Taoist world

Chapter 7661 Piercing Formation

Compared to the Lord of Heavenly Stems, Jiang Yun knows better the power of the nine transcendent strong men outside the cauldron who are trapped in the heart of the cauldron. He even knows which of the nine races can restrain which color of power!

Therefore, at a glance, he already understood that the middle-aged man was borrowing the transcendent power of the nine tripods to not only suppress the formation, but also had the possibility of breaking it.

And if you want to fight against the transcendent power of the Nine Tripods, the best way is to continue to send the power of the Nine Tribes into the formation.

It is a pity that Jiang Yun can no longer provide more power from the nine clans.

However, within Daoxing Heaven and Earth, there are people from nine tribes!

Although they are no longer pure Nine Clans, and have almost nothing to do with the real Nine Clans distributed in the tripod, what they practice is the real power of the Nine Clans.

However, the overall strength of the Nine Clans is now too weak.

Moreover, except for the mirage clan, although the other eight clans exist, their numbers have long since been withered away, and the number of clan members is not large.

Therefore, Jiang Yun continued: "The power of the formation spirits and nine tribes is not too much, nor is it too strong."

"After I borrowed their power, I wonder if you can turn their power into your own?"

"If it's possible, we'll borrow it. If not, then we'll find other ways!"

The combined strength of all the nine tribes may not be able to match the power of a strong person in the Origin Realm.

If you purely want to rely on their strength to compete with the forces outside the tripod, it will only be a drop in the bucket and cannot be stopped at all.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yun waited with anticipation.

He was not sure whether the array spirit could understand his words and do what he said!

After all, after the weapon spirit transformed into the formation spirit, all intelligence and consciousness were completely wiped out.

As soon as he finished speaking, countless light spots suddenly floated up from the avenue of light beneath him and rushed toward his eyebrows.

Jiang Yun couldn't help being slightly startled, not knowing what this meant.

However, out of trust in Ye Dong and the formation spirit, Jiang Yun did not block these light spots and allowed all the light spots to sink into his eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, a map appeared in Jiang Yun's mind!

Map of Daoxing area!

The shape of the entire Daoxing Domain is no longer a sphere, but somewhat similar to the world, an irregular shape.

Within it, there were many dark shadows scattered around.

And when Jiang Yun wanted to see clearly what these shadows were, the map would actually enlarge on its own, showing the shadows clearly.

Those shadows are the Dao realms!

Jiang Yun immediately understood that the formation spirit understood his words and had the ability to turn the power of the nine tribes into the power of the formation diagram.

However, he didn't know the specific location of Daoxing Heaven and Earth, so he simply presented himself with the complete map of Daoxing Territory and asked him to find it.

Jiang Yun did not dare to neglect, his spiritual consciousness kept scanning through the Dao realms, and soon found the location of Dao Xing Heaven and Earth!

In the map, Daoxing Heaven and Earth is also a dark shadow.

But unlike other Taoist realms, the shadow edge of Daoxing Tiandi is much deeper than other Taoist realms.

If the map of the Daoxing realm was drawn by someone, then this person would only touch upon it when drawing other Dao realms.

Only when drawing Daoxing Heaven and Earth, heavy ink was used!

Jiang Yun had a thought: "Could this be because Daoxing Tiandi is in the game?"

"The edge of the shadow is actually the specific game?"

The situation where Daoxing Tiandi is located cannot be seen with the naked eye or spiritual consciousness.

Unexpectedly, today in this map, this so-called game was actually presented in this way.

"Perhaps, with the help of the formation diagram, I can break this situation?"

p;As soon as this idea appeared in Jiang Yun's mind, he was rejected by himself.

Because this formation diagram has only one purpose, to protect the Daoxing Domain!

Unless Jiang Yun can take possession of the formation diagram as his own, it will be impossible for him to control the power of the formation diagram.

Jiang Yun fixed the map of Daoxing Heaven and Earth in his mind, and then said: "Zhenling, this is Daoxing Heaven and Earth."

"I don't need to enter, just send my voice into it!"


In the avenue of light beneath Jiang Yun, there is another part that hangs upside down, forming another waterfall.

The waterfall quickly became transparent, and through the waterfall, Jiang Yun saw the interior of Daoxing Heaven and Earth.

They even saw the Taoist Master in the Immortal Realm!

Looking at Dao Zun, Jiang Yun said directly: "Dao Zun, I am Jiang Yun. We are currently at war with other regions."

"I need you to inform the Nine Tribes immediately and say that I want to borrow their power."

"They just need to send the power away!"

"Except for the members of the Nine Clans, don't let anyone else know about this."

If Jiang Yun spoke to the Nine Clans, all the creatures in the Daoxing world would hear his voice.

After experiencing what happened with the Soul Dao Demon, Jiang Yun was not sure whether there would be people in Daoxing World colluding with outsiders.

As for the secret of the Nine Clans being able to restrain the power of Longwen Red Cauldron, at least for now, not many people know about it.

Therefore, Jiang Yuncai asked Dao Zun, who was Daoxing Tiandi, to inform the nine tribes so that he could continue to keep this secret.

Hearing Jiang Yun's voice, Dao Zun was startled and hurriedly turned his head to look for Jiang Yun's location.

Jiang Yun had no choice but to urge again: "Stop looking. Time is running out now. Please notify the Nine Clans quickly."

"If it's too late, the Daoxing Territory may fall."

Dao Zun then informed the nine tribes according to what Jiang Yun said.

After all the creatures in the Dream Realm moved to the True Realm, An Caiyi placed the Nine Clan and other people who were close to Jiang Yun in the Zangfeng space opened by Situ Jing.

After Dao Zun told Jiang Yun's request, the nine tribesmen, including the Demon Lord, naturally gave away their power without hesitation.

There was no need for Jiang Yun to absorb it at all. Their power had disappeared without a trace as soon as it left their bodies and was directly absorbed by the formation diagram. Just when Jiang Yun thought that the formation map would transform these powers and use them to compete with the power outside the tripod borrowed by the middle-aged man, he suddenly discovered that in addition to the map of the Daoxing Territory in his mind, there was another The circle is composed of countless lines

A huge light network formed by the combination.

In the center of the light network, there is a ten-blood lamp suspended.

Looking at the light net and the ten-blood lantern, Jiang Yun was startled again and said: "This is the formation diagram!"

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yun felt as if he was integrated with the Ten Blood Lanterns and the formation diagram under him.

Jiang Yun looked surprised and said, "You want me to control the array?"


As soon as Jiang Yun finished speaking, nine more hair-thin lines suddenly appeared in the light net.

Under Jiang Yun's gaze, these nine lines expanded at an extremely fast speed and became as thick as a finger.

This change in the scene made Jiang Yun take a breath.

Because these nine lines are clearly the power of the nine clans that the array has just absorbed.

They were really few in number originally, but the formation diagram used some method to make them multiply dozens or hundreds of times in an instant!

This made Jiang Yun couldn't help but wonder if Ye Dong had also practiced the power of the Nine Clans!


At this moment, a loud thunder roar came.

In the Jitian Law Domain, in front of the middle-aged man, a group of black light condensed into a spear, which pierced the light net of the million-foot entrance. The sharp gun tip actually passed through the optical network, causing several cracks to appear on the optical network!

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