter how much sweat he had on his body, no matter how violently his senior brother's soul trembled, Jiang Yun's heart was as calm as water.

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