Taoist world

Chapter 7728 Ten-petal Soul Lotus

, Taoist world!

Jiang Yunzheng was worried that there was too much soul power in his body and he couldn't digest it for a while, so he took the opportunity to send the excess soul power into the bodies of these five soul guards.

After the bodies of the five soul guards exploded, a ball of light rushed out from each of them. It was the two souls and three souls of the Wuding Soul Fire. They flew towards Xiu Yue's body like a bereaved dog.

"I am going to kill you!"

This scene stimulated the Wuding Soul Fire even more. Amidst the roar, it waved its big sleeves and heard a continuous sound of "boom, boom, boom".

The bodies of the other five soul guards also exploded at the same time, and the four souls of the indefinite soul fire hidden in them rushed towards Xiu Yue.

After all ten light groups engulfed Xiu Yue's body, there was another loud "bang" sound.

Xiu Yue's already broken body also exploded, revealing Wuding Soul Fire's complete soul body!

Jiang Yun really didn't know how to describe the indefinite soul fire in front of him. He could only say that it looked like the shape it formed after grabbing a handful of mud at random and smashing it hard on the ground.

Moreover, this shape is not fixed.

A large number of souls of living beings are squirming crazily inside, and the outside is constantly twisting. In short, it looks extremely terrifying.

"Buzz buzz!"

Immediately afterwards, the body of Wuding Soul Fire also shook violently, exploded, turned into a rain of flames all over the sky, and fell downwards.

Because Jiang Yun's body was burning with soul fire that towered over the sky and the earth, the rain of flames that scattered down were actively avoided and could not get close at all.

However, those souls that were still coming here in a steady stream were immediately wrapped in the flames when they came into contact with the rain of flames, as if they were being swallowed up, and they did not know whether to live or die.

Jiang Yun didn't take action to save these souls, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

Because, he knew that Wuding Soul Fire had gone completely crazy, and he did not hesitate to explode Xiu Yue's body and reveal his soul body, which must be the final attack.

He stared intently at the soul body of Wuding Soul Fire, with the flames burning behind him, not daring to slack off at all.

The rain of flames falling from the sky, whether it has swallowed up the soul body or not, will rush towards the soul body of the Indeterminate Soul Fire after falling.

Gradually, the soul body of the Indeterminate Soul Fire was covered by a large number of flames, and turned into the blazing Indeterminate Soul Fire again.

However, its size is more than ten thousand times smaller than before. It has shrunk from the original height of the sky to only a few dozen feet.

The more this happened, the more vigilant Jiang Yun became.

Finally, when the body and soul of the Indeterminate Soul Fire were completely integrated together, its body that did not have a fixed shape began to change.

All the flames were extinguished, and the Wuding Soul Fire turned into a budding flower!

If Jiang Yun hadn't witnessed the changes of Wuding Soul Fire from beginning to end, and suddenly saw such a flower bone flower, he would never associate it with Wuding Soul Fire.

Although Jiang Yun had no intention of looking down on this flower bone, at this moment, he really didn't know what the purpose of Wuding Soul Fire turning into such a flower bone was?


At this moment, the flower bone trembled slightly, causing Jiang Yun's expression to suddenly change, his eyes to show horror, and his body to take a step back involuntarily.

Because this tremor gave Jiang Yun the feeling that the entire Soul Realm, and even the entire space within the cauldron, was trembling!


At the same time, in the heart of the cauldron, Beichenzi looked in a certain direction and asked, "Why is he moving?"

"Who dares to provoke him when he is idle and bored?"

Beichenzi raised his hand and made a mark.

The next moment, the picture of Jiang Yun and the Hua Guduo appeared clearly in front of him.

Looking at Jiang Yun, Bei Chenzi frowned and said, "It's you again!"

But immediately, he smiled slightly and said: "Although I don't know how you offended him, if he can kill you, it will save me a lot of energy!"

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking and just stared at Jiang Yun.

Before Jiang Yun could tell whether the vibration in the entire cauldron was his illusion, he saw a petal on the flower bone, which intensified the frequency of the vibration, and it should be about to bloom.

But just such a petal that was about to open gave Jiang Yun a great sense of crisis, causing him to use all his soul power, and even the guardian world appeared again, covering his body.

Even though Jiang Yun was fully prepared, when the petals bloomed a little and a huge aura suddenly rushed out from the flower bones, Jiang Yun still had a look of horror on his face.

This breath hit Jiang Yun directly.

The overwhelming soul fire covering Jiang Yun's body immediately began to extinguish and shrink rapidly, shrinking by more than 10% in an instant.

And Jiang Yun's body staggered back again as the soul fire was extinguished.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yun didn't care about the feeling of being hit by a mountain, but still stared at the petals and murmured: "This breath should be the strange breath that Hun You said. "

"But, this doesn't seem to be the aura from outside the tripod!"

Jiang Yun clearly sensed the aura rushing out of the petals. It was no longer the power of the Dao or the power of the law. It was indeed just as Hun You told Jiang Yun before, strange and powerful.

But Jiang Yun, who has come into contact with the monks outside the tripod and even fought against the original fire and the original thunder, is not difficult to distinguish——

This breath is completely different from the breath outside the tripod. It does not come from outside the tripod.

Ever since he knew that there was a strange aura in the Wuding Soul Fire, he had always believed that the Wuding Soul Fire was just like the Zixu. It either came from something outside the cauldron, or it was a powerful person outside the cauldron who quietly transferred himself A trace of blood, or soul, was sent in, and it condensed into the indefinite soul fire.

Even the soul body that was born from the Indeterminate Soul Fire was deliberately created by someone.

But now he finally experienced this breath personally, which overturned his previous guesses.

Naturally, this also shocked Jiang Yun even more.

Since the Indeterminate Soul Fire has nothing to do with the outside of the cauldron and is something inside the cauldron, how did such a powerful thing come about?

The most important thing is that the power of this Huaguduo at this moment has obviously exceeded the Infinite Soul Fire just now.

Just when Jiang Yun's mind was troubled by these doubts, the petals bloomed a little again, and more aura was released, continuing to hit Jiang Yun.

In short, after the petals fully bloomed, the soul fire in Jiang Yun's body had shrunk from the initial towering height to only ten thousand feet in size!

However, Jiang Yun didn't care about his soul fire anymore.

In his eyes, darkness and nothingness had all disappeared. Only a flower bone with a petal bloomed replaced the heaven and earth and became the only thing in his eyes.

As the petals bloomed, he finally identified that the flower bone was a lotus.

Ten-petal soul lotus!

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