Taoist world

Chapter 7720: Fusion of Tao Realm

The guardian of the Dao Realm was in that mysterious room, looking up and down at the huge sphere that contained the soul fire and then transformed the soul fire into soul patterns!

Because, he can feel that the aura of this deity is coming from under this sphere.

He frowned and said to himself: "What is under this sphere?"

"Why is I down there?"

"If I incorporate this sphere into my body, will I be able to see myself?"

Just when he was thinking about this, the voice of the deity suddenly sounded in his ears: "Tao Realm, come quickly and help me swallow the Undetermined Soul Fire!"

The voice of this deity came from the bottom of the sphere.

Hearing his words, the guardian of the Dao Realm no longer hesitated. He turned around quickly, rushed out through the gap in the huge door, stepped on the soul clan chain again, and sat down cross-legged.

"Buzz buzz!"

On the chain, the soul patterns that had been static at first began to boil again with the arrival of the Guardian Realm.

And, they turned and rushed away in the direction they came from.

Although the length of the chains is almost endless, these soul patterns not only move at extremely fast speeds, but they can also be connected to each other by their strength.

Therefore, looking around, a ray of light lit up on the chain, and it had crossed hundreds of millions of miles in an instant!

After just a few breaths, these rays of light had reached the top of the Daoxing Domain and stopped.


The light trembled rapidly, forming a huge palm and grabbing it downwards!

The palm is formed by the condensed soul power. It is an illusory existence. It effortlessly crosses the endless space and seizes this moment. It still stays in the Daoxing Great Domain Formation and protects the physical body of the Dao Realm!

"I'll come back as soon as I go, don't worry!"

The physical body guarding the Dao Realm hurriedly gave instructions to the formation spirit, and then let the palm of his hand grasp him and leave.

Because, what is in that mysterious room is just the consciousness attached to the chain that protects the Tao Realm.

It has neither strength nor the ability to devour.

Since I need him to devour the Indeterminate Soul Fire, he can only let his physical body come!

In the past, the physical body guarding the Dao Realm could not reach the chain.

But now that he has absorbed part of the chain and can use the power of the chain, he can naturally do it.

The palm grasped the physical body of the guardian of the Tao Realm and came to the chain, and then led him towards the mysterious room at the same speed.

In short, within a total of only five breaths of time, the body guarding the Tao Realm had already appeared in the mysterious room.

The next moment, his body expanded directly, transformed into the true Taoist realm, and engulfed the huge sphere in front of him.

Although the size of this sphere is also extremely large, and it contains a majestic number of soul fire and soul patterns, the guardian world is a vast world, so it is extremely easy to completely incorporate the sphere into one's body.

The sphere was swallowed up, and the Guardian Realm naturally saw a vortex of ten thousand feet in size below the sphere.

The whirlpool is shockingly all made up of the slowly rotating indefinite soul fire!

The aura of this deity comes from under this whirlpool.

Seeing this whirlpool, the guardian of the Dao Realm immediately understood whether it was the soul clan chain or the sphere just now.

Even this room, together with the nine doors, the nine soul fire roads, and the entire formation, are actually all built with Wuding Soul Fire as the base of the formation.

However, at this time, the Guardian Dao Realm hesitated!

He swallowed the chains before, used the power of the chains to a small extent to push open the extremely majestic door, including taking the sphere into his body, but he did not change all the arrangements.

However, he was worried that if he swallowed this whirlpool, Jiang Yiyun might know about it!

No matter why Jiang Yiyun arranged these nine chains, he must be of great use to accomplish so many things, and he would definitely not allow himself to annex the chains.

Once he knows that the Soul Clan Chain has been annexed by him, even though he will not take action against him now, it will be absolutely impossible for him to annex the remaining eight chains!

But if we don't annex this whirlpool, we won't be able to continue to swallow the Indeterminate Soul Fire, and we won't be able to help this deity.

After hesitating for a few moments, Guardian Dao Realm made up his mind.

"Whether it will alarm Jiang Yiyun or not, I don't care about it now!"

"Moreover, I just absorbed all the spheres and vortexes into the Tao Realm just like annexing chains. I did not destroy or change them. It should not be noticed by him."

Thinking of this, Guardian Dao Realm no longer hesitated. As his body continued to expand, he easily swallowed the soul fire vortex into his body.

At this time, the Guardian Dao Realm finally saw his true form below and the soul fire surging towards him!

Jiang Yun was absorbing the soul fire that was pouring into his body continuously. His body and soul couldn't hold it at all, and he was almost about to burst.

But after the guardian world annexed the vortex, all the soul fires immediately changed their direction, gave up attacking Jiang Yun, and rushed towards the guardian world instead.

Obviously, Wu Dinghun Huo can tell that the real threat to him at this moment is the Guardian Dao Realm, not Jiang Yun.

Jiang Yun let out a long breath, swayed, and also rushed towards his own realm.

The position where the guardian realm appears is above the Wuding Soul Fire, and it does not enter the body of the Wuding Soul Fire.

Naturally, Xiu Yue also saw the appearance of the Guardian Dao Realm, and he was stunned there.

For a moment, he couldn't understand why a vast world suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

By the time he came to his senses, Jiang Yun was already only a hundred feet away from the guardian world.

Although Xiu Yue did not discern the origin of the guardian realm, seeing that the other party actually swallowed a large amount of Indeterminate Soul Fire made him realize that Jiang Yun could not be allowed to rush into it.

Therefore, Xiu Yue ignored the Guardian Realm and hurriedly stretched out his finger towards Jiang Yun to prevent Jiang Yun from entering the Guardian Realm.

Although there was indeed a large amount of soul fire rushing towards Jiang Yun, Jiang Yun and the Guardian Dao Realm were originally one.

The relationship between them is so easy to be cut off.

What's more, after the Guardian Dao Realm appeared, he continued to swallow the Wuding Soul Fire unceremoniously, swelling his body, and getting closer and closer to Jiang Yun.

Therefore, Jiang Yun simply opened his mouth and risked his soul to explode. After swallowing the soul fire that came to him, he finally successfully merged with his Taoist world!

"Bang bang bang!"

After the fusion, Jiang Yun's soul not only returned to normal instantly, but a thunderous sound came from his body.

Waves of powerful soul power burst out from his body, turning into gusts of wind and scattering in all directions, shaking the body of Wuding Soul Fire!

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