Taoist world

Chapter 7771 Two methods

, Taoist world!

"This should be found!"

Seeing Jiang Yun's reaction, Hunlian said secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, Jiang Yun had already stepped out without a trace.

Within the guardian realm, the other souls had completely disappeared. Only Jiang Yun and a gray-haired old man stood facing each other.

Jiang Yun looked at the old man, his face full of excitement, and even his eyes were filled with a faint mist.

The old man was also looking at Jiang Yun.

Because Jiang Yun was his true self at the moment and had deliberately restrained his soul power and aura, the old man not only showed no fear when facing Jiang Yun, but even looked at Jiang Yun with a touch of greed.

Obviously, the old man is one of those beings who, even if only his soul body is left, still wants to be resurrected and want to devour other soul bodies.

However, besides greed, there was also a trace of doubt on the old man's face.

It was precisely because of this doubt that the old man did not devour Jiang Yun regardless, but still looked at Jiang Yun, as if he wanted to figure out the reason for his doubts.

After a while, Jiang Yun finally spoke with a trembling voice, and softly uttered two words: "Brother!"

In this life, there is only one person who Jiang Yun can call his brother.

Evil man!

In order to protect Jiang Yun and let Jiang Yun escape, Xie Daozi did not hesitate to sacrifice himself and blew himself up when facing Bai Ye.

After learning about the relationship between the three souls, Jiang Yun also thought about resurrecting Xie Daozi, but because Xie Daozi died in the place of origin, he was worried that Xie Daozi's two souls of heaven and earth would not come to the soul ruins, so he did not No hope.

Unexpectedly, Xie Daozi’s two souls of heaven and earth were also here!

Being able to see Xie Daozi again, one can imagine Jiang Yun's inner excitement at this moment.

However, although Xie Daozi's two souls of heaven and earth still have memories, their memories are obviously incomplete and their consciousness is blurred.

He just felt a little familiar with Jiang Yun, but he couldn't remember who Jiang Yun was and what it had to do with him. That's why he wanted to devour Jiang Yun but was still hesitant.

At this moment, when he heard Jiang Yun call him, Xie Daozi's expression was obviously startled, and he tilted his head slightly, with a thoughtful look on his face.


Jiang Yun hurriedly spoke again: "I am Jiang Yun, your sworn brother. We met in the righteous world."

"Think carefully, you must still remember me."

"It doesn't matter even if you can't remember, I will definitely let you..."

Suddenly, Xie Daozi, who was thinking, suddenly opened his mouth, bit Jiang Yun's head.

Obviously, although Xie Daozi has doubts about Jiang Yun, it has become his instinct to want to devour all other living beings.

Now his instinct overcame his doubts, so he took action against Jiang Yun.

With Jiang Yun's current strength, it would be easy to dodge Xie Daozi's attack.

But Jiang Yun just tilted his head and allowed Xie Daozi's mouth to bite his shoulder hard.

Soul bodies have no teeth at all. What they call biting is actually swallowing, sucking everything into their own bodies.

Of course, Xie Daozi couldn't bite any meat from Jiang Yun's body, let alone absorb anything, but he didn't give up, didn't let go, and kept shaking his head.

Jiang Yun stretched out his hand, patted Xie Daozi's back gently and said, "Brother, I will take you away and resurrect you."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun tightened his palms, and Xie Daozi disappeared without a trace.

Looking at Jiang Yun who had gone back and appeared in front of him again, Soul Lotus clearly caught the smile in Jiang Yun's eyes, and hurriedly said with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, fellow Taoist, you will definitely find what you are looking for." People."

"I found one!" Jiang Yun didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "By the way, Soul Lotus, I haven't asked for advice yet, how can the two souls of heaven and earth be reborn as a life soul?"

Jiang Yun had wanted to ask this question before, but he was afraid that he would not be able to find the two souls of anyone who wanted to be resurrected, so he never asked.

But now, he has at least found Xie Daozi, and of course he needs to figure out how to bring him back to life.

Hunlian muttered: "As far as I know, there are two methods. One is safer, but it takes a long time."

“Although the other method is short-term, it is extremely risky and has a low probability of success.”

"Anyway, when I was bored, I tried it myself, and it was only about one ten thousandth of a chance of success."

"The first way is to find a woman or mother..."

At this point, Soul Lotus suddenly stopped, looked up at Jiang Yun, and said again: "Find a woman and send the two souls of heaven and earth into her body."

"Then you need to stay by the woman's side, while observing the state of the two souls of heaven and earth, while constantly sending soul power and vitality into the woman's body."

"In short, it is to let a woman be pregnant for ten months and give birth to a new life soul, which is also a new life."

"Of course, it is said to be a new life, but because the two souls of heaven and earth are still there, it is actually the same creature as before."

"With this method, as long as you have enough patience and the woman you are looking for does not have any accidents along the way, the probability of success is very high."

"The only drawback is that the other party will lose all memories and cultivation after birth."

"If you have the other person's memory, just put the memory into his soul."

"As for cultivation, we can only practice again."

After hearing what Hun Lian said, Jiang Yun couldn't help but frown.

Because this method should actually be somewhat similar to his own birth and the process of Jiang Yiyun creating Jiang Yun.

The difference is that he and Jiang Yun were born from blood, while Soul Lotus's method was to use the two souls of heaven and earth to breed them.

It's not too difficult to find a suitable woman who can protect her for ten months.

The difficult thing is the growth of the other party!

Jiang Yun has a master, and he is also a master. He knows that as a master, it is almost impossible to stay by the disciple's side and accompany the disciple's growth.

Similarly, if Xie Daozi is reborn in this way, I will not be able to stay by Xie Daozi's side and lead him to practice all the way.

After all, Xie Daozi was a strong man at the peak of his origin during his lifetime. It would take immeasurable time for him to reach the peak of his origin.

Without someone to accompany him, it would be even more difficult for Xie Daozi to become a monk and to practice to his original state.

The road to spiritual practice is never smooth sailing.

Even if you have the memories of the past, it is impossible to have the same experience again.

Especially the natural disaster, not everyone can survive it smoothly.

There are too many monks who have died from the calamity.

After a long time, Jiang Yun continued to ask: "What about the second method?"

Soul Lotus glanced at Jiang Yun and said: "The second way is to use the soul blood of the two souls of heaven and earth to recreate a life soul."

"Once successful, not only will the creature regain its original memory, but its strength will return to the time of death."

Jiang Yun's eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this the solution he is looking for?

Jiang Yun suppressed his inner joy and asked, "Then what's the risk in this method?"

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