Taoist world

Chapter 7655 The disappearance of the wind

The Confucian scholar went straight to Tianzun.

But when he was about to approach Tianzun, he suddenly stopped, raised his head suddenly, and looked upward.

Not just Confucian students, but all monks with a certain level of strength, regardless of Taoism, all looked up like the Confucian students at this moment.

Because, above everyone's heads, bursts of wind suddenly appeared!

These winds do not contain the slightest power.

No matter where they appeared, they did not blow towards anyone after they appeared. Instead, they all rushed towards one direction and rushed away quickly.

It seems that these winds are extremely ordinary.

However, where the wind passed by, the power of the avenue in the Daoxing area was like crops that had been dry for a long time, suddenly encountering a burst of manna, and suddenly it increased steadily.

Most people, especially the monks in the Daoxing Domain, are almost completely confused about these winds and don't know where they come from.

But the expressions of those who were half-step transcendent in the Jitian Law Domain suddenly changed.

Especially the Confucian scholar shouted loudly: "This is the transcendent wind tribulation!"

"There are people in this great domain who are breaking through to transcendence, and they have reached the final step!"

The golden-armored monk who was fighting with Tianzun then asked: "Is he that kid just now?"

Their vision and experience are much higher than those of the monks in the Daoxing Domain, so they can recognize the origin of these winds at a glance.

When a monk breaks through to transcendence and is about to succeed, he may face a catastrophe!

And the ways in which heavenly tribulation appears are varied.

But one of them is wind tribulation, so it is called transcendent wind tribulation.

Before, Confucian scholars and others saw the departure of Jiang Yun and the Ten Blood Lamp Spirits.

Because the weapon spirit has erupted with a transcendent aura, in their view, the weapon spirit itself is a powerful person with transcendence, so it is naturally impossible to cause a wind disaster.

Then, it can only be Jiang Yun!

They even took it for granted that the weapon spirit took Jiang Yun away to help Jiang Yun break through to transcendence. Master Shanhe took a step back, suddenly turned his head, and shouted to Jiayi, who was within the million-foot entrance and had not really entered the Daoxing domain: "Go and tell your Excellency about this matter, please make your decision. We Do you want to evacuate here first?

! "

Even though they knew that the dispute between Taoism and Dharma had rules that prohibited those with transcendence and power from intervening, Jiang Yun's situation was indeed a bit special.

Because Jiang Yun is a Taoist cultivator who made a breakthrough in the battle between Taoism and Dharma!

Under such circumstances, they were not sure whether the detached strong still needed to follow this rule.

If Jiang Yun could not be bound by this rule, then everyone in the Jitian Law Territory would not be Jiang Yun's opponent if they were tied together.

Therefore, the safest way now is to leave the Daoxing area quickly before Jiang Yun truly breaks through, and proactively seal the entrance to temporarily end this war.

If Jiang Yun finally succeeds in breaking through, then he will not be able to intervene in the dispute between Tao and law.

Jiayi didn't dare to step into the Daoxing realm, so his role was just a sounding board.

After hearing the words of Master Shanhe, he immediately crushed a stone.

Soon, he responded loudly to Master Shanhe and others: "My lord said, there is no need to retreat!"

And as Jiayi finished speaking, he saw that in the entrance, a group of monks from the Jitian Law Domain stepped into the Daoxing Domain.

Obviously, not only did they not need to retreat, but the Lord also wanted to strike while the iron was hot, end the war as soon as possible while already having the advantage, and firmly hold the fruits of victory in his hands.

That gentleman clearly has a very high status in Jitian Faxiu's mind.

Seeing the newly joined monks, Master Shanhe and others were completely relieved, no longer paying attention to the wind that was still blowing in a certain direction, and continued to attack the monks in the Daoxing area.

The Confucian scholar took another step and came to the side of the golden-armored monk.

Just like before, he waved his sleeves, and three runes representing words suddenly appeared and rushed towards Tianzun.

Tianzun is already at a disadvantage.

Although the old man who wrote the book said that she gets stronger when encountering strong people, but no matter how strong she is, due to the limitations of her own cultivation realm, her strength will never be strong enough to be comparable to half a step of transcendence.

Her ability to persevere until now is entirely due to her path of spiritual practice!

Strictly speaking, Tianzun cultivates both Taoism and Dharma!

Even in these two different ways of cultivation, Tianzun has gone a long way and has considerable attainments.

In the Daoxing world, in terms of the realm of Dao cultivation, besides Jiang Yun, she is the only one.

As for the way of cultivating the law, she was already at a level comparable to the Master of All Spirits who was born from the law.

She may even become a transcendent and powerful person!

Therefore, she has a far better understanding of the power of law than pure Taoists such as Pan Chaoyang.

But now, facing the joint attack of the golden-armored monks and Confucian scholars, Tianzun knew that he could not take it no matter what.

There was a fierce look in her eyes, and she raised her hands.

On the left hand, Dao patterns are everywhere!

On the right hand, the magic pattern is entwined!

Immediately afterwards, Tianzun's hands began to move closer together.

Once her hands are closed, the Dharma pattern and the Dao pattern will completely touch each other.

But at this moment, a figure appeared in front of her faster than Tianzun's hands.

Before the figure fully emerged, a pen held in his hand was already moving quickly in the void, writing two Dao patterns that were also similar to words.


Next to Tianzun, wind suddenly appeared and rain came.

Under the strong wind and rain, the three runes thrown by the Confucian scholar were easily blown away and submerged!

The pen falls and the wind and rain appear!

The person who came was naturally the old man who wrote the pen!

Although the old man writing the pen was fighting with another half-step transcendent, half of his attention was always focused on Tianzun.

Again, since Tianzun joined this war under his persuasion, the old man who wrote the pen must save Tianzun's life no matter what.

Therefore, seeing Tianzun in danger, he immediately abandoned his opponent and came to help.


After blocking the Confucian scholar's attack for Tianzun, the old man who wrote the pen shouted to Tianzun: "Now is not the time to fight desperately!"

Others may not know the consequences of Tianzun's recent move to merge the Dao pattern patterns, but in recent years, the old man who has lived in Dao Xing Tiandi almost all the time knows it very clearly!

That is equivalent to the Qianjiang Shuiyue technique he taught Jiang Yun, which is a forbidden technique created by Tianzun himself.

The consequences of using forbidden techniques will cause a great blow to Tianzun, and may even perish together with the enemy.

Of course, the old man holding the pen cannot let Tianzun display it.

As he spoke, the wind and rain also caught Tianzun and took him away quickly.

The Confucian scholar smiled coldly and said, "She is gone, but don't even think about leaving!"

The Confucian scholar raised his hand, and there was also a pen in his hand!

Behind the old man holding the pen, his previous opponent also rushed over.

Coupled with the golden-armored monk, the three of them took a step forward and attacked the old man holding the pen.

Although the Tianzun who was sent out was temporarily out of danger, he had no strength to fight anymore. After a mouthful of blood spurted out, he fell directly to the ground.

Tianzun didn't bother to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked around.

At one glance, her heart suddenly sank to the bottom!

Nowadays, most of the monks in the Daoxing Domain are like her, with almost no strength to fight anymore.

This made Tianzun couldn't help but murmur in his heart: "Junior brother, if you don't show up again, then we will really lose this battle!"

As soon as Tianzun finished speaking, countless people on the battlefield suddenly raised their heads again and looked upward. Because, the wind that just appeared inexplicably has now disappeared inexplicably!

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