Taoist world

Chapter 7741: Blade turns into demon seal

, Taoist world!

At this moment, the illusory figure was so angry that he wanted to curse!

Jiang Yun clearly deliberately stood aside and watched, and did not speak until he saw that he was dying and only had the last petal left.

Moreover, Jiang Yun sounds good and wants to blend in with him, but in reality, he just wants to devour himself.

The illusory figure said coldly: "Thank you for your kindness."

"But I won't let you devour it."

"Anyway, when I die, it will be your turn next!"

"None of us will survive!"

Jiang Yun said calmly: "You will definitely die, but I may not die."

"I have transferred my soul to my Tao Realm."

"By the way, I also want to thank you for the four petals from before."

"My guardian realm has absorbed those four petals."

"Now I can give up this physical body and use the Tao Realm to escape."

"If he can catch up with me, then I will certainly die."

"But he is not a creature inside the cauldron, but comes from outside the cauldron."

"You may not know what is within the cauldron and outside the cauldron. You just need to know that he is subject to great restraints here, so he may not be able to catch up with me."

"However, I don't really want to escape."

"Because I already know how to defeat him."

"It's just that my strength alone is not enough, so I want to cooperate with you."

"After I fuse you, I can leave one of your souls or souls behind so that you don't disappear completely."

"But if you die in his hands, you will really be wiped out and completely cease to exist."

What Jiang Yun said was basically the truth.

He was indeed absorbing the four petals while always watching, waiting for the Soul Lotus to be desperate.

What he wants is to be able to swallow the soul lotus, thereby strengthening himself, and use the power of the soul lotus to deal with the original fire.

If Soul Lotus doesn't agree, then he can give up his body and use the guardian realm to escape just like he did when he faced Wuding Soul Fire before.

However, even if Jiang Yun could escape successfully today, the Origin Fire would definitely continue to pursue him.

It is even possible that Origin Fire will cooperate with Bai Ye or Beichenzi.

After all, the original fire is a transcendent existence outside the tripod, and Beichenzi also betrayed Dao Lord.

As long as Origin Fire provides enough conditions, Beichenzi is very likely to agree.

In short, if this source of fire is not dealt with, Jiang Yun will be hunted down all the time.

Therefore, the best way is to take advantage of Soul Lotus and Ancient Blade to see if they can use their power to defeat them, or to absorb and fuse the original fire.

After hearing Jiang Yun's words, the illusory figure was slightly startled.

If Jiang Yun said he would let him go, he would not believe it at all.

But when Jiang Yun said that he would keep one of his souls or souls, he actually believed it.

And with his status, even if there is only one soul or soul left, he can continue to exist.

The soul is like a seed to him.

As long as there are seeds, and the seeds are planted into suitable "soil", they will be able to grow again in 1800 years!

Therefore, the illusory figure was really moved at this moment.

However, he still spoke again: "How can I believe that you will leave one of my soul or soul behind?"

Jiang Yun replied: "I can't give you any guarantee, but now, you have no other choice but to believe me!"

During the short period of time when Jiang Yun was talking to the illusory figure, the power of the soul lotus' earth soul petals exploded and was about to be burned away by the flames.

Next, if Soul Lotus wants to delay death, it can only continue to urge the Heavenly Soul Petals to explode.

When the Heavenly Soul Petals also disappear, what awaits him is death.

Finally, the illusory figure gritted his teeth and said: "I promise you, but you must first save me from his flame!"

The soul lotus is in the fire of the fire. This flame cannot even enter the power of the cauldron and cannot protect him.

If Jiang Yun could rescue him, then he would naturally believe what Jiang Yun said.


Jiang Yun said in a deep voice: "I will rescue you, but after you escape from the flames, I need to fuse you immediately."

"You must give up all resistance!"

"If I find you have any resistance, I will throw you to him again!"

"Just use your life to buy me some time!"

"I know, I know!" The illusory figure said anxiously: "Since I have promised you, I will naturally not resist anymore, but if you lie to me, then I, then I..."

The figure talked for a long time, not knowing how to threaten Jiang Yun.

If Jiang Yun lied to him, he would disappear completely and cease to exist. How would there be any way to take revenge on Jiang Yun!

Jiang Yun was too lazy to listen to what he continued, and raised his voice slightly: "Okay, you wait to obey my order and prepare to explode the last petal!"

The illusory figure closed its mouth, stopped talking, and turned its attention to looking outside the flames.

He was also really curious about what Jiang Yun could do to save him from here!


The Ancient Blade, which had been quiet for a long time, suddenly started to vibrate at this moment.

The vibration of the ancient blade immediately attracted the attention of the fire demon who was always staring at it.

Although the fire demon is powerful, this is not inside the cauldron after all, and he is not completely sure that he can successfully seize Jiang Yun's soul and body, so he naturally cares about Jiang Yun's every move.

Especially since Jiang Yun had been silent for so long and suddenly activated the Ancient Blade, the fire demon was even more vigilant.

It immediately opened its mouth without hesitation, and just like before, without waiting for the Ancient Blade to take action, it had already spit out a huge fireball and rushed towards the Ancient Blade.

With a "swish" sound, the ancient blade rose into the air and faced the fireball, seeming to cut off the fireball again.

However, just when the two were about to collide, the Ancient Blade suddenly separated and turned into four rays of light.

The four rays of light were like four butterflies. After avoiding the fireball, they gathered together again.

However, this time the four rays of light no longer combined to form an ancient blade, but instead combined to form a demon seal of life and death!

It is not the demon seal of life and death that is condensed by Jiang Yun's power, but the demon seal of life and death that is condensed by the power of all living beings and ancient power!

The moment the demon seal of life and death appeared, it was already rushing towards the fire demon at an extremely fast speed.

Although the fire demon didn't know the demonic seal of life and death, because he had come into contact with the demonic seal of life and death, and the power contained in this demonic seal of life and death was too great, he felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

Therefore, he did not dare to let the Demonic Seal of Life and Death get close to him. He raised his two flaming claws and was about to grab the Demonic Seal of Life and Death when Jiang Yun's voice rang in the ears of the illusory figure: "Explode!"

The illusory figure did not hesitate to activate his last Heavenly Soul Petal and exploded with a bang!

The power contained in this petal was the greatest. When it exploded, the flames surrounding the soul lotus were extinguished almost immediately, turning into sparks all over the ground.

The fire demon's body also swayed slightly under the explosive force of the petals.

Naturally, the Demonic Seal of Life and Death seized this opportunity and sank directly into the Fire Demon's body.


Immediately afterwards, an illusory hand suddenly appeared next to the soul lotus, grabbed the soul lotus, and pulled it out of the fire demon's body.

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