Taoist world

Chapter 7700: Rotation of spell patterns

When Jiang Yun arrived at the edge of the Ten Thousand Lords' Domain, his figure had completely disappeared into the darkness.

Unless they are people with similar strength to him, no one can detect his existence.

Because the Ten Thousand Lords Domain is heavily guarded, whenever a living being arrives, even the monks in the Ten Thousand Lords Domain must be interrogated and their identities revealed.

After confirming that your identity is correct, a teleportation array will be sent to you to enter directly.

Jiang Yun originally wanted to look like a fat old man, but unfortunately when he captured the other party's soul, he was too hasty and did not have time to take away the storage magic weapon on the other party's body.

Among the old man's magic weapons, there is a token representing his identity.

Therefore, Jiang Yun can only use this method to see if he can sneak into the Ten Thousand Masters Domain silently.

Standing in front of the faintly appearing magic patterns, Jiang Yun stopped and did not step in in a hurry, but instead observed attentively.

Seen from a distance, these patterns seem to be very close to the Ten Thousand Masters Domain.

But in fact, they stretch over thousands of miles.

Thousands of miles away, it was extremely peaceful.

And within the scope of thousands of miles, there are magic patterns one after another, like spiritual snakes, flying up and down, swimming among them, with no fixed route.

Once someone touches one of the magic patterns, it will immediately trigger a chain reaction.

Not only will all other patterns attack intruders, but they will also alert the monks in the Ten Thousand Masters Domain.

Every magic pattern contains the power of a law.

If you don't know the rules very well, you won't know which magic pattern has which power.

They attack at the same time, which is equivalent to countless monks joining forces.

In short, without an identity token, it is almost impossible to cross this thousands of miles without touching these patterns.

As for breaking in forcefully, Jiang Yun would not do it!

In the Wanzhu Dharma Domain, there are twelve half-step detached experts.

Even though part of it is not within the legal domain, this is the legal domain, and the environment is inherently unfavorable to Jiang Yun. If he is facing someone who is half a step beyond the realm of law, Jiang Yun is confident that he can escape.

But if you want to enter the Soul Realm again, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky.

However, from the memory of the obese old man, Jiang Yun knew that although the movement of these patterns had no fixed trajectory, they would rotate every once in a while, which would change the trajectory again. .

This kind of rotation is like the changing of the guard by soldiers. It is advanced layer by layer, from the outside to the inside, until all the patterns are rotated.

During the rotation, the spell patterns will temporarily disappear little by little according to the area.

The whole process will last for three breaths.

In other words, within these three breaths, as long as you are fast enough, you can successfully enter the Ten Thousand Lords' Dharma Domain without touching the Dharma Patterns.

This is what Jiang Yun is waiting for!

This interval will not be too long, ranging from one month to ten days.

Anyway, Jiang Yun's injury has not recovered yet.

Moreover, if during the waiting time, the blood of the candle dragon and the fire seed can determine the winner, it will also give him more means to save his life.

Just like that, Jiang Yun sat cross-legged in the darkness of nothingness, staring intently at the changes in the magic patterns within a range of thousands of miles in front of him.

Originally Jiang Yun thought he would wait at least a few days.

Unexpectedly, after only two hours, the outermost magic patterns within a range of thousands of miles began to disappear.

This represents the beginning of the rotation of spell patterns.

Of course, Jiang Yun would not enter directly now, but would use his spiritual consciousness to keep a close eye on these magic patterns and record the time and location of their disappearance.

After three breaths, the rotation ends!

The movement trajectory of the Dharma pattern has changed.

Jiang Yun remembered all the changes in his heart, closed his eyes, and waited for the second rotation.

However, what Jiang Yun didn't expect was that one day later, the second rotation started again.

"Wouldn't it take ten days at the very least before they are rotated?"

Jiang Yun frowned slightly and thought secretly: "Has the time changed now, so that it rotates once a day?"

Because he was puzzled, Jiang Yun still did not step into it this time, but continued to watch the whole process. It was exactly the same as last time, without any difference.

After reading it twice, Jiang Yun already had absolute confidence that he could successfully enter the Ten Thousand Lords' Dharma Domain without touching the Dharma Patterns.

However, Jiang Yun felt a little strange about this sudden change in interval.

After all, according to the memory of the obese old man, the time between rotations of this pattern has not changed for tens of thousands of years.

Especially when the old man took Hun Chengyu and others to the Jitian Law Territory, nothing changed.

Why is it that now that I am here, the rotation time of this magic pattern suddenly changes to once a day?

Next, Jiang Yun waited for another three days, which proved his suspicion. As expected, the rotation of spell patterns became once a day!

On the sixth day, seeing that the fifth spell rotation was about to begin, Jiang Yun said to himself: "The sudden change in spell rotation time is most likely because of me!"

"The Ten Thousand Masters Realm already knows that I am coming, so this is simply a trap they have set up!"

Within six days, Jiang Yun had also thought that Zixu might still be alive, and notified the Ten Thousand Masters Domain that he was going to the Hunyou Domain.

Therefore, the Ten Thousand Master Law Domain changed the timing of the pattern rotation, deliberately relaxed its defenses, and lured itself in!

"In this case, it is really risky to enter directly. Then we will wait and see if any monks from the Ten Thousand Lords Domain will come back."

"If there are any, then I can catch a few of them and then enter by pretending to be the other person's identity."

Jiang Yun continued to wait.

While he was waiting, across the area covered by the Ten Thousand Miles of Dharma Patterns, within the Ten Thousand Lords Dharma Domain, there was also a group of people waiting.

There are six people in this group, and each of them is half a step beyond the realm of transcendence.

The leader was a middle-aged man with an unusually tall figure, cold eyes, and a pattern in the shape of the word "lord" between his eyebrows.

He is the Lord of all!

After receiving the notice from Zixu, they inquired in detail about the location of the fight between Jiang Yun and Zixu. They speculated that Jiang Yun would arrive from this direction, so they changed the interval between spell rotations and waited for Jiang Yun's arrival.

An old man said to Wan Zhu: "Sir, is it possible that Jiang Yun doesn't dare to come?"

"Or maybe he has changed his location and is preparing to enter our Ten Thousand Lords' Domain from other places?"

More than a month has passed since Zixu's notice, and they still haven't waited for Jiang Yun.

For Jiang Yun, they also temporarily gave up other things.

Especially the attack on the Liangyi Domain caused some of the results they had obtained to be taken away by the Kudu Dao Domain, so they lost some patience.

Wan Zhu shook his head and said: "Since Zi Xu has changed the transmission position of the teleportation array, then he must be heading towards the unknown depths of darkness."

"Otherwise, he has nowhere else to go but to come to us."

"It doesn't matter, we just keep waiting!"

When another ten days passed, Jiang Yun still didn't wait for anyone to arrive.

Seeing that another rotation of magic patterns was about to begin, Jiang Yun finally stood up and said: "We can't just wait here forever!"

Today, his injuries have healed, and he has decided not to wait any longer and enter the Ten Thousand Lords' Dharma Domain no matter what.

And just when he raised his feet and was about to step into the Wanli area, he suddenly discovered that within the blood bead, the battle between the blood of the candle dragon and the fire was actually over!

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