Taoist world

Chapter 7803 Like empty words


Jiang Yun, who also heard Tianzun's words, couldn't help but be slightly stunned. (Due to caching reasons, please visit the COM website directly with your browser to watch the fastest chapter updates)

I have also carefully observed these two rings, but I have never seen any marks.

Moreover, does the interior of the Guantian Palace in Daoxing Tiandi also have some kind of imprint?

With doubts, Jiang Yun and Haotian, who stood up hurriedly, came to Tianzun's side.

Tianzun was standing on a high place, pointing condescendingly at a certain position on the edge of the horizontal space ring and said: "It's right there."

"When the time circle moves to that place, the time runes on it and the space runes of the space circle will be connected together to form a mark."

"The whole process is very short."

"I just took a glance at it accidentally, but what I saw was not too real. I just vaguely felt that it was somewhat similar to the mark on Guantian's body."

The two rings, one horizontal and one vertical, are not only constantly rotating with each other, but the time and space runes on them are also like living creatures, constantly moving around.

This means that the two rings will always have a position where they intersect.

Naturally, the time and space runes will also continue to connect and spread out.

In fact, Jiang Yun had seen this scene before.

But when he thought about it, the connection of the time and space runes spread out, which was the reason why the power of time and space was generated in the vast area inside the two rings. No mark was found at all.

After listening to Tianzun's words, Jiang Yun naturally used his eyesight and waited patiently for the two rings to meet again at that position.

Tianzun continued: "Don't worry now, it will take an hour for the ring to rotate once."

"You guys wait here, I'll change the angle and see if I find anything else!"

Tianzun stepped away, while Jiang Yun and Haotian just stared at the ring.

An hour passed quickly, and just as Tianzun said, the time circle rotated to the position of the space circle again.

The time and space runes on the two rings separated at the same time and connected together, forming a strange mark.

The shape of the mark is also divided into two parts.

The time runes formed a pattern like a door with a knocker, while the space runes formed a pattern shaped like the word "work" and were hidden inside the door.

The mark disappeared in a flash, extremely fast, and it would have been difficult to spot it if not for Tianzun's reminder.

At this time, Haotian said: "Yes, this is exactly the same as the mark in my body."

"If what is expected is correct, these two rings and I were clearly made by the same person."

"And this mark was left deliberately by that person."

Haotian's words made Jiang Yun look astonished.

Jiang Yun also saw that these two rings were not condensed from time and space runes, but were made from some special material, similar to a magic weapon.

Now Haotian has confirmed that the mark on the ring is consistent with the mark of Guantian Palace, which naturally means that Guantian Palace and these two rings were refined by others.

This person can only be Jiang Yiyun.

As for the mark, it’s nothing.

Many masters of weapon refining, in order to ensure that the magic weapons they refine will not be counterfeited, will leave their own mark on the magic weapons in various special ways.

Tianzun also came over and said: "You can't see anything from other angles. The mark should only be visible from this angle."

"Jiang Yun, how do you feel about that mark?"

Jiang Yun was silent.

Although the way the mark is formed is special, the shape of the mark does not have any meaning.

At least Jiang Yun couldn't imagine the connection between this mark and Jiang Yiyun.

What's more, with Jiang Yiyun's level of caution, even if he leaves a mark on the magic weapon he refines, it is absolutely impossible for people to think of him after seeing the mark.

Haotian on the side thought that Jiang Yun had not seen the mark clearly. He raised his palm, condensed the mark with the surge of his own strength and said: "This is the mark in my body."

Jiang Yun looked at the mark again for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't feel anything."

Tianzun also looked at the mark and said: "I thought a long time ago that if this is a word, then I think it is a bit like the word 'empty'."

"Is it possible that the person who refined this magical weapon has the word 'Kong' in his name?"


Jiang Yun's heart moved, and he suddenly thought that among the people he knew, there was indeed someone with the word "empty" in his name, and this person was indeed a weapon refiner!

Ji Kongfan!

Ji Kongfan is not only extremely accomplished in refining weapons, but he is also very talented.

Could it be that these two rings and Guantian Palace were both refined by Ji Kongfan?

Jiang Yun was startled by the idea that appeared in his mind, and then shook his head.

Because this is simply impossible.

Although Ji Kongfan is amazingly talented, in Jiang Yun's opinion, he is indeed not inferior to Jiang Yiyun in any aspect, but these two rings and the Guantian Palace existed before Daoxing Tiandi. !

When Ji Kongfan was born, the nightmare beasts had already formed the Dream Realm!

"Ignore the mark for now."

Jiang Yun did not allow himself to continue thinking.

No matter who refined this ring, there is no point in thinking about it now.

Therefore, Jiang Yun turned to Haotian and said: "Miss Haotian, you'd better hurry up and see if you can get a sense with Guantian Palace!"

Haotian nodded and sat down cross-legged again, and Tianzun also said to Jiang Yun: "Now, can you tell me everything?"

After hesitating for a while, Jiang Yun finally decided to tell most of the things.

After all, the situation is getting more and more critical now.

There are people in the Dharma cultivator who have passed through the three places that should prove it. After Zixu and other people from the Five Laws Alliance have gone to the places that should prove it, it is very likely that they will immediately deal with the Daoxing domain.

The safety of the Daoxing Region, especially the safety of the Daoxing World, cannot be entirely pinned on the formation map.

Therefore, it is necessary to let Tianzun know the truth and be prepared in case a war happens at any time.

Following me, in addition to his true identity, Jiang Yun told Tianzun everything about Jiang Yiyun's existence, everything he had done, and the general situation in the entire tripod.

While Jiang Yun was telling all this, not too far away from Jiang Yun's current position, there were suddenly nine rays of light of different colors above a certain area within the boundary land, slowly falling down.

In the process of falling, the nine rays of light entangled each other and condensed together, forming a light as thin as a hair.

Moreover, the original nine colors gradually faded away during the process of condensation, causing this light to become transparent.

Not even the formation spirit noticed the existence of this light.

The light was suspended quietly in the boundary, motionless.

At the same time, within the huge Jitian Law Domain, the teleportation light continued to light up.

A large number of monks who looked weird and dressed up, but whose aura was extremely powerful, walked out of the teleportation arrays.

They come from the Ten Thousand Lords and Haoguang Law Domain!

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