Taoist world

Chapter 7669: First come, first served

The area that had been called "Kill Zhentian" not long ago has now become deathly silent.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the spot where the golden-armored monk had been standing.

There, except for a black hole, there is no trace of the golden-armored monk's past presence.

A person who has transcended even half a step has just vanished into thin air and vanished into ashes!

Under the Origin Realm, even in the eyes of some peak Origin powerhouses, Jiang Yun really easily killed a half-step transcendent person with the power of a palm.

But in fact, many half-step transcendent experts know it well.

The reason why Jiang Yun was able to kill the golden-armored monk was not all because of his own strength, but because he used the power of the light network that covered the entire Daoxing domain!

Especially the Confucian scholar and Shanhe Dharma Master.

When they were in the entrance before, they wanted to attack those black thunders, and suddenly there was a bright light inside their bodies.

An extremely powerful force suppressed all their abilities and turned them into mortal beings.

At this moment, they believed that the situation of the golden-armored monk must be the same as theirs at that time!

The moment Jiang Yun took action, the power of the light network in the golden-armored monk's body was bound to activate, suppressing his cultivation, making him unable to move or fight back. Only then was he easily defeated by Jiang Yun's golden body. Killed with one palm.

In fact, it was not difficult for them to deduce that although the power of the light network was powerful, it was absolutely impossible to maintain such power all the time.

Only when the power of the light network is concentrated and gathered in a few half-step transcendent bodies can such an effect be achieved.

If the power of the light network can really suppress all the cultivation of half-step transcendence, then it is impossible for the Daoxing Great Region to win so miserably in this battle.

However, even though he knew this, he still felt a sense of fear towards Jiang Yun in his heart despite his half-step detachment from Jitian Law Realm.

After all, it's all just speculation on their part.

What if the power of the light network can suppress two, three, or even more half-step transcendental cultivations at the same time?

Therefore, in the face of the death of the golden-armored monk, the remaining nine people in the Jitian Law Domain were half-detached. No one spoke, and no one went to scold Jiang Yun or avenge their companions.

They all stood there quietly, expressionless, making it impossible to tell what they were thinking.

Jiang Yun retracted his palm, dispersed the Dao Golden Body, looked at everyone in the Jitian Law Domain again and said: "Those of you who have killed my Daoxing monk, don't think about living."

"Those who have not been killed can be spared and become my slaves in the Daoxing Great Domain."

"If your fate is hard enough, and if our Daoxing domain is lucky enough, then, after the battle between Dao and Fa is over, I will set you free!"

"As for you..."

Jiang Yun raised his voice and glanced at the faces of Master Shanhe and others one by one. He suddenly smiled and said: "I have no ability to close that entrance, so I will not restrict your freedom."

"You can try to leave, or you can stay in our Daoxing domain."

"But remember, you are not allowed to harm or enslave the creatures of my Daoxing Territory, and you are not allowed to occupy the homes of the creatures of my Daoxing Territory."

Jiang Yun stretched out two fingers, first pointed at his own eyes, and then pointed at their eyes and said: "If you dare to do it, I will know immediately."

"Until then, the golden-armored monk just now will be your role model!"

After saying these words, Jiang Yun turned to Pan Chaoyang and said: "You should also inform all the living beings in the Daoxing Territory that these outside monks are mortal enemies of us!"

"Except for you, anyone who dares to have any contact with them will be regarded as a traitor and will be killed without mercy!"

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to you. I still have some personal matters to deal with, so I'll take my leave now!"

Jiang Yun clasped his fists at Brahma and the others, waved his sleeves, and sent Long Xiangzi and the other five people into his own realm.

\u0026n/\u003eAfter winking at Tianzun and the old man holding the pen, the three of them left and flew in the direction of Daoxing Tiandi.

Although Jiang Yun left, most of the others were stunned in place!

Because they didn't believe their ears, and they didn't believe that Jiang Yun actually let go of those half-steps of detachment in Jitian Law Domain.

They were even allowed to live freely in the Daoxing area.

However, Pan Chaoyang, Brahma and the others looked at each other and nodded secretly, praising Jiang Yun's half-step transcendent method in dealing with the Jitian Law Domain in their hearts, which was really ingenious.

Jiang Yun seems to have given these half-steps of transcendent freedom, but this freedom has conditions.

It is not allowed to harm or enslave a creature in the Daoxing Great Region, and it is not allowed to occupy the home of a creature in the Daoxing Great Region.

Half-step detachment is the supreme existence in any Taoist world.

Not only do they have a lot of slaves under them, at least they no longer need to do many things personally. However, in the unfamiliar Dao world of Daoxing Great Domain, if the creatures here are not allowed to enslave or harm, and they are not allowed to occupy the homes of the creatures here, especially if the creatures of Daoxing have not had any contact with them, then they are tantamount to becoming...

Became a homeless loner.

They can only occupy some uninhabited stars or worlds.

But such a world is either extremely barren or lifeless and on the verge of destruction.

Not to mention cultivation resources, they don’t even have basic spiritual energy, strength, etc.

They have no one to call upon.

As a superior person, it is impossible for them to adapt to such a life.

Jiang Yun's action of killing the golden-armored monk seemed to be angered by the golden-armored monk, but his real purpose was to establish his power by taking advantage of the golden-armored monk.

It is telling other people with half-step transcendence that he has the ability to kill them and can monitor their every move.

However, Jiang Yun didn't really cut off their livelihood. He at least left a way for them to find Pan Chaoyang!

As long as they go to Pan Chaoyang, they will definitely lower their profile, pay some price, and find a place for themselves.

As for what price they will pay, Jiang Yun believes that Pan Chaoyang will definitely plan it carefully.

For example, their magical powers, the situation in the Jitian Law Domain...

Of course, this is not a long-term solution.

But from the current point of view, this is indeed the best way to deal with these half-step detachments.


At this time, Pan Chaoyang coughed twice and said to Master Shanhe and others: "Everyone, I have always been very disciplined."

"Special recognition of four words, first come, first served."


Before Pan Chaoyang could finish his words, a very enthusiastic voice interrupted him and said: "My little friend, what we just talked about was very speculative!"

"After careful consideration, I decided to accept your previous invitation!"

This voice comes from that Confucian scholar!

Previously, the Confucian scholar took a fancy to Pan Chaoyang and wanted to take him as his subordinate.

Of course Pan Chaoyang refused, and in turn asked him to join Daoxing Dayu.

At that time, Pan Chaoyang only said angry words.

But now, this Confucian scholar was the first to put down his identity and come to Pan Chaoyang.

The smile on Pan Chaoyang's face became thicker and he said, "Did I say something just now?"

"Sorry, I'm a bit forgetful, so don't take me seriously!"

This time, that time.

Of course Pan Chaoyang cannot let these people gain a foothold in the Daoxing area so easily! At the same time, in the Cauldron Heart Territory, the middle-aged man from the Jitian Law Territory, with gleaming eyes, looked around at the huge nine-petal flowers!

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