Taoist world

Chapter 7811: Chaotic Sky Formation

Since Tianzun decided to use Chaotic Sky Space and Five Elements Space as battlefields, it is natural to send the strong men from Daoxing World to these two areas as much as possible to kill the enemy to the greatest extent.

Therefore, in the huge Chaos Kong Domain, there are not only the Chaos Kong Demon Clan and the old man holding the pen, but also some of the most powerful monks in Daoxing World.

Of course, their strength is still much weaker than that of monks from outside the realm.

The simplest and most effective way to maximize their power is to form a formation.

The chaotic airspace is a bit like the space under the intersection of the two rings.

However, there is no time in it, only the power of chaotic space.

If such a special space structure can be utilized and a formation is arranged within it, it will naturally produce unexpected effects.

For this reason, Tianzun searched for all the formation monks in the entire Daoxing world and sent them into the chaotic air space to see who could arrange the formation in the chaotic air space.

In fact, the most important point of formation is the utilization of space.

It is precisely because of the ubiquitous space power and space cracks in the Chaotic Sky Domain that it is impossible for most formation cultivators to arrange formations in it.

But in the end, one person did it.

This person is the middle-aged man who was just called Liu Xiaowa by the handsome man.

Liu Peng, Jiang Yun’s great disciple!

Liu Peng is really talented in formations. Even in the True Domain, he is still a true master of formations.

With the help of other monks, especially the arrival of the ancient formation spirit later, Liu Peng finally set up a chaotic sky formation on the fifth floor of the chaotic sky domain!

As for the base of the formation, in addition to those space cracks that appear anytime and anywhere without any rules to follow, there are also a group of monks gathered around him at this moment.

That bald man is Shura.

A handsome man is bright in Yang.

There are also ancient formation spirits, space emperor Yu Wenji, blood emperor Xue Wuchang, etc.

As for the big monster that looks like a dwarf and has a head as big as a bucket, it is a member of the Luan Kong Monster Clan, Yun Gui.

Although Yun Gui's strength is not very strong, with the help of Tianzun, he has become the king of the Chaotic Sky Monster Clan.

All the Luan Kong Monster Clan in the Luan Kong Domain were subdued by him.

Naturally, his role in this formation is also extremely important.

In short, the formation created and arranged by Liu Peng was full of praise from everyone who saw it.

Even the old man who wrote the pen, who was half-step transcendent, was trapped in ten breaths of time.

Therefore, at this moment, seeing the old man holding the pen being held back, seeing the collapse of the third level of the chaotic air domain, and the imminent arrival of more than fifty mountains, all the hopes of Shura and others were pinned on Liu Peng and this formation. .

Of course, this hope is not to completely annihilate the invading enemies.

They just hope to kill as many enemies as possible to reduce the pressure on the Five Elements Space, especially the True Domain.

After all, the True Domain is their root, their home, with their relatives, friends, teachers, and everyone who cares about them!

After Shura reminded him, "Here we come," there was a loud noise that shook the world.

The sixth layer of Chaos Kong also collapsed.

Amidst the loud noise, the more than 50 mountains, carrying nearly 300,000 monks from outside the territory, continued to fall from the sky and appeared on the fifth level of the Chaotic Sky Domain.

Liu Peng shouted: "Everyone, join the battle!"

The next moment, everyone gathered around him, except for one ancient formation spirit, all disappeared and entered the formation.

Although Liu Peng is also a monk, he is still too weak, so the task of the ancient formation spirit is to protect him and pass his orders to everyone in the formation.

Therefore, the ancient formation spirit waved its sleeves and also hid Liu Peng's figure.

Liu Peng's voice continued to ring in everyone's ears: "Our first task now is to protect the fifth floor and collapse the remaining mountains to prevent them from falling further."

Liu Peng's judgment was correct.

If those mountains are allowed to continue to fall, relying on the power of Lingyun's laws within them and the power of the three hundred thousand monks themselves, these mountains can fall directly into the True Domain, causing unimaginable damage.

"Yun Gui, let all the chaotic sky monsters merge into the space cracks!"

"Others quickly merged the space cracks to form fifty-seven space black holes!"

"Senior Yuwen, aim the black hole in space in the direction where the mountain falls."

Forty-two of the ninety-nine mountains collapsed due to the two words written in blood by the old man.

And amidst Liu Peng's methodical orders, deep black holes suddenly appeared one after another within the fifth floor of this huge chaotic airspace.

The position where every black hole appears is exactly aligned with a mountain that is about to fall!

In the True Realm, Tianzun is nervously observing the situation in the Chaos Kong Realm with his spiritual consciousness.

And the Taoist Master's voice suddenly sounded again: "There is another person who is half-detached, hiding behind the mountains."

"This formation cannot stop them!"

Hearing Dao Zun's reminder, Tian Zun suddenly turned his head, looked at Yue Tianzi who was not far away and said, "Fellow Daoist, can you come with me?"

Among the five powerful men Jiang Yun brought back from the Origin, only Yue Tianzi volunteered to help.

However, Emperor Yue only came with a Taoist body, and his strength could only be regarded as high-level from the source. Therefore, at this moment, Tianzun could only hope that he and Emperor Yue could work together to stop the other person from transcending even half a step.


Yue Tianzi nodded without hesitation, and his figure had already risen into the sky, while Tianzun followed closely behind.

Before she left, she finally sent a message to Long Xiangzi and the others: "Three seniors, if I can't come back, I hope you can protect the hidden peak space for Jiang Yun's sake!"

"There are everyone Jiang Yun wants to protect!"

As early as when Long Xiangzi and the others lived in the True Realm, Tianzun sent Xue Qing and others into the Zangfeng space.

Tianzun will not ask Long Xiangzi and the others to protect the entire Daoxing world, but if they are just asked to protect the people Jiang Yun wants to protect, I believe the three of them will not refuse.

After hearing Tianzun's message, the four of them looked at each other, and Long Xiangzi responded: "Okay!"

Although Long Xiangzi's attitude towards Jiang Yun has changed greatly, and they have even helped Jiang Yun deal with monks from other major areas.

But in the final analysis, they still come from outside the tripod!

This dispute over law is not a last resort, and they don't want to get too involved in it.

This is also the reason why, until now, they have just watched but not taken action.

In addition to Long Xiangzi and others, Weiyangnu, who was with Nan Li and Yao Yuanzi, also heard Tianzun's voice transmission in her ears.

"Wei Young Girl, you temporarily take my place and guard the True Domain!"

"If I don't come back, then you will be Tianzun!"

After the words fell, Tianzun's figure finally disappeared from the True Domain, and Yue Tianzi, who arrived with him, appeared on the fifth floor of the Chaotic Sky Domain, and also disappeared into the formation.

Yes, they are also included in this formation, including all the monks above the True Domain Emperor level!

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