Taoist world

Chapter 7748 Something urgent


Jiang Yunna's arm, which was waving towards the fire demon, turned out to be a ball of flame at this moment.

Infinite Soul Fire!

However, compared with the previous Indeterminate Soul Fire, the Indeterminate Soul Fire released by Jiang Yun no longer has any attributes. It is made of pure soul power!

After the Indeterminate Soul Fire appeared, it immediately surged wildly and extended straight out.

Not only that, Jiang Yun's arm, which was enveloped by the Undetermined Soul Fire, actually continued to extend along with the shape of the Undetermined Soul Fire, directly submerging within the ten-foot range.

Jiang Yun has now abandoned his physical body and is in the state of a soul body. Naturally, he can change the shape of his body at will.

From a distance, the Wuding Soul Fire seemed to have formed a bridge, easily crossing the chasm.


Under the burning of the fire demon's flame, the Indeterminate Soul Fire made an explosion, and the flames suddenly rose up, covering the sky and the sun, and the Indeterminate Soul Fire also dissipated rapidly.

However, Jiang Yun's arm, which was always shrouded by the Unfixed Soul Fire, was unscathed and continued to hit the fire demon's body.

Jiang Yun's approach once again exceeded the fire demon's expectations.

He was very confident in the temperature of his flame, but he never thought that Jiang Yun would use soul fire to fight against his own flame.

Although the soul fire was also burned out, it lasted longer than any other power or magical weapon.

It was this little time gap that left the fire demon with no time to dodge. He could only grit his teeth and the flames suddenly converged, clinging tightly to his body like a piece of clothing.

The fire demon didn't even know where the flaw in his life was. He could only protect his body as much as possible to reduce the damage he suffered.

But again, the flaws in life are not something you can protect or hide!

Therefore, when Jiang Yun's arms were burned to ashes again and his figure began to retreat, the fire demon couldn't help but spurt out another mouthful of blood!

Beichenzi, who saw all this clearly, couldn't help but secretly said: "This strategy of losing both sides is more beneficial to me. It's best if they both die together, so that I don't have any responsibility at all."

Only dozens of breaths had passed since the battle between Jiang Yun and the Fire Demon. Now both of them had been injured. Not to mention the injuries were extremely serious, but they had damaged their own fundamentals.

Jiang Yun has a soul body, and soul injuries are the most difficult to treat.

What the fire demon suffered was a life defect. Every time Jiang Yun attacked like a breeze, it was like a heavy blow to the fire demon.

Therefore, if the two of them continue to fight like this, it is really possible that they will perish together.

Just like that, when another moment passed, Jiang Yun stepped back for the fourth time, looked at his arm that could no longer be condensed in a short time, took a deep breath, and said softly: "Soul Lotus, it seems , I’m going to break my promise!”

As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, Hun Lian's panicked voice sounded in his body: "No!"

Although Jiang Yun did fuse the soul lotus, he also fulfilled his promise and did not completely devour the soul lotus, leaving a soul behind for him!

However, if he continues to fight according to the current trend, Jiang Yun is very clear that it may be difficult for him to defeat the fire demon, so he wants to devour the remaining souls of the soul lotus to have a better chance of winning.

Jiang Yun continued: "You have also seen that the fire demon and I are only half as powerful at best. I have no confidence that I can defeat it."

"Once I die, you can't escape the dissipation ending either."

Hun Lian said anxiously: "Wait for me, I have other methods that should allow you to defeat him?" Over him? "

Jiang Yun didn't believe it at all: "If you had your way, you wouldn't be fused by me."

"No, no, no, listen to me.!"

Hun Lian's voice trembled slightly with fear: "At that time, I thought my opponent was you. I didn't know the existence of the fire demon at all, so I didn't have time to use many methods."

"Now, I'll tell you a way, you can try it, it's guaranteed to work."

Jiang Yun was really curious and asked: "What can I do?"

Soul Lotus replied: "Calling Souls!"

Jiang Yun frowned and said, "Just like you did before, recruit the souls of other creatures for my use, and then attack the fire demon?"

"It's not those souls!" Hunlian explained: "What I asked you to recruit were the souls of heaven and earth!"

Although Jiang Yun had heard of Three Souls, to be honest, he really didn’t know much about it: “Keep talking!”

Hun Lian continued: "There are three souls and seven souls in the souls of living beings. The three souls are heaven, earth and people. The human soul is also called the soul of life."

"But in fact, the three souls are not always in the body of the living being."

"The two souls of heaven and earth are always outside, but only the soul of life lives in the human body!"

"Just like your soul at the moment, it's just the state of a life soul!"

"The so-called death of a living being means that the soul of life leaves the body and joins the two souls of heaven and earth, so that it can enter reincarnation."

"Therefore, even if they self-destruct and die, it is said that the monks are destroyed physically and mentally. In fact, what they exploded is only their life souls, and their two souls of heaven and earth still exist."

"Because once the soul of life is lost, the two souls of heaven and earth become the so-called lonely ghosts."

"In the beginning, they may have some memories of their souls, but as time goes by, their memories will gradually fade away."

"Until the end, it became a hazy, aura-like existence."

"For soul cultivators, they can be absorbed directly."

"I know that you are soft-hearted and kind-hearted, and you are not willing to recruit souls for nothing, so what I asked you to recruit are the two souls of heaven and earth from those creatures who have lost their souls."

Hun Lian is really afraid of Jiang Yun, so even if she tells her own solution now, she doesn't forget to flatter Jiang Yun both inside and outside her words.

Jiang Yun may not be considered a bad person, but he has nothing to do with being soft-hearted and kind-hearted.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun didn't care about Hun Lian's thoughts at all.

After listening to Hun Lian's words, his body began to tremble slightly uncontrollably.

His voice was even more trembling as he asked: "You mean, even if a monk self-destructs, there will still be two souls left in heaven and earth, and it is not considered a real death?"

"It's already this time, of course I won't lie to you." Hun Lian affirmed: "I was born from the two souls of heaven and earth. I know the soul better than anyone else."

Jiang Yun took a deep breath and said, "After the Soul of Life dissipates, how long will it take for the Soul of Heaven and Earth to dissipate?"

"Also, is it possible that if I can find the two souls of heaven and earth, I can help them reshape a life soul?"

Soul Lotus replied: "It's hard to say how long it will take to dissipate. The situation of each of the two souls of heaven and earth is different, and the time of dissipation is also different."

“I’ve seen the fastest ones dissipate in a few days, but the slowest ones can still exist for hundreds of years.”

"As for reshaping the soul of life, of course you can!"

Jiang Yun looked deeply at the fire demon and said, "Why don't we stop here this time and fight again next time!"

"I'm suddenly in a hurry!"

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